Unit 7
+ be + N + Ving/Vpp
說明 1. 此句型為分詞片語的延伸句型。
2. 如果名詞(N)為「主動發出動作者」,則後面接現在分詞(Ving),以表示「主動或進行中」;若(N)為「被動接受動作者」,則後面接過去分詞(Vpp),以表示「被動」的狀態。
例句 1. Today, there are several Taiwanese people starting
to take center stage in a variety of fields. (現今有許多臺灣人在不同領域佔有重要位置。)
2. There is a man selling
balloons in the park. (有個人在公園裡販賣氣球。)
3. There was an old house surrounded
by some tall trees here.
練習 1. the riverside/by/an artist/is/There/painting
2. the freshly baked bread/attracted/There/the
smell of/many customers/are/by
It + be (not) + Adj + for / of S + V....
說明 此句型用來「表達事實」或「發表意見」。it為虛主詞,用來代替後方真主詞that引導的名詞子句,由於形容詞用來修飾that子句,所以須用修飾「事物」的形容詞。
例句 1. It was quite unexpected that a person from Taiwan could
achieve such success in the field of baking.
2. It is wonderful that our friendship
has lasted for such a long time.
3. It was terrible that the flood
destroyed the small village.
練習 1. A strange man asked me for my phone number. That was odd.
2. The twin sisters have very different personalities. That is interesting.
說明 此句型為省略對等連接詞and和其後子句主詞而形成的「分詞構句」,用來表達「附帶動作」或「兩個動作發生的順序」。當 and 連接的兩個子句的主詞相同時,可省略 and 及其後子句的主詞外,再將該子句的主動動詞改為現在分詞(Ving)。
例句 1. Wu Paochun began to offer baking courses in Taiwan, hoping to
help create more Taiwanese master bakers in the world.
2. Melissa stirred the soup, mixing all the
3. Chris sat in silence, wondering where he
went wrong.
練習 1. Fiona sat on the chair, and she waited for her
father to pick her up.
2. Greg grabbed Amy by the hand, and he told her
he had fallen in love with her.
not only...but (also)...
說明 not only...but also...為對等連接詞,前後所連接的字詞的詞性及時態須相同,表示「不僅……而且……」之意。also可省略。
例句 1. Tseng Yani was not only the youngest player but (also)
the first from Taiwan to win this title. (曾雅妮不僅是贏得這項冠軍頭銜最年輕的選手,她也是第一個獲得這項頭銜的臺灣人。)
2. The female leading character in this movie is not
only brave but (also) smart.
3. To prevent the damage caused by the typhoon,
Peter not only placed sand bags in front of the door but (also)
moved the electronic products to higher place.
練習 1. Jared不僅是個很棒的歌手,也是個有天賦的演員。
Jared is a great singer a talented actor.
2. 這名作者不僅寫了新書,也為這本書畫插圖。
The writer wrote the new book drew the illustrations for it.
be + worth + N/Ving
說明 worth為形容詞,接在be動詞後面,再接名詞(N)或動名詞(Ving),表示「值得……」之意。
例句 1. Just like his designs, Jason Wu's personality is
also worth mentioning.
2. It takes five hours to make a meat pie, but the
taste is worth the effort.
3. I think George's idea is worth considering.
練習 1. 這個產品的高品質值得一提。
The high quality of this product is .
2. 鎮上新開的義式餐廳值得一試。
The new Italian restaurant in town is .
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
(C ) 1. There was a note on the board this
(A) posted (B) posts (C) posting (D) post
(A) posted (B) posts (C) posting (D) post
(C ) 2. The coffee shop is small but worth .
(A) to visiting (B) a visit (C) to visit (D) visited
(A) to visiting (B) a visit (C) to visit (D) visited
(C ) 3. Bob can speak English French.
(A) ×; but also (B) only; but
(C) only; also (D) not only; but also
(A) ×; but also (B) only; but
(C) only; also (D) not only; but also
(C ) 4. Jessica took a sip of the juice, to get rid of the strange taste in her mouth.
(A) try (B) tries (C) trying (D) tried
(A) try (B) tries (C) trying (D) tried
(C ) 5. It was that I fell down on
the street while using my smartphone.
(A) embarrass (B) embarrassing
(A) embarrass (B) embarrassing
embarrassed (D)
(C ) 6. The doctor isn't sure if the treatment would be effective, but
it is still worth .
(A) trying (B) tries (C) to try (D) tried
(A) trying (B) tries (C) to try (D) tried
(C ) 7. Many females think that putting on makeup makes them more attractive increases their confidence.
(A) ×; but also (B) only; ×
(C) not only; but also (D) only; also
(A) ×; but also (B) only; ×
(C) not only; but also (D) only; also
(C ) 8. It is that Eliza isn't
interested in horror movies.
(A) clear (B) clearing (C) clears (D) cleared
(A) clear (B) clearing (C) clears (D) cleared
(C ) 9. My sister rushed out of her room, me what time it was.
(A) asked (B) asking (C) asks (D) ask
(A) asked (B) asking (C) asks (D) ask
(C ) 10. There were a lot of fans for
the superstar to arrive at the airport.
(A) to wait (B) waited (C) wait (D) waiting
(A) to wait (B) waited (C) wait (D) waiting
II. 合併句子:依據提示字將以下各句合併。

That was disappointing. (It....)

I hoped I could catch the bus. (用分詞構句合併)

She was crying in the restaurant. (There was...)

The bakery sells delicious cakes. (not only...but also...)
III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 公車上有個男孩對我微笑,不過我不認識他。
There a boy at me on the bus, but I didn't know him.
There a boy at me on the bus, but I didn't know him.
2. 強盜拿出了刀子,威脅女人把錢全部交給他。
The robber took out his knife, the woman to give him all her money.
The robber took out his knife, the woman to give him all her money.
3. 這間飯店不僅提供優質的服務也備有乾淨舒服的房間。
The hotel offers excellent service clean and comfortable rooms.
The hotel offers excellent service clean and comfortable rooms.
4. 這間博物館收藏了一些世界上最有價值的畫作,值得造訪。
The museum has some of the most valuable paintings in the world, and it is .
The museum has some of the most valuable paintings in the world, and it is .
5. 宇宙中有行星和地球相似是有可能的。
is that there is a planet like Earth in the universe.
is that there is a planet like Earth in the universe.
6. 那位日本作家的新書值得一讀。
The new book by the Japanese writer is .
The new book by the Japanese writer is .