2017年11月1日 星期三


Chapter 08: Adverb
0. Adj. / Adv. + N                      Adv. + V. / Adj. / Adv.
Vegetables, especially spinach, are good for you.

1. S + V
The child giggled happily under the caress of its mother.
The child happily giggled under the caress of its mother.

2. S + V + C
He kept quiet resolutely. (○)                          He kept resolutely quiet. (×)
He resolutely kept quiet. (○)

3. S + V + O
He kissed the girl tenderly.                      He passionately kissed the girl living next door.
He kissed the girl living next door passionately. (×)
He kissed the girl passionately living next door. (×)

4. S + V + O + O
He showed us the document reluctantly.       I willingly offer you my help.

5. S + V + O + C
They elected him chairman unanimously.            I happily pronounce you man and wife.
I pronounce you man and wife happily. (?)

1.強調範圍的副詞(Focusing Adverbs)only, merely, also, especially, particularly, even
Only I heard about the accident yesterday. (No one else did.)
I only heard about the accident yesterday. (I didn’t see it.)
I heard about only the accident yesterday. (I didn’t hear anything else.)
I herd about the accident only yesterday. (I didn’t hear about it earlier.)

He is very much his father’s son.                         You’re utterly insane!
I badly need a drink.

3.程度副詞(Adverbs of Degree)
The project is almost finished.                       You can buy practically anything at a mall.
I can hardly hear you.                                    The promotion was moderately successful.
I know your father rather well.

修飾句子的副詞(Sentence Modifiers)
Vivien Leigh is brilliant.
Clark Gable, however, is lousy.
Therefore, the film is less than perfect.
It is still a good movie; besides. Good romances are rare these days.

Scientifically, the experiment was a success.
Scientifically speaking, the experiment was a success.
If we are speaking scientifically, the experiment was a success.
You are not answering my questions honestly.
Honestly, what are you going to do about it?
Test 08: Adverb
(   ) 1. _____, he would leave his wife at home and go fishing himself.
(A) More often than not                 (B) Oftener than can’t
(C) More often than doesn’t          (D) Oftener than doesn’t
(   ) 2. Separated for year, father and son found _____.
(A) each other greatly changed      (B) one another greatly changed
(C) one another great changed       (D) one greatly changed another
(   ) 3. He speaks English _____ as he does Chinese.
(A) as fluently   (B) as fluent         (C) more fluently  (D) as fluent
(   ) 4. I don’t like detective stories, but science fiction makes _____ impression on me.
(A) quite a different                       (B) a quitely different
(C) a quite differently                     (D) quietly a differently
(   ) 5. I am sorry. I _____ forgot it.
(A) clean           (B) cleanly            (C) cleanness        (D) cleanfully
(   ) 6. After walking so long a distance, I am _____ tired.
(A) dead            (B) deadly            (C) death              (D) died
(   ) 7. We are told to keep _____ of the puddle of water.
(A) clear            (B) clean               (C) clearly            (D) cleanly
(   ) 8. Dick went _____.
(A) late yesterday there                  (B) there late yesterday
(C) yesterday late there                  (D) yesterday there late
(   ) 9. _____ I like to be alone.
(A) some time   (B) Some times     (C) Sometime       (D) Sometimes
(   ) 10. _____ spring, early one Saturday morning, I drove to Taiwan.
(A) Latest          (B) Later               (C) Latter             (D) Last
(   ) 11. Both writing and rewriting _____ are essential, if you want to make a hit.
(A) careful         (B) carefulness     (C) carefully         (D) carelessly
(   ) 12. The computer plays an _____ important role in modern life.
(A) increasing    (B) increasely       (C) increased        (D) increasingly
(   ) 13. He exclaimed, “_____ kind man before!”
(A) Never I met with such              (B) I never meet with such      
(C) Never I’ve met with a such      (D) Never have I met with such a
(   ) 14. “The workers in that factory are treated very badly.” “Yes, they are _____ than slaves.”
(A) the little better                         (B) little better
(C) less better                                 (D) a small better
(   ) 15. “Is John very intelligent?” “Yes, _____ than his brother.”
(A) so much      (B) so more          (C) much so          (D) much more so
(   ) 16. The more we looked at the abstract painting, _____.
(A) the more we liked it                 (B) we liked it more
(C) better we liked it                      (D) it looked better
(   ) 17. The man was _____ disappointed at how small the bag of flour was.
(A) noticeable    (B) noticed           (C) noticeably       (D) noticing
(   ) 18. With the computer down, we _____ our work.
(A) not longer would continue       (B) not longer could continue
(C) could continue no longer          (D) could no longer continue
(   ) 19. He drew the javelin _____ than all the others.
(A) farther         (B) as far              (C) further            (D) farthest
(   ) 20. The enemy is advancing. Stand _____.
(A) firm             (B) firmly             (C) firmness         (D) to firm
Chapter 13: Adverbial Clause
Because he needs the money, he works hard.
He needs the money, and he works hard.

The witness said that he saw the whole thing.
The witness said this, though he didn’t really see it.

He became more frugal after he got married.
I’ll be waiting for you until you’re married.
It was all over when I got there.
A small town grew where three roads met.

If he calls, I’ll say you’re sleeping.
He won’t have it his way, as long as I’m here.
Suppose you were ill, where would you go?

As there isn’t much time left, we might as well call it a day.
There’s nothing to worry about, now that Father is back.
He looked so sincere that no one doubted his story.
The mother locked the door from the outside, so that the kids couldn’t get out when they saw fire.

The mother locked away the drugs so that the kids wouldn’t swallow any by mistake.
I’ve typed out the main points in boldface, in order that you won’t miss them.
I’ve underlined the key points, lest you miss them.
You’d better bring more money, in case you should need it.

Although you may object, I must give it a try.
While the disease is not fatal, it can be very dangerous.
Whether (=No matter) you agree or not, I want to give it a try.
Whoever (=No matter who) calls, I won’t answer.
Whichever (=No matter which) way you go, I’ll follow.
However (=No matter how) cold it is, he’s always wearing a shirt.
Wherever (=No matter where) he is, I’ll get him!
Whenever (=No matter when) you like, you can call me.

As far as money is concerned, you needn’t worry.
Picasso was a revolutionary in that he broke all tradition.

He played the piano as Horowitz would have.
He writes as if he is left-handed.
He writes as if he were left-handed.
He writes as if he was left-handed.

Test 13: Adverbial Clause
(   ) 1. Please come back _____ you finish your work.
(A) as soon as (B) as soon as possible (C) as possibly soon   (D) as soon possible
(   ) 2. Which of the following is correct?
(A) He is very smart; moreover, he is diligent.
(B) He is very smart, moreover, he is diligent.
(C) He is very smart, Moreover, he is diligent.
(D) He is very smart; and moreover, he is diligent.
(   ) 3. It is not able to get off a car _____.
(A) unless it is in motion                    (B) until it has come to a stop
(C) after you have opened the window                            (D) before the traffic light turns red
(   ) 4. If you sell your rice now, you will be playing your hand very badly. Wait _____ the price goes up.
(A) until                 (B) still                 (C) for                  (D) that
(   ) 5. (The rain is over. You must not stay any longer.) You must not stay any longer _____ the rain is over.
(A) when                (B) that                 (C) now that         (D) as for
(   ) 6. It is such a good opportunity _____ you should not miss it.
(A) as                     (B) that                 (C) which             (D) of which
(   ) 7. Tom is dull. He works hard. He will surely pass the exam.
(A) Though Tom is dull, he works so hard that he will surely pass the exam.
(B) Despite his dullness, Tom will surely pass the exam by work hard.
(C) Tom will surely pass the exam because he works hard with his dullness.
(D) Dull as Tom is, he will surely pass the exam with work hard.
(   ) 8. She had worked several years _____ she could continue her studies in France.
(A) as                     (B) while              (C) before             (D) then
(   ) 9. _____, he never begged for money.
(A) Despite he was poor                     (B) Because he was poor
(C) Poor as he was                              (D) In spite of he was poor
(   ) 10. _____ the typhoon warnings, several fishing boats set sail.
(A) Because           (B) According       (C) Despite           (D) Although
(   ) 11. I know I would never have what I needed _____ it myself.
(A) even made                                     (B) without me making
(C) except making                               (D) unless I made
(   ) 12. Which of the following is correct?
(A) I shall either go back to Taiwan or my family will come to England.
(B) I shall go back either to Taiwan or my family will come to England.
(C) Either I shall go back to Taiwan or my family will come to England.
(   ) 13. _____ unwilling to do so, he had to follow the traditional ways.
(A) After                (B) Although        (C) Since              (D) Once
(   ) 14. Which of the following is correct?
(A) Not only the money but also three paintings was stolen.
(B) Not only the money but also three paintings were stolen.
(C) Not only the money was stolen but also were the paintings.
(   ) 15. No one was sure______ was going to happen.
(A) what                (B) who                (C) when              (D) where
(   ) 16. _____ she studied hard, but she didn’t succeed.
(A) Though            (B) Although        (C) Indeed            (D) While
(   ) 17. “You seem angry at Martha.” “I am. _____ I’m concerned.
(A) As like as         (B) As many as    (C) As such as      (D) As far as
(   ) 18. I’m going to tell you the number once more, _____ you forget.
(A) don’t                (B) that                 (C) so that            (D) lest
(   ) 19. The government’s warning _____ there be no contact with Mainland China was greatly ignored.
(A) which               (B) that                 (C) if                     (D) wherever
(   ) 20. Don’t go away _____ you have told me what actually happened.
(A) since                (B) then                (C) after                (D) until
Chapter 22: 倒裝句

Girls like cats more than boys. (?)àambiguous
Girls like cats more than boys do.
Girls like cats more than they like boys.
Girls like cats more than boys, who as a rule are a cruel lot, do. (NG)
Girls like cats more than do boys, who as a rule are a cruel lot.

The President is a man. A heavy responsibility, whether he likes it or not, falls on him.
àThe President is a man on whom a heavy responsibility, whether he likes it or not, falls. (NG)
èThe President is a man on whom falls a heavy responsibility, whether he likes it or not.
The President is a man who bears a lot of responsibility.

If I had been there, I could have done something to help. à
Had I been there, I could have done something to help.

The police said, “None was killed in the accident.” (○)à
“None was killed in the accident,” said the police. (○)
The WHO warns that cholera is coming back. (○) à
Cholera, warns the WHO, is coming back.

類似there is/are倒裝
There goes the train.
Here is your ticket for the opera.
In Loch Ness dwells a mysterious monster.
To the west of Taiwan lies Southern China.
To the east spreads the expanse of the Pacific.

We don’t have such luck every day. à Not every day do we have such luck.
I will not stop waiting for you until you are married. à
Not until you are married will I stop waiting for you.
I had hardly sat down to work when the phone rang. à
Hardly had I sat down to work when the phone rang.
Hardly anyone knew him. (修飾主詞不倒裝)
Only I saw him yesterday. (修飾主詞不倒裝)
I saw him only yesterday. à Only yesterday did I see him.
Gradually they became close friends. (句首是一般副詞位置)
Only gradually did they become close friends. (only gradually有否定意味)
He not only passed the exam but also scored at the top. à
Not only did he pass the exam but also scored at the top. (×)
Not only did he pass the exam but also he scored at the top. (NG)
Not only did he pass the exam but he also scored at the top.(○)

附和句和祈使句的倒裝Mary is pretty. So is her sister.    Long live the King!
Test 22: 倒裝句
(   ) 1. The students were warned that on no account _____ to cheat.
(A) they were        (B) were they       (C) they should    (D) they can
(   ) 2. _____ make up for lost time.
(A) Only by working hard we can      (B) By only working hard we can
(C) Only by working hard can we      (D) By only working hard can we
(   ) 3. Rarely _____ such nonsense.
(A) I have heard     (B) have I heard   (C) I do hear         (D) don’t I hear
(   ) 4.  _____ perched a large black bird.
(A) Often               (B) Suddenly        (C) On the wire    (D) It
(   ) 5. Only just now _____ to him about the things to heed while riding a motorcycle.
(A) I talked            (B) was I talking   (C) talked I           (D) I was talked
(   ) 6. John was an confused about the rules _____.
(A) as were the other contestants       (B) as the other contestants had
(C) than were the other contestants    (D) than the other contestants
(   ) 7. An IBM PC 286 is as powerful _____ on NASA’s Voyager II.
(A) than the mainframe                      (B) than is the mainframe
(C) as the mainframe computer is powerful (D) as is the mainframe computer
(   ) 8. The New Testament is a book _____ the life and teachings of Jesus.
(A) which can be found                      (B) in which can be found
(C) which can find                              (D) in which can find
(   ) 9. Not until the doctor was sure everything was all right _____ the emergency room.
(A) he felt               (B) left he             (C) did he leave    (D) he did leave
(   ) 10. _____, man could die out.
(A) World War III should ever break out
(B) If should World War III ever break out
(C) If World War III should have broken out
(D) Should World War III ever break out
(   ) 11. The results, _____, the leading journal of science, indicate that the experimental procedure is flawed.
(A) says Nature                                   (B) Nature says
(C) which says Nature                        (D) which Nature says
(   ) 12. Across the street from the station _____.
(A) stood an old drugstore                 (B) it stood an old drugstore
(C) where an old drugstore stood       (D) which stood an old drugstore
(   ) 13. I tried to call some friends but______.
(A) none could I reach                        (B) could I reach none
(C) I could none reach                        (D) I none could reach
(   ) 14. _____ trouble you again.
(A) Never will I.     (B) Nor I will ever.(C) Will not ever I (D) Never I will
(   ) 15. Not until you paint your first oil color______ the difference between theory and practice.
(A) you find out     (B) and find out    (C) finding out      (D) do you find out
(   ) 16. _____ a baby deer is born, it struggles to stand on its own feet.
(A) No sooner        (B) As soon as     (C) No soon as     (D) Not sooner that
(   ) 17. _____ the invention of the movable print, books were mostly copied by hand and cost far more than ordinary people could afford.
(A) After                (B) Until               (C) Not until         (D) Because of
(   ) 18. _____ did I find out that he was dead.
(A) A moment ago                              (B) Only a moment ago
(C) An only moment ago                    (D) For a moment
(   ) 19. Henry James is _____ is his philosopher brother William.
(A) famous and also(B) as famous as (C) famous so       (D) equally famous
(   ) 20. _____ does the reclusive venture out of his hermitage.

(A) Seldom            (B) Often              (C) Occasionally   (D) Sometimes

