2017年10月11日 星期三

B3 U1~U2 課後DIY解答

──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________      1. It is difficult for the foreigner to e______s himself in  
__________      2. I went to the art museum yesterday to a______e this
             famous painter’s work.
__________      3. The milk went sour and smelled d______g.
__________      4. Since so many people are out of work now, the country
             may begin to have more s______l problems.
__________      5. I felt happy because my teacher p______ed me for doing
             well on the English test.
__________      6. My father has lost a lot of hair, but it doesn’t seem to
             b______r him at all.
__________      7. The writer is known for his h______r. His stories always
             make readers laugh.
__________      8. Kelly m______ned that she had quit her job, but she
             didn’t explain why.
__________      9. We couldn’t reach a decision because we had different
             v______ws on the matter.
__________      10. Charlene doesn’t m______d going shopping on her own.  
              In fact, she quite enjoys it.

1. express   2. appreciate    3. disgusting    4. social    5.praised
6. bother     7. humor      8. mentioned   9. views    10. mind

II. Multiple Choice
(   ) 1. Little      what other people think about him.
         (A) the man cares          (B) cares the man
         (C) the man does care       (D) does the man care
(   ) 2. When it comes     , David is the best in our class.
         (A) sing      (B) sings       (C) to sing    (D) to singing
(   ) 3. Getting up early in cold weather      not easy for me.
         (A) be         (B) is           (C) are         (D) ×
(   ) 4. The      student volunteered to take care of the stray cats  
         (流浪貓) at school.
         (A) animal-loving          (B) animal-love
         (C) love-animal             (D) loving-animal
(   ) 5. Last month, I went to Sydney      the invitation of a local
         (A) in          (B) to        (C) at          (D) on

1. D   2. D   3.B   4.A   5.C

III. Cloze Test
    Many of Taiwan’s customs are considered strange to Yuka Aoki, a Japanese writer. For example, she  1  that Taiwanese people are free to talk while other people are singing at a KTV.  2  for the Japanese to do that! Aoki said that Japanese people always listen carefully to others  3  at KTVs. In addition, she noticed that in comparison to Japanese people, Taiwanese people stand  4  closer to each other. Although some Taiwanese customs are different from Japanese ones, Aoki is in love with the warmth of Taiwanese people. Through her writings, she continues to introduce Taiwan  5  other Japanese people.
(   ) 1. (A) observed        (B) adopted   (C) protected  (D) determined
(   ) 2. (A) How rude would it be    (B) What rude would it be
         (C) How rude it would be     (D) What rude it would be
(   ) 3. (A) sing       (B) sung        (C) sings      (D) to singing
(   ) 4. (A) apart     (B) much     (C) more            (D) very
(   ) 5. (A) up         (B) at          (C) on         (D) to

1. A   2. C   3. A   4. B   5. D

IV. Guided Translation
1. Helen在美國已經住了兩年,但她還是不習慣那裡的食物。
  Helen has lived in the United States for two years, but she         
  still not               the food there.
2. 醫生說我的抽菸習慣可能會導致肺癌。
   The doctor said that my smoking habit might l                
   lung cancer.
3. 這個受歡迎的女子團體是由四位既漂亮又有實力的歌手所組成。
   The popular girl group is               of four beautiful and   
   talented singers.
4. 我想到我把手機放在家裡,所以我又回去拿。
   It               me that I had left my cell phone at home, so I went back to get it.
5. 騎腳踏車可以幫你省錢。而且,對健康也有益。
   Riding a bicycle can help you save money. W             , it
   is good for your health.

1. is...used to
2. lead to
3. made up
4. occurred to
5. What’s more

──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________      1. This gym has the newest sports e  t for all of the
people who exercise there.
__________      2. The country’s fast economic d  t has made its people
__________      3. D  e the rain, the baseball game still continued.
__________      4. It took the foreign student quite a long time to a  t to
Taiwanese culture.
__________      5. Matt followed the doctor’s a  e and started to exercise
__________      6. The man’s face looked f  r to me, but I couldn’t
remember his name.
__________      7. According to the studies, smokers have a higher risk of
lung () c  r.
__________      8. Tracy is my f  l friend. She has always been there for
me when I need help.
__________      9. Mr. Wu considered his wife his only love and life c  n.
__________      10. Erica d  es social occasions because she doesn’t
know how to talk to strangers.

1. equipment  2. development  3. Despite 4. adjust      5. advice 
6. familiar    7. cancer       8. faithful   9. companion  10. dislikes 

II. Filling in the Blanks
for            with            of           to            in

1. Would you please leave me alone? I just want to read my book       peace.
2. Tommy is afraid      the dark, so he always leaves a light on when he goes to sleep.
3. When we hear the bell ring, we know it’s time      our lunch  break.
4. The mother was very worried when her baby suddenly became ill     a fever.
5. The little girl has become very attached      her doll. She carries it around with her all the time.

1. in
2. of
3. for
4. with
5. to

III. Multiple Choice
(   ) 1. The dog seems    what we say.
(A) understand              (B) to understand
(C) understands             (D) to understanding
(   ) 2. Instead of    his hometown, Ted decided to find a job there.
(A) leave    (B) leaving      (C) left         (D) leaves
(   ) 3. If I    rich, I would try my best to help the poor.
(A) were     (B) will be       (C) am         (D) be
(   ) 4. Lee gave Carla a call,    her to meet him at 7 p.m.
(A) tells      (B) and telling  (C) telling       (D) to telling
(   ) 5. Sharon insisted that Toby    the homemade cookies.
(A) tries     (B) trying        (C) to try        (D) try

1. B  2. B  3. A  4. C  5. D

IV. Sentence­Writing
1. John should tell the truth.
It is time                                                  .
2. I don’t know Maggie’s address, so I can’t send her a postcard.
If I knew Maggie’s address,                               .
1. for John to tell the truth
2. I could send her a postcard

V. Guided Translation
1. 我以為Christina聽完這個悲傷的故事會哭。令我感到非常驚訝的是,她開始大笑。
I thought Christina would cry after she heard the sad story.     
              , she began to laugh.
2. 儘管Lillian不會說法文,她還是獨自前往法國。
            Lillian couldn’t speak French, she still went to France on her own.
3. Linda把這隻受傷的鳥帶回家照顧。
Linda brought the wounded bird home and               

1. Much to my surprise
2. Even though
3. took care of

