2017年10月26日 星期四

B3U4 Grammar in Use

強調句It + be + 被強調部分 + that....

1. In India, it is the gift of leather that is considered offensive.
2. It was then that I realized gift­giving customs are very different around the world.
3. It was Leo that/who knocked on the door.

Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型及不同的強調部分改寫以下句子。第一題為範例。
Jason gave a love letter to Cindy at school yesterday.
→ It was Jason
that/who gave a love letter to Cindy at school yesterday
→ It was Cindy 2                                            .
→ It was a love letter 3                                        .
→ It was at school 4                                          .
→ It was yesterday 5                                          .

2. that Jason gave a love letter to at school yesterday
3. that Jason gave to Cindy at school yesterday
4. that Jason gave a love letter to Cindy yesterday
5. that Jason gave a love letter to Cindy at school

B. 根據句型及提示字寫出完整的句子以完成段落。注意動詞變化。
One day, my father told me the story of how he met and fell in love with my mother. He said, I remember all the important moments with your mom. It was 1                                              (on Christmas day of 1996/I first meet your mom). After that day, I couldnt stop thinking about her. Two days later, I gave her a call. 2             
                                      (this phone call/help us get to know each other better) Then, 3                                     
 (in January of 1997/we fall madly in love) with each other. Then, six months later, 4                                              
 (in a romantic restaurant/I ask her to marry me).
Did you kneel down (跪下) when you asked her to marry you? I asked.
“Of course. Most important of all, 5                           
 (my deep love for her/win her heart).”

