2017年11月29日 星期三

字彙選擇@ B5U3-4

n. [C] 同事
( B )   1. Edward is preparing a(n)     on the new machine to his co-workers.
(A) observation                 (B) presentation                (C) interaction                 (D) corporation

n. [C] 零件
( A )   2. In the trade center, many companies are     a variety of computer components.
(A) exhibiting                  (B) stuffing                      (C) squeezing                   (D) rehearsing

n. [C] 辯論

( C )   3. Two Taipei mayoral     will have their first debate on TV tomorrow.

adj. 市長的
(A) immigrants                 (B) editors                        (C) candidates                 (D) interviewers
( D )   4.  Getting the local school’s library built was a major     for Chen Shu-chu (陳樹菊).
(A) document                   (B) government               (C) department              (D) accomplishment

adj. 限制級的
( B )   5. You need to be at least 18 for     to restricted movies.

(A) application                  (B) admission                   (C) relation                      (D) reflection
( A )   6.  The large number of students quitting school     a serious drop-out problem.
(A) reflects                       (B) relates                        (C) encourages                (D) observes

n. [C,U] 謀殺
( D )   7. The man was found     of murder and sent to prison.
(A) honest                        (B) actual                          (C) critical                        (D) guilty
( D )   8.  It is a great opportunity for children to learn social skills by     with one another.
(A) quarreling                  (B) spreading                    (C) signaling                    (D) interacting
( A )   9.  In order to     his fitness, my father goes jogging in the park three times a week.
(A) maintain                    (B) present                        (C) edit                            (D) deliver
( C ) 10.  During an interview, you should talk about the most related points in your work experience.

(A) perfect                       (B) authentic                    (C) relevant                      (D) general
( A ) 11. At first, the crowds waited quietly, but later they started losing patience.

(A) Initially                       (B) Unconsciously            (C) Unfortunately            (D) Ideally
( D ) 12.  It is vital for everyone to obey the law and respect other people.

(A) visible                         (B) useful                         (C) ideal                           (D) crucial

Did you know that body language is the most important form of communication? In fact, more than  26  our “talking” is done with our bodies. Understanding people’s body language  27 
an important skill that we all need to learn. That’s  28  body language can tell us how people are thinking and feeling. For example, body language can tell us  29  someone is lying. Usually  30 
touch or scratch their face, or rub their eyes. Another example is when people are in love. When people want to show their romantic feelings toward someone, they usually look at the person, look away, and then fix their eyes  31  that person again. If you want to better understand your  32  humans, it is useful to know what different kinds of body language mean. And you don’t even need to say a word!
( C ) 26.  (A) to 50%                      (B) 50% with                    (C) 50% of                       (D) from 50%
( D ) 27.  (A) has                            (B) are
27. 因為主詞是動名詞片語,視為單數,所以要使用單數動詞。
28. that/this is because S + V 表示「那/這就是因為……」,用來說明原因。
                              (C) have                           (D) is
( A ) 28. (A) because                       (B) why                            (C) where                         (D) what
( B ) 29.  (A) which                        (B) whether                      (C) whom                        (D) so
( A ) 30. (A) liars                             (B) destinations                (C) functions                   (D) sailors
( C ) 31.  (A) to                              (B) for                              (C) on                              (D) at
( D ) 32.  (A) vital                           (B) latter                           (C) rural                           (D) fellow
31. fix one’s eyes on N 注視著……
Most people believe that our eyes are windows to our souls. It means that our eyes can express our thoughts and feelings. Eye contact occurs when two people look into each other’s eyes at the same time. Eye contact plays an important part in communication. What we should know is that eye contact has different meanings in different cultures.
Take Muslims* for example. They may consider it rude to make direct eye contact with others. Only a brief moment of eye contact would be allowed between a man and a woman when they greet each other. In Japan, people lower their eyes when speaking to elders as a gesture of respect. If a Japanese woman avoids looking in another person’s eyes, it’s not that she is showing a lack of interest or self-confidence. Instead, she is being polite. In Western culture, on the contrary, direct eye contact is thought to be polite and respectful. If you avoid making eye contact with others, they may think you lack self-confidence. As you can see, it is crucial to know what the meaning of eye contact is before visiting a country. With such basic ideas in mind, people can get along better with those from different cultures.
Muslim n. [C] 伊斯蘭教徒
( C ) 33.  What is this passage mainly about?
(A) How to make eye contact.                                  (B) The importance of our eyes.
(C) Eye contact in different cultures.                        (D) The history of eye contact.
34. 由第一段第二句得知,「眼睛是靈魂之窗」意謂眼睛能傳達我們的思想和感覺。
( B ) 34. Why do people say that our eyes are windows to our souls?
(A) It is hard to understand others’ thoughts through eye contact.
(B) People can know what others think by looking at their eyes.
(C) Making direct eye contact is impolite in every culture.
(D) Women should avoid looking directly in men’s eyes.
( B ) 35.  Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “crucial” in the second paragraph?
(A) urban                          (B) vital                            (C) unconscious             (D) honest
( D ) 36.  According to the passage, in which culture does it show respect to make direct eye contact? 
(A) In Japanese culture.    (B) In Muslim culture.      (C) In every culture.       (D) In Western culture.
( A ) 37. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) A Japanese woman avoids looking in your eyes because she lacks self-confidence.
(B) It is respectful in Japan to lower your eyes when you speak to someone older.
(C) It is impolite for Muslims to make direct eye contact with other people.

(D) The meaning of eye contact is different from country to country.

