2017年6月8日 星期四

B2 U7 句型手冊

Unit 7
1. It + be + consider/said/believed/thought (+ that) + S + V....
  → S + be + considered/said/believed/thought + to V....
說明 1 此句型以虛主詞it開頭,代替原來的主詞that子句,用被動語態表示「一
2 that子句中的主詞置於句首時,後面的動詞改為to V。注意被動語態的be
例句 1. It is considered that Taiwan produces many high­quality products.
       → Taiwan is considered to produce many high­quality products.
     2. It is said that Fred and Betty has broken up with each other.
       → Fred and Betty are said to have broken up with each other.
     3. It is believed Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.
       → Friday the 13th is believed to be an unlucky day.
練習 1. 烏龜普遍被認為行動緩慢。
     2. 據說這位知名歌手下個月要結婚了。
                            the famous singer is going to get married
       next month.

2. ...N, who/whom/which...,
說明  非限定用法的關係子句用來說明對象很明確的先行詞,前面須有逗點隔開,
例句 1. Zhang Lian­chang shared his knowledge with other Houli residents, who then
       opened their own saxophone factories. (張連昌與其他后里居民分享他的知  
     2. Jane, whom Mark falls in love with, is very tall.
     3. The Italian restaurant, which offers high­quality food, is very expensive.
練習 1.那幅我摯友給的畫是我19歲生日禮物。
       The painting,
                     by my best friend, was a gift for my 19th
     2. Sherry很快地和她在面試時遇見的Nicole成為朋友。
       Sherry soon became friends with Nicole,
       she met during a job

3. nothing more than + N   不過是……
說明  nothing more than加上名詞有「不過是……」之意,類似的用法還有nothing   
例句 1. In the past, people believed that Taiwan was nothing more than a small island in
       the Pacific Ocean. (在過去,人們認為臺灣只不過是太平洋中的一個小島。)
     2. Be careful! That man who is trying to make you buy things is nothing more than   
       a liar! (小心!那個試著要你買東西的男人不過是個騙子!)
     3. Don't get angry. What I said was nothing but a joke!
練習 1. Peter要的不過是一個溫暖的擁抱。
       Peter wanted
                     a warm hug.
     2. 這位知名的女演員需要的只不過是一些隱私。
       The famous actress needed
              some privacy.

4. V­ing/Vpp + N
說明  此句型介紹現在分詞與過去分詞作形容詞,以修飾後面名詞的用法。現在分
例句 1. Zhang Lian­chang received a damaged saxophone and repaired it.
     2. The stolen car was found by the police.
     3. Keep the boiling water out of children's reach.
練習 1. 飛起來的蟑螂使得Rachel尖叫。
       cockroach made Rachel scream.
     2. 魚隻和其他動物要在污染的河川裡存活是很困難的。
       It is difficult for fish and other animals to survive in the

5. A be named (as) B
說明 1 此片語為被動語態,A be named B可以用來表示「被選定為……」之意,
     2 執行動作者(sb)沒有被省略的句子中,也可以寫成主動語態,即sb name A as
例句 1. In 2001, Giant was named by Forbes as one of the best companies in the world. 
     2. The director's new movie was named the best movie.
     3. Jason's boss named him as the new leader of the team.
練習 1. 這位歌手的新專輯被音樂雜誌選定為年度最佳專輯之一。
       The singer's new album was
              one of the best albums of the  
       year        the music magazine.

     2. 店經理選定了Billy做他的助理。
       The store manager
       Billy        his assistant.

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
(  ) 1 .It is    that the temple was built more than 200 years ago.
     (A) believe        (B) believed        (C) believing       (D) believes
(  ) 2. Before Lucy dated Zack, she thought he was    an ordinary guy.
     (A) nothing more than              (B) nothing much
     (C) nothing more                   (D) nothing much more
(  ) 3. My older sister,    has just finished her study in Japan, is coming back to   
     Taiwan next month.
     (A) which          (B) that            (C) who            (D) whom
(  ) 4.Alice was    the winner of the speech competition.
     (A) name           (B) named           (C) naming          (D) names
(  ) 5.Tracy looked at the    baby quietly.
     (A) sleep            (B) slept          (C) sleeping         (D) sleeps
(  ) 6. Don't be scared! It's    a ghost story.
     (A) nothing for      (B) nothing more     (C) nothing          (D) nothing but
(  ) 7. In order to protect the environment, Hazel uses notebooks made from    paper.
     (A) recycle        (B) recycled        (C) recycling       (D) recycles
(  ) 8. The star on the magazine cover is    to be the best singer of the year.
     (A) considered      (B) consider        (C) considers        (D) to consider
(  ) 9. My best friend Amy,    I have known for 15 years, is going to get married
      next year.
     (A) that            (B) whom            (C) who           (D) which
(  ) 10. Emma    Zoe    her new secretary.
     (A) named; as        (B) named; for    (C) name; as        (D) name; ×

II. 改寫句子:依據提示字將以下各句改寫。
1. It is thought that the prince is the most handsome man in the country.
2. Leo's aunt owns a bakery. Leo's aunt is very good at making cakes.
3. Miranda wanted nothing but a chance to show her talent.
nothing more than改寫)
4. Tina took the chicken out of the oven. The chicken was burnt.
5. Mr. Johnson named Edward as the new chief.

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 這本書被普遍認為是現代經典。
  This book
                            one of the modern classics.
2. Mr. Rickman是我的數學老師,他人很好又有耐心。
  Mr. Rickman,
   is very kind and patient, is my math teacher.
3. 網路上的某些訊息只不過是一些謠言。
  Some messages on the Internet are
4. 這位媽媽正試著以一個唱歌的娃娃安撫哭泣的寶寶。
  The mother is trying to comfort her
       baby with a        doll.
5. 去年,老師選定George為班長。
  Last year, the teacher
       George        the class leader.

