2017年10月30日 星期一

Book 5 Unit 4 Vocabulary & Phrases

Words for Production
1.     interview  n. [C] 面試;訪談
Jessie is going for an interview next Monday for a job in Hong Kong.
The president shared his vision of the country’s future in a television interview.
interview  vt. 面試;訪談
The manager has interviewed several people, but so far he hasn’t found anyone suitable for the job.
● The principal interviewed several students to find out their opinions about the new school regulations.

2.     admission  n. [U] 進入(學校、會場等)的許可
● Christina jumped up and down with excitement when she realized that she had gained admission to Harvard.
admit  vt. 允許進入;承認
● The guard won’t admit anyone without identification into the office building.
● Jack admitted that he had a crush on our classmate, Rose, but he asked me to keep it a secret.

3.     squeeze  vt. 壓縮;榨(汁)
● The researcher managed to squeeze all the key information in her study into a short summary.
George squeezed a few oranges and then poured the juice into a glass.

4.     stuff  vt. ……塞進
● This bookcase is too small. It’s impossible to stuff all these books into it.

5.     crucial  adj. 重要的
To improve your health, it’s crucial that you quit drinking and smoking as soon as possible.

6.     pitch  n. [C] 推銷
TV viewers watch countless commercial pitches promoting all kinds of products every day.

7.     corporation  n. [C] 公司
Sometimes it is easier to stand out if you work in a small company instead of a large corporation.

8.     clarify  vt. 闡明
The speaker showed the audience some pictures and charts to clarify his points.

9.     specify  vt. 具體說明
● Our professor specified what should be included in the report so that we would know exactly what to write about.

10.   career  n. [C] 職業;事業
After I get married, I plan to pursue my career instead of becoming a housewife.

11.   accomplishment  n. [C] 成就
Getting his novel published was a major accomplishment for the young writer.
accomplish  vt. 達成;實現
● Work with full concentration, and you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in a single day.
accomplished  adj. 有成就的
With her passion for writing, J.K. Rowling has now become an accomplished writer who is famous all over the world.

12.   highlight  vt. 強調;突顯
● The report listed some serious pollution problems. Also, it highlighted the need for stricter laws to help protect the environment.

13.   format  vt. ……編排
Before handing in her paper, the researcher formatted it and double-checked to make sure all the information was clear and correct.

14.   ideal  adj. 理想的;完美的
● My girlfriend’s birthday is coming, and I think her birthday party will be the ideal time for me to propose to her.

15.   candidate  n. [C] 人選;候選人
● There are several qualified candidates for this job, but I guess I will hire the most experienced one.

16.   edit  vt. 編輯
● The writer spent lots of time editing the book to make sure it would be enjoyable for all readers.
editor  n. [C] 編輯
It is said that the famous fashion designer will become the editor-in-chief of a new fashion magazine.

17.   relevant  adj. 相關的
To run the meeting more efficiently, we should stick to the point and avoid bringing up topics that are not relevant.

18.   prevent  vt. 避免
It is hoped that in the future, every car will be equipped with a device that can detect alcohol on the breath of the driver to prevent drunk driving.
prevention  n. [U] 避免;預防
● Smoke alarms play a vital role in the prevention of deaths and injuries from fire.

19.   ensure  vt. 確保;保證
● These machines are checked regularly to ensure that workers will be safe when operating them.

20.   perfect  vt. 使完美
To perfect my speaking and communication skills, I practice English online with an American net pal every day.

21.   rehearse  vt. 排練
My daughter’s drama performance is coming, so she has been rehearsing the play with her classmates after school every day.
rehearsal  n. [U,C] 排練
● The director made a few changes to the script during rehearsal to make the play more interesting.
● There are only two more rehearsals before our drama performance, so please try not to be absent.

22.   deliver  vt. 發表演說
● I had butterflies in my stomach when it was my turn to deliver a speech in front of my classmates.

23.   maintain  vt. 保持,維持
After Jacob and Gina broke up, they still maintained friendly relations with each other.

24.   presentation  n. [C] 報告
Kent is giving a presentation on the company’s new product to some foreign clients.
present  vt. 呈現;展現
● The manager was asked to present the company’s recent sales data to the boss, so he is now busy preparing the information.

25.   department  n. [C] (大學)科系;(公司、政府)部門
● My classmate, Joyce, works part-time as an assistant to a professor in the English department.
● Michael is responsible and hard-working, and he hopes to be promoted to department head one day.

26.   professor  n. [C] 教授
Besides being a popular professor, Mrs. Klein also does some important research for the university.

Words for Recognition
1.     Volkswagen Beetle  n. 福斯金龜車(為德國福斯汽車公司自1930年代起生產製造的一款經典簡約小車。)
2.     CEO  n. [C] (公司或集團的)執行長;總裁 (= Chief Executive Officer)
3.     extracurricular  adj. 課外的
4.     well-rounded  adj. 多才多藝的;面面俱到的
5.     robotic  adj. 如機器人般的
6.     infomercial  n. [C] 電視購物節目;政客訪談節目
7.     authentic adj. 真實的;可信的

1.     put one’s best foot forward 表現最好的一面
Each contestant in the speech contest put his or her best foot forward to win the hearts of the judges.

2.     apply to ……申請
My brother has applied to three universities, and our whole family is praying for good news.

3.     stand out 表現出眾
Printing your resume on colored paper might help you to stand out.

4.     run into 偶遇
● Debra ran into her elementary school teacher while she was taking the subway home.

5.     stick to 堅持;忠於
● You should always stick to your own principles and never let anyone change your mind.

6.     bore sb. with sth. 以某事讓某人覺得乏味厭煩
● Would you stop boring us with unimportant details and just get to the point?

7.     try sth. out 練習某事
To improve his Spanish speaking skills, Norman often tries his Spanish out on his classmate Tim.

8.     as long as 只要
As long as you tell me the truth, I won’t punish you.


