2017年6月23日 星期五

B4 U6 Exercises 課後練習簡答

Lesson 6  Exercises 課後練習簡答
1. summoned   2. fragrance     3. forecast                4. hardship       5. exceptional
6. rescued                7. desperation  8. designated    9. devoted                10. widespread
1. A         2. C         3. D
1.      A       2. B         3. D         4. B         5. C
1. gave; birth; to
2. watch; over
3. Legend; has; it; that
4. As; a; matter; of; fact
5. pour; down
è  Google is said to be the best company to work for.
è  Many people accept the fact that science cannot explain everything.
1.   In recent times, legends about Mazu’s good deeds have become widespread.

2.   一般相信媽祖是華語世界裡最多人膜拜的人物之一。

