2017年11月29日 星期三


1. 據統計,世界上有3.5億人罹患憂鬱症,大約佔總人口的百分之五。
2. 跟男性相比,女性患憂鬱症的機率是其兩倍。

1. Its estimated that + S + V 據估計…
2. to suffer from sth. 罹患某病痛;遭受某痛苦
3. depression (n.) 憂鬱;(經濟)蕭條
4. worldwide (adv.) 遍及全世界
5. to account for sth. 佔某比例
6. roughly (adv.) 大約;粗略地
7. global (adj.) 全球的
8. population (n.) 人口;族群總數
9. in comparison with sb./sth. 與…相較
10. to have twice the chance of + V-ing

1. It’s estimated that 350 million people suffer from depression worldwide, accounting for roughly 5% of the global population.
2. In comparison with men, women have twice the chance of developing depression.


1. according to sb./sth. 根據…
2. statistics (n.) (pl.) 統計數字;統計資料
3. sufferer (n.) 患病者;受害者
4. compared with/to sb./sth. 與…相較
5. to be twice as likely + to V 有兩倍的可能性會

1. According to statistics, there are 350 million depression sufferers in the world, which equals about 5% of the entire human population.

2. Compared with/to men, women are twice as likely to develop depression.

1. 有越來越多人在自拍時發生致命意外。
2. 有些地方因而設立禁止自拍區(no-selfie zone),以免類似悲劇發生。

1. fatal (adj.) 致命的
2. accident (n.) 意外;事故
3. establish (v.) 設立;建立
4. selfie (n.) 自拍照
5. for fear that + S + V 以免…;唯恐…
6. tragedy (n.) 悲劇

1: More and more people are having fatal accidents while (they are) taking pictures of themselves.
2: An increasing number of people are meeting with fatal accidents while (they are) taking selfies.


1. an increasing number of + N(複數) 越來越多的…
2. to meet with sth. 遭遇某事
3. to take selfies/pictures 自拍/拍照
4. as a result 因此
5. to set sth. up 設立…;成立…

1: Some places, therefore, have established no-selfie zones for fear that similar tragedies will happen.

2: As a result, some places have set up no-selfie zones to avoid similar tragedies.

