2017年11月22日 星期三

Unit 9 中譯英

1.      在臺灣的便利商店提供各式各樣的產品和服務給顧客。

2.      許多人依賴便利商店,因為他們可以一天二十四小時利用它們的服務。

1.      我們學會對他人展現同理心是很重要的,不論我們是和朋友還是陌生人在一起。

2.      同理心──察覺並理解其他人感受的能力──幫助我們與他人建立牢固的關係。

英譯:Convenience stores in Taiwan offer a variety of products and services to customers.

英譯:Many people rely on convenience stores, as they can take advantage of their services 24 hours a day.

英譯:It is important that we learn to show empathy to others, whether we are with friends or strangers.

英譯:Empathy, the ability to be aware of and understand other people’s feelings, helps us build strong relationships with others.

Exchanging gifts with your friends and family is an enjoyable way to get into the Christmas spirit. One country takes the idea of giving to the next level, though. Every year in Spain, the government holds a Christmas lottery on December 22. The lottery is called El Gordo, or “The Fat One.” 正是在西元 1812 年,西班牙政府開始出售彩券以便募集資金。 These days, 70% of the money raised is given out to people all over the country. Families, friends, and even companies chip in to buy the tickets, which cost 200 euro each. If their lottery number wins, everyone who contributed shares the wealth.
One poor village, Pinos Puente, received almost 56 million euro in the 2016 lottery. In Pinos Puente, the unemployment rate is around 29%. 那就是為什麼這個勝利對贏家來說是一個重大的時刻,大部分的贏家來自貧困家庭。 People danced and sang in the streets to celebrate it. One resident told a local newspaper the windfall meant she could now buy Christmas presents for her family.

 英譯:It was in 1812 that the Spanish government began selling lottery tickets so as to raise funds.
英譯:That’s why the win was a huge moment for the winners, most of whom were from poor families.

