2017年11月13日 星期一

B5 U7 句型答案

Focal Point 1
Practice A   Rewrite the following sentences by using the pattern above.
1.   Someone stole my smartphone from my purse.
è  My smartphone was stolen from my purse.                                
2.   Someone invited Jenny to a dinner party last night.
è  Jenny was invited to a dinner party last night.                              
3.   Someone left a message for me on my desk.
è  A message was left for me on my desk.                                   
4.   Drunk driving causes many accidents.
è  Many accidents are caused by drunk driving.                               
5.   The fire burned down the whole building.
è  The whole building was burned down by the fire.                          
6.   The airline canceled all its flights because of bad weather.
è  All its flights were canceled by the airline because of bad weather.             
Practice B   Please fill in the following blanks with the proper verb form.
  injure   hit   flood   clean up   block   bring down

  Last week, Taiwan 1 was hit  by a severe typhoon. It brought a great deal of rain and powerful winds, causing lots of damage. In the cities, some areas 2 were flooded  as a result of the heavy rainfall. In addition, many power lines 3 were brought down  by strong winds, cutting electricity to over 550,000 households. In the mountains, the typhoon had even more disastrous* effects. Many mountain roads 4 were blocked  because of serious landslides, which also destroyed the homes of some mountain villagers, and several people 5 were injured  as a result. Thankfully, the mess caused by the typhoon has gradually 6 been cleaned up  and most people are getting back to their normal lives now.

Focal Point 2
Practice   Rewrite the following sentences by using the patterns above.
1.   Although he is young, the boy seems to be very mature and thoughtful.
è  Young as/though the boy is, he seems to be very mature and thoughtful.         
2.   Though he is busy, our boss always makes time for his family.
è  Busy as/though the boss is, he always makes time for his family.              
3.   Though she was tired and hungry, the scientist still kept doing the experiment.
è  Tired and hungry as/though the scientist was, she still kept doing the experiment. 
4.   Although the writer’s new book is interesting, some reviewers don’t like it.
è  Interesting as/though the writer’s new book is, some reviewers don’t like it.      
5.   Though it was cold and windy, we still decided to go scuba diving.
è  Cold and windy as/though it was, we still decided to go scuba diving.           
6.   Although the food looks delicious, I am too full to eat anything.
è  Delicious as/though the food looks, I am too full to eat anything.              


