I. 字彙題:第 1 至 6 題,每題均有一空格字詞,請選擇一個最適合的答案,以完成該英文句子。第
7 至 11 題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃底線的字詞意義最接近的答案。
1. Although
Gary and Harry often with each other in sports or at school, they
are still best friends.
(A) interact (B) compete (C) dedicate (D) cooperate
2. Though he
didn’t win, I believe Theo Decoplia the Best Actor Award at this year’s Oscars.
(A) deserved (B) disagreed (C) resembled (D) prospered
3. Josephine
just told me that she’s four months ; she’s going to have the baby in
(A) ordinary (B) pregnant (C) conscious (D) athletic
4. The main of the human heart is to supply the body’s
organs with blood, which brings the organs oxygen and important nutrients.
(A) income (B) function (C) spirit (D)
5. Amanda
found her purse around the corner from where she’d been
robbed; the thief had stolen everything.
(A) classic (B) worthy (C) empty (D) neat
6. After the
heavy snow caused their house’s roof to , Otto and Marcy had to pay a lot
to get it fixed.
(A) collapse (B) enlarge (C) illustrate (D) harvest
7. There’s a
chance that it could rain today, so be sure to dress appropriately for the
weather; don’t forget your umbrella either.
(A) a survey (B) an authority (C) a reception (D) a possibility
8. Which character
are you trying out for in the school play? I think I want to get the part of
(A) trait (B)
term (C)
role (D)
9. At our
weekly meeting, the boss emphasized how important it is to maintain good
relationships with our clients.
(A) insulted (B) stressed (C) debated (D) glanced
10. Brody is
a cautious driver; he never drives too fast or takes needless risks.
(A) creative (B)
typical (C) careful (D) loyal
11. The
former employee hired a lawyer when the CEO accused him of revealing
company secrets to the public.
(A) exposing (B) trading (C) seeking (D) tempting
II. 對話題:第 12 至 21 題,請依對話內容,選出一個最適合的答案,使其成為有意義的對話。
12. Andrew:Mom,
the water is dirty!
Mother: It’s
probably because of the typhoon.
Andrew:But I
want to take a shower!
Mother: You’ll just have to wait.
(A) You can
use the water now.
(B) Maybe try
turning it on and off?
(C) There’s
nothing we can do about it right now.
(D) I’ll get
the plumber to fix it now.
Alexandra: Excuse me, are there any more buses going to Taitung tonight?
Clerk: Sorry!
Alexandra: Oh, that’s too bad. Thanks anyway.
(A) No, I’m
afraid not.
(B) Yes,
there are a few.
(C) The next
bus will leave in an hour.
(D) It’s that
one over there, Number 109.
14. Kimberly:
Thanks! That’s very kind of you.
Kimberly: You
should wear it more often.
(A) Why did
you wear that today?
(B) That
color looks great on you!
(C) I like
your new haircut!
(D) I’m not
sure that’s the right suit for you.
15. Customs
Officer: I’ll need to see your passport and customs form, please.
Christopher: Of
course. Here they are.
Officer: Thank you.
Christopher: I’m
here to visit a friend.
Officer: Thank you. Everything looks good. Enjoy your time here!
(A) What’s
the purpose of your trip?
(B) Do you
have anything to declare?
(C) Did you
have a long flight?
(D) How long
will you stay here?
16. Sean:
Are you moving away?
Rita: No, of
course not.
Sean: I saw a
moving truck in front of your house yesterday.
Rita: Oh, my
sister is moving; she’s going off to college next week.
(A) What were
you doing last night?
(B) How did
you know that?
(C) Why
didn’t you tell me?
(D) Where did
you get that idea?
17. Alan:
What happened? You look worried.
Dan:I just
don’t know which of these two products to pick.
Alan: Hmm. Why don’t you check online to see if
people have written any reviews for them?
Dan: __________ I’ll do
that. Thanks!
Alan: Don’t
mention it.
(A) That’s
what I’m doing.
(B) It’ll
take too long to do that.
(C) What
makes you say that?
(D) That’s
not a bad idea.
18. Hillary:
What is that?
Robby: It’s a
device that charges my phone’s battery.
Robby: You
just set your phone on top of it.
Hillary: Wow!
That’s very useful!
(A) How much
did it cost?
(B) Where did
you get it?
(C) Why do
you need it?
(D) How does
it work?
19. Mark:
Excuse me, sir.
Warren: Well,
compared to a latte, a cappuccino has less milk in it, but more foam.
Mark: You’re
talking about the foam on top of the drink?
That’s right. That means the cappuccino will have a stronger coffee taste.
Mark: I think
I get it. Thanks!
(A) What’s
the difference between a latte and a cappuccino?
(B) How much
does it cost for a latte and a cappuccino?
(C) Do you
know where I can get a cappuccino?
(D) How long
does it take to make a cappuccino?
20. Sophie: What are you reading?
Polly: A
website about space travel. Did you know the Moon landing was faked?
Polly: But it’s on this website!
Sophie: It
looks to me like this site is fake too!
(A) Wow, I
never knew that.
(B) That is
absolutely not true.
(C) But how
did they get up there?
(D) I think
I’ve heard about that.
21. Karen: Do you know where I could buy a
nice tie?
Tom: Well, I seldom go shopping, but I can ask my
Karen: That
would be great. Thanks!
(A) He’s
asked me the same question before.
(B) He seldom
goes shopping either.
(C) He has
really good taste.
(D) He knows
nothing about fashion.
III. 綜合測驗:下面三篇短文,共有
10 個空格,為第 22 至
31 題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。
▲ 下篇短文共有 5 個空格,為第 22 – 26 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。
welcomed student athletes from all around the world to the 2017 Summer
Universiade in August. Though many skilled competitors took part, it was a
local hero who made the headlines as she 22
a new world record.
Weightlifter Kuo Hsing-Chun 23
won a gold medal for Taiwan, 23
entered the record books for
Clean and Jerk lifts in the women’s 58-kilogram division as well. Kuo lifted
142 kilograms up and over her head.
It goes
without saying that this was a special 24
for Kuo, who had frequently
said before the competition that she would aim for her personal best. Kuo won a
bronze medal at the Rio Olympic Games in 2016. She had hoped for better, but
was suffering from mental stress and the effects of a serious 25
to one of her legs at the
time. The Taipei Universiade gave Kuo the chance to redeem herself. In winning
the Universiade gold, Kuo defeated Thailand’s Srisurat Sukanya 26
beat her in the Rio Olympics.
Kuo wept tears of joy after her winning lift as the home crowd cheered loudly.
22. (A) cut (B)
set (C) edited (D) added
23. (A) would rather, than (B) either, or (C) not only, but (D) neither, nor
24. (A) adventure (B) leisure (C) wonder (D)
25. (A) injury (B)
report (C) mission (D)
26. (A) , that (B)
that (C) , who (D) who
▲ 下篇短文共有 5 個空格,為第 27 – 31 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。
In modern
society, libraries can be found in nearly every city or town. This hasn’t
always been the case, though. In ancient times, libraries were 27
. They were however, much
larger and more culturally significant than the libraries we know today.
A prime example of this is Egypt’s Library of Alexandria.
library was built in the third century by the Ptolemaic Dynasty. It housed
mostly papyrus scrolls, although it’s 28
exactly how many. Historians estimate that it could have held anywhere from 40,000 to 400,000
scrolls 29 works
from all over the world could be found at the Library of Alexandria. In fact, many of the
world’s most important thinkers, including Archimedes, traveled there to study.
These days, however, the library is perhaps best known 30
its destruction. The library 31
, though no one is certain how,
when, or by whom. Even today,
this destruction is a symbol for the loss of knowledge and culture.
27. (A) wild (B)
solid (C) rare (D)
28. (A) apparent (B) unknown (C)
mature (D) official
29. (A) containing (B) contains (C)
contained (D) are containing .
30. (A) with (B)
of (C) to (D)
31. (A) has burned down (B)
was burning down
(C) was
burned down (D) has been burning down
IV. 閱讀測驗:以下有兩篇短文,共有 10 個題目,為第 32 至 41 題,請於閱讀短文後,選出最適當的答案。
▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 32 – 36
Nicholas Winton was invited to appear in the audience for a 1988 broadcast of That’s Life, he knew he would be honored
for his work. Winton had saved the lives of 669 Jewish children, helping them
escape from Europe and reach Britain. What he didn’t know, however, was that
many of his fellow audience members were the people he’d saved, ready and eager
to thank him in person.
was born in Britain in 1909 to Jewish parents who had emigrated there from
Germany. In 1938, he was planning to take a skiing trip in Switzerland when he
was invited to Czechoslovakia. At the time, Nazi Germany was in the process of
occupying the country. Winton set up an organization to help Jewish children
escape Czechoslovakia before it was too late.
From his
hotel room, he arranged transportation and wrote to British families to ask
them to accept refugees. The British government agreed to accept any refugee
under 17, provided they had a place to stay and enough money to eventually get
them home again. Winton managed all this, putting children on trains that went
through Europe to the Netherlands, where the children could take ships or
planes to Britain. In the end, however, the German invasion continued, and the
last train Winton organized, which was to carry 250 children, was stopped from
leaving Czechoslovakia. Of those children, only two survived World War II.
seldom mentioned his work, and his wife Grete only learned about it when she
found a book in their house. It contained the names of all the children her
husband had rescued. She sent the book to a journalist, who then made Winton’s
deed’s public. This led to both the That’s
Life appearance and to Winton being knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. He
received many other honors and recognitions for the rest of his life, and
finally passed away at the age of 106 in July 2015.
32. What is this article mostly about?
(A) How
Jewish children escaped Europe before World War II.
(B) A
modest man who saved the lives of Jewish children before World War II.
(C) A
special award for people who helped Jewish refugees during World War II.
(D) What
life was like for European Jews who fled to Britain during World War II.
33. Which of the following sentences about
Nicholas Winton is NOT true?
(A) He
was keen to tell people all about his amazing deeds.
(B) He
didn’t know that he would meet the people he’d saved during the TV show.
(C) He
became Sir Nicholas Winton after his deeds were discovered.
(D) His family had left Europe long before World
War II broke out.
34. How
did Winton save the lives of so many Jewish children?
(A) By
getting the British government to accept every Jewish refugee.
(B) By
letting numerous Jewish children stay with him in Britain.
(C) By
talking the German government into freeing the children.
(D) By
getting the children out of Europe and finding them homes.
35. How did Winton’s actions became known to the
general public?
(A) A
journalist interviewed him and then wrote news stories about him.
(B) He
appeared on a TV show alongside many people he’d saved.
(C) The
people he’d saved asked the government to find him.
(D) He
wrote a book in 1988 that told the story of what he had done.
36. Which
of the following sentences is TRUE?
(A) Every
train of children Winton organized successfully left Czechoslovakia.
(B) Winton
was not fully recognized for his deeds until he passed away.
(C) Some
of the children Winton saved were able to thank him in person later in life.
(D) The
British government accepted refugees of all ages.
▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 37 – 41
When you
think of Japanese food, sushi and ramen might instantly spring to mind.
One of Japan’s most common dishes,
however, is nattō, which is made with fermented soybeans. Nattō is usually
eaten as a breakfast meal, and it’s frequently served along with soy sauce,
karashi mustard, Japanese onions, rice, and an egg.
Despite how common this traditional dish is, nattō is not universally loved in
Japan. That’s because it has an acquired taste. In fact, its strong smell,
which may bring to mind strong cheese, slimy texture, and unique flavor turn
many people off of the dish.
The exact
origin of nattō is not known, though its ingredients and the tools required to
produce it have existed since ancient times. A popular nattō creation story
centers on the famous samurai Minamoto no Yoshiie. The warrior and his army are
said to have been involved in a battle in 1086. At one point, while boiling
soybeans for their horses, they were attacked. They quickly packed the soybeans
into straw bags and left the area. By the time they opened the bags a few days
later, the soybeans had fermented. Regardless, the soldiers liked the taste and
ate them up.
days, it’s estimated that only 70% of the Japanese public likes nattō. However,
around half of the 30% that doesn’t like it still eats nattō for its numerous
health benefits. Nattō is low in calories, but rich in essential vitamins and
minerals. Why not look for restaurants serving nattō next time you’re in Japan?
Be sure to try this one-of-a-kind dish for yourself!
37. What
would be a good title for this passage?
(A) Some
Unique Dishes in Japan
(B) What
Ancient Japanese Warriors Ate
(C) An
Introduction to a Soybean Dish in Japan
(D) Foods
That Go Well with Nattō
38. According
to the passage, nattō .
(A) has
been eaten for hundreds of years
(B) is
more popular than sushi and ramen in Japan
(C) is
usually served with strong, old cheese
(D) was
traditionally fed to warriors’ horses
39. What
is said about Minamoto no Yoshiie?
(A) He
was an ancient Japanese cook.
(B) He
lived a life of fighting and war.
(C) He
made his living training horses for war.
(D) He
created the tools used to make nattō.
40. What
do we learn about the Japanese public’s opinion of nattō?
(A) The
taste of nattō is enjoyed by 30% of the Japanese population.
(B) About
15% of Japanese people only eat nattō for its healthy properties.
(C) Around
70% of Japanese people refuse to eat nattō for any reason.
(D) Nattō
is considered Japan’s national dish by 70% of the Japanese public.
41. Which
of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(A) The
foods that are often served with nattō.
(B) How
nattō might have been discovered.
(C) The
way that nattō feels when eaten.
(D) The
specific tools required to make nattō.
第二部分:非選擇題(第 I
到第 III 題,每題6分,18分)
1. 雪倫發現在網路上採買雜貨很方便。
Sharon finds it c
buy g ‚ online.
II. 句子重組
2. she found / as soon as / burst out / her missing cat / The girl /
III. 中譯英
3. 如果沒有你的幫忙,我就無法及時抵達。