2017年11月20日 星期一

Book 3 Unit 4 Sentence Pattern

Unit 4
1.It + be + 被強調部分 + that....
說明 此為強調句型,將要強調的部分放在It + bethat之間來突顯重要性。此句型中的that不可省略,強調部分為人且為主格時則可用who替代。
例句 1. I realized gift­giving customs are very different around the world then.
It was then that I realized gift­giving customs are very different around the world. (那時我才意識到世界各地的送禮習俗很不一樣。)
2. Aaron told me the truth.
    → It was Aaron that/who told me the truth. (告訴我真相的是Aaron)
3. The heavy rain had the baseball game cancelled.
   → It was the heavy rain that had the baseball game cancelled.
練習 1. Sam fell in love with Marie.
              → It was Marie that Sam fell in love with                                                                       .
           2. Cassidy broke the school computer.
              → It was the school computer that Cassidy broke                                                          .

1­1. that Sam fell in love with
1­2. school computer that Cassidy broke

2. It + be + Adj + of sb + to V....
說明 1 此句型中,真正的主詞是後面的不定詞片語,it為虛主詞,代替原本過長的主詞。
           2 形容詞須用修飾人格特質的形容詞,如:rudesmartkindnicebravestupidsweethonest等。
例句 1. It was really rude of me to give chrysanthemum to her family as a gift.
           2. It was kind of Cindy to help me deal with the problem.
           3. It was brave of Gloria to fight against the robber.
練習 1.  Trevor was sweet.
                  Trevor made a birthday cake for his mother. (合併句子)
               It was sweet of Trevor to make a birthday cake for his mother.                               
          2.  Amy was nice.
                  Amy helped me with my math homework. (合併句子)
               It was nice of Amy to help me with my math homework.                          

2­1. It was sweet of Trevor to make a birthday cake for his mother.

2­2. It was nice of Amy to help me with my math homework.

3. S + V1..., V2­ing....
說明 此句型為省略對等連接詞and和其後子句主詞而形成的分詞構句,用來表達附帶動作或兩個動作發生的順序。注意這樣的省略只能在 and 所連接的兩個子句的主詞相同時才能成立。除了省略 and 及其後子句的主詞外,還需將該子句的主動動詞改為現在分詞。
例句 1. We were at Casey’s place, and we were celebrating her first birthday in America.
               → We were at Casey’s place, celebrating her first birthday in America.
   2. My brother walked around the house, and he was looking for his keys.
               → My brother walked around the house, looking for his keys.
           3. Harry gives Yvonne a red rose, and he tells her he loves her.
               → Harry gives Yvonne a red rose, telling her he loves her.
練習 1. Larry sat on the sofa, and he watched TV.  (以分詞構句改寫)
               Larry sat on the sofa, watching TV.                                   
           2. Amelia stood in front of the class, and she introduced herself.
               Amelia stood in front of the class, introducing herself.                    
3­1. Larry sat on the sofa, watching TV.
3­2. Amelia stood in front of the class, introducing herself.

4. in spite of + N/the fact (that)...
說明  in spite of 後面加名詞、動名詞或the fact that引導的名詞子句,用來表示「儘管……」。In spite of 也可以用despite代替。
例句 1. In spite of our different cultural backgrounds, we immediately became friends.
2. Peter was satisfied with his own performance in spite of the fact that he lost the game. (儘管Peter輸了比賽,他對自己的表現感到滿意。)
3. Nicole went swimming in spite of the cold weather.
練習 1. Eric原諒了Doris,儘管她欺騙了他。
       Eric forgave Doris   in    spite    of    the     fact  that she lied to him.
   2. 儘管年事已高,Peterson太太每天早上去慢跑。
       Mrs. Peterson goes jogging every morning  in   spite   of  her old age.

4­1. in, spite, of, the, fact

4­2. in, spite, of

5....N, + who/whom/which...,
說明 1 此句型為非限定用法的關係子句,用來說明對象很明確的先行詞,前面須有逗點隔開,且關係子句省略後主句的意義仍然完整。
           2 此句型中的關係代名詞不可省略,且關係代名詞that不適用於此句型。
例句 1. My sister, who works in an overseas company, once made a similar mistake.
           2. I ran into Diana, whom I hadn’t seen in 2 years.
3. Venice, which is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, is William’s favorite city. (世界最美城市之一的威尼斯是William最喜歡的城市。)
練習 1. 這間建造於18世紀的寺廟是台灣最著名的觀光景點之一。
The temple,  which  was built in the 18th century, is one of the most famous attractions in Taiwan.
           2. Sally認識了很久的Ted下個月要結婚了。
               Ted,  whom  Sally has known for a long time, is getting married next month.

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( D )1.    was my wallet    I lost on the train.
            (A) What; so                 (B) Which; than        (C) There; as        (D) It; that
( C )2. Elisa,    has just founded her own company, is an excellent designer.
            (A) that                         (B) whom                  (C) who                (D) which
( A )3. It is rude    Bruce    his father in public.
            (A) of; to offend          (B) of; offending      (C) for; offending        (D) for; to offend
( C )4. Sun Moon Lake,    is one of the Eight Wonders of Taiwan, stands in central Taiwan.
            (A) who                        (B) whom                  (C) which             (D) that
( B )5.    was Shane    gave me a phone call last night.
            (A) This; ×                    (B) It; who                (C) It; which                (D) This; what
( A )6. It was sweet    Karen    me up when I was upset.
            (A) of; to cheer             (B) for; cheer             (C) of; cheer         (D) for; to cheer
( D )7. Adam stood in front of the school gate,    for his mother to come.
            (A) waits                       (B) wait                     (C) to wait           (D) waiting
( C )8. Ricky never gave up his dream    the fact that he was met with many difficulties.
            (A) in despite                (B) in spite                (C) in spite of       (D) despite of
( A )9. Jessica called her mother,    her the good news.
            (A) telling                     (B) tell                       (C) tells                (D) to tell
( B )10. Greg went to work    his bad cold.
            (A) in despite                (B) in spite of            (C) despite of       (D) in spite

II. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 我是在學校圖書館裡和我女朋友第一次相識的。
       It    was   in the school library   that   I first met my girlfriend.
2. Harris先生想起他的高中時代的是這張照片。
  It    was  this picture  that  reminded Mr. Harris of his high school days.
3. Fred放低音量,試著不吵醒他的母親。
Fred talked in a low voice, t
 trying    not     to   wake his mother up.
The painting,  
which   was created by a famous artist, was sold at a very high price.
Kim smiled   
in    spite   of   her anger.

III. 整句式翻譯:將下列中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文。
1. Frank從圖書館偷了一本書真是愚蠢。
It was stupid of Frank to steal a book from the library.                               
2. Mark借我他的相機真是好心。
It was nice of Mark to lend me his camera.                                       
3. 我父母給我的生日禮物正是一支智慧型手機。
It was a smartphone that my parents gave me as a birthday gift.                    
4. Leo向我揮手,在對街喊著我的名字。
Leo waved at me, shouting my name across the street.                                 
5. Bryan留著他的舊電腦,儘管它已經壞了。
Bryan kept his old computer in spite of the fact that it was broken.                   

