2019年12月20日 星期五


Test 1: Unit 01
(   ) 1. My grandmother is well over 90, but she is still in excellent physical _____.
(A) condition          (B) majority                     (C) activity                      (D) minority
(   ) 2. Most of the information you need is _____ in the library or on the Internet.
(A) probable            (B) recognizable              (C) available                    (D) enjoyable
(   ) 3. You should _____ medical advice if such a symptom lasts more than a week.
(A) recognize          (B) seek                           (C) determine                  (D) concern
(   ) 4. The speech was so dull that I grew bored and _____ fell asleep for about twenty minutes.
(A) supposedly        (B) systematically           (C) likely                         (D) actually
(   ) 5. All employees in the factory are encouraged to join the labor _____.
(A) union                 (B) situation                    (C) minority                    (D) rate
(   ) 6. Yesterday we spent a(n) _____ evening drinking coffee and chatting about those good old days.
(A) available            (B) enjoyable                   (C) probable                    (D) remained
(   ) 7. I’m afraid that this credit card is not _____ in most countries around the world.
(A) recognized        (B) determined                (C) burdened                   (D) rated
(   ) 8. It’s _____ the best novel that Mr. Taylor has written in the past few years.
(A) probably            (B) likely                         (C) politically                  (D) orderly
(   ) 9. After the surgery, you’ll have to _____ in the hospital for at least ten days.
(A) recognize          (B) seek                           (C) determine                  (D) remain
(   ) 10. The terrible typhoon has claimed more than ten lives, not counting _____ losses.
(A) pressure             (B) property                    (C) activity                      (D) condition
(   ) 11. One of the _____ problems facing our planet is global warming, which poses a threat to human survival.
(A) systematic         (B) determined                (C) major                         (D) concerning
(   ) 12. Most languages keep changing, so learning any one of them is lifelong _____.
(A) process              (B) recognition                (C) politics                      (D) unity
(   ) 13. Let me remind you that it is not the court to _____ whether she is guilty.
(A) remain               (B) unite                          (C) pressure                     (D) determine
(   ) 14. Can’t we do it right away _____ waiting until tomorrow morning?
(A) in case of          (B) in spite of                  (C) instead of                  (D) in front of
(   ) 15. _____, our factory will be closed down by the end of the year.
(A) At this rate        (B) On the way               (C) By no means             (D) For the better
__________ 16. I’m sure the authorities c_____d will take strong measures to bring down unemployment.
__________ 17. After losing the election, the p_____n decided to retire from public life.
__________ 18. If we cooperate, it will help create a win-win s_____n.
__________ 19. In Western countries, Christmas is a great occasion for family r_____s.
__________ 20. It seems very p_____e that sea levels will continue to rise.

Some people say that power corrupts. When people have a great deal of control over other people and over important issues, it might be easy to start thinking that normal rules don’t really apply to them anymore. Politicians, for example, probably have more __21__ to get away with breaking the rules than most people do. Therefore, __22__ is one area where corruption has long been a cause of __23__. People watch and worry about the possibility that their leaders are corrupt. Some people even believe that the __24__ of politicians are corrupt. More optimistic, people think that it’s only a small __25__.
(A) majority            (B) politics              (C) opportunity               (D) minority            (E) concern
21. _____  22. _____  23. _____  24. _____  25. _____
Test 2: Unit 02
(   ) 1. If you do not have a work _____, they won’t give you the job.
(A) permit               (B) permission                 (C) reduction                   (D) variety
(   ) 2. Under _____ circumstances, job applicants are interviewed by the head of the department.
(A) medical             (B) religious                    (C) responsible                (D) normal
(   ) 3. We are an organization that _____ the interests of the workers in the steel industry.
(A) approaches        (B) represents                  (C) responds                    (D) varies
(   ) 4. The newly elected mayor said he might arrange to meet with city council members _____.
(A) individually      (B) apparently                 (C) magically                   (D) religious
(   ) 5. Please turn the _____ down. Don’t you think the music you’re playing is too loud?
(A) fake                   (B) volume                      (C) attitude                     (D) variety
(   ) 6. Every year a lot of young actors and actresses come to Hollywood to _____ fame and fortune.
(A) mention             (B) prevent                      (C) reduce                       (D) achieve
(   ) 7. The man tried to use a _____ passport to deceive an officer but was seen through.
(A) genuine             (B) fake                           (C) various                      (D) apparent
(   ) 8. President George W. Bush was bombarded with questions _____ after he delivered a speech.
(A) immediately      (B) religiously                 (C) imaginatively            (D) normally
(   ) 9. Eating habits _____ from country to country. So do drinking habits.
(A) respond             (B) perform                     (C) vary                           (D) represent
(   ) 10. As a writer, Mrs. Wilson takes a completely new _____ to her detective stories.
(A) approach           (B) image                        (C) detail                         (D) account
(   ) 11. In order to become a doctor in the future, I made up my mind to attend _____ school.
(A) magical             (B) medical                     (C) individual                  (D) immediate
(   ) 12. _____, the company is faced with a financial crisis because it has been losing money for years.
(A) Normally           (B) Apparently                (C) Individually              (D) Technically
(   ) 13. To tell the truth, your son’s _____ at school leaves a lot to be desired.
(A) volume              (B) prevention                 (C) response                    (D) performance
(   ) 14. Electronic goods _____ over 30% of our exports on an annual basis.
(A) account for       (B) refer to                      (C) check out                  (D) insist on
(   ) 15. The police officer asked the witness to _____ about the car accident.
(A) go into action    (B) go into debt              (C) go into detail             (D) go into effect
__________ 16. To meet the deadline, the factory owner is under a lot of p_____e.
__________ 17. A new experiments have been p_____d to test Professor Wang’s new theory.
__________ 18. Mr. Parkinson’s speech was full of t_____l terms, so I didn’t know what he was talking about.
__________ 19. I cannot afford to buy a motorcycle, not to m_____n a sports car like that.
__________ 20. We enjoy going to the restaurant over there because it has more v_____y.

Religion certainly produces strong feelings in people. Sometimes, however, these beliefs are taken advantage of. Good examples can be found in most of the modern reports of so-called __21__ miracles. Many people get excited about these reports, but most often they turn out to be __22__. Usually a few people make up a story or a way to trick the public, and word quickly spreads. The __23__ is sometimes overwhelming, and people all over the world are fascinated. Eventually, it becomes __24__ that there was no miracle at all. When someone believes in something strongly, their __25__ sometimes helps them believe in the unbelievable.
(A) imagination               (B) religious            (C) fake                   (D) apparent            (E) response

21. _____  22. _____  23. _____  24. _____  25. _____

