2017年11月7日 星期二

Miao U11

Apple is rolling out something big this year—bigger than any of its smartphones or gadgets. The imminent launch is their new     16    , a huge circular office building close to their existing one. Some are already calling it the “spaceship”      17     its science-fiction-like design and technical complexity. It’ll include offices for the business, research, and design arms of the company. There’ll also be a     18     for Apple’s product presentations and major events.
The diameter of the circle is just about the height of the Empire State Building. The inside of the ring is about one mile in circumference. Inside the ring lies an immense courtyard planted with Californian fruit trees. Apple’s founder Steve Jobs personally     19     the design process until his death in 2011. The whole project aims to have offices for 12,000 people. It     20     US$5 billion by the time the construction is finished.
   16. (A) politics            (B) consonant          (C) headquarters             (D) percentage
   17. (A) on behalf of    (B) in contrast to     (C) on account of            (D) in favor of
   18. (A) theater             (B) subway              (C) canyon                      (D) journal
   19. (A) polluted           (B) managed           (C) emerged                    (D) adopted
   20. (A) has cost           (B) was to cost        (C) is going to cost          (D) will have cost
Engineers have begun installing an advanced new wind power plant off the coast of Scotland. Hywind, as the new wind farm is called, is going into deeper water than ever before. What enables it to do so is that the wind turbines used aren’t planted in the seabed.    21    , they float on top of the waves.
Hywind is the first of its kind, considered a trial run of offshore wind farms. The winds out at sea are often stronger than on shore,    22     better power generation, and there’s plenty of space there for wind turbines. These new turbines, built by Norwegian state oil company Statoil, have weights that    
    23     under the water to keep themselves balanced. They’re also     24     to the sea floor by long anchor cables.
The project is being funded with     25     from the British government, but Statoil predicts that with more experience, the cost of building floating wind turbines will go down. If Hywind is a success, floating wind farms might come to other markets that have the right conditions for the technology, such as the US or Japan.
   21. (A) Instead            (B) Thus                  (C) Furthermore      (D) Still
   22. (A) to promise       (B) promised           (C) promising          (D) but promise
   23. (A) blank out         (B) throw up           (C) take flight         (D) hang down
   24. (A) aroused           (B) secured              (C) yielded              (D) branded
   25. (A) slices               (B) grants                (C) filters                 (D) gowns
Many races test the limits of human potential and pit the world’s best athletes against each other. An event in Wales, however, puts a special twist on this     26    : it tests human runners against some of the animal kingdom’s best racers—horses.
In 1980, a bar owner named Gordon Green overheard two men arguing about     27     a man could triumph over a horse in a marathon. Everyone knows that horses are faster over short distances, but a human actually has greater endurance than many animals. Deciding to     28     for real, Green created the Man vs Horse Marathon, taking place in the hills near the town of Llanwrtyd Wells.
The race runs an abbreviated course     29     a normal marathon, covering only 22 miles instead of 26.2. The results are often close, but the horse usually wins. Cyclists can also compete and beat the horses more often than the runners. A human runner first won in 2004, as the uneven roads and frequent hills can give humans the     30    . Another human won again in 2007, by a whole 11 minutes, but horses have dominated again for the past ten years.
   26. (A) property          (B) technique          (C) psychology        (D) formula
   27. (A) why                 (B) whether             (C) that                    (D) whatever
   28. (A) bring it out      (B) look it up           (C) turn it down      (D) test it out
   29. (A) owing to          (B) except for          (C) compared to      (D) along with

   30. (A) advantage       (B) standard            (C) selection            (D) procedure

