2019年12月25日 星期三

B3U6 Sentence Pattern Practice II

Unit 6
1. S + feel/look/smell/sound/taste +   Adj
                                like + N 
說明 1 此句型為與「感官」有關的連綴動詞用法。連綴動詞為不完全不及物動詞,後面不接受詞,但須有主詞補語來修飾主詞,主詞補語可以是形容詞(Adj)或是介系詞片語like加上名詞。
           2 這類常見的動詞有:feel表示「感覺起來」、look表示「看起來」、smell表示「聞起來」、sound表示「聽起來」和taste表示「嚐起來」。
例句 1. Mount Everest now looks smaller. (聖母峰現在看起來比較小。)
   2. My father's hands felt rough. (我父親的手感覺起來很粗糙。)
   3. The cake tastes like carrots. (這個蛋糕嚐起來像胡蘿蔔。)
練習 1. Donna聽到消息時,她看起來很驚訝。
              When Donna heard the news, she looked (very) surprised.              
           2. 這個房間聞起來像玫瑰花。
              The/This room smells like roses.                                    

2. either A or B
  neither A nor B
說明  1 對等連接詞either A or B表示「不是A就是B」;而neither A nor B則表示「既不是A也不是B」,且本身已有否定意味,所以不再加否定詞。
           2 AB兩者的詞類必須一致。
           3 AB作句子的主詞時,其後動詞的單複數變化須和最靠近的主詞一致。
例句 1. The People of Tuvalu have two choices: either leave now or drown someday soon. (吐瓦魯的人們有兩個選擇:不是現在離開,就是不久後的某天溺死。)
           2. After hearing the story, Sam was neither happy nor sad.
          3. Either Diane or you have a chance to get first place in this competition.
練習 1. 你可以選擇可樂或是紅茶搭配你的漢堡。
              You can choose  either  cola  or   black tea to go with your hamburger.
           2. GeorgeBilly昨天都沒有參加Lisa的生日派對。
               Neither  George  nor  Billy went to Lisa’s birthday party yesterday.

3. S + has/have + Vpp
說明 1 現在完成式(has/have + Vpp)可表示「動作已經完成」,常與alreadyyet連用。already常用在「肯定句」,而yet則多用在「否定句」和「疑問句」之中。
           2 現在完成式亦可表示「曾經發生的經驗」,此時常與表示「經驗」的時間副詞連用,包括ever表示「曾經」、never表示「不曾」、once表示「一次」、twice表示「二次」以及three times表示「三次」等。
           3 現在完成式還可表示「從以前到現在的持續動作」,此時常與「for + 一段時間」、「over + 過去的一段時間」、「since + 開始時刻」等一起使用。
例句 1. Global warming has resulted in a lot of problems around the world.
           2. Rita hasn’t finished her report yet. (Rita還沒有完成她的報告。)
           3.Georgia has been to Paris three times. (Georgia去過巴黎三次。)
練習 1. I have known                           (know) Olivia for over 10 years.
           2. Harry hasn’t come home                              (not/come home) yet.

4. because of + N
說明 because of 為介系詞片語,表示「因為……」,後面須接名詞或動名詞片語。注意只有because時為從屬連接詞,後面須接副詞子句,不可接名詞。兩者皆可置於句首或句中,置於句首時須加逗點與主要子句隔開。
例句 1. Because of higher temperatures, many glaciers have started melting.
           2. Charlie had to quit his job because of personal reasons.
           3. Because of Frank, I got interested in photography.
練習  1. Selena 因為重感冒而待在家。
              Selena stayed home  because   of   her bad cold.
           2. 棒球比賽因為下大雨而取消。
                Because    of   the heavy rain, the baseball game was canceled.

5. keep/prevent/protect/stop + sb + from + N/V­ing
說明 1 此句型用來表示「使……免於……」。常見的動詞包括keep表示「防止」、prevent表示「防止」、protect表示「保護」、stop表示「阻止」等。
           2 from後面可接名詞或是動名詞。
例句  1. In order to prevent global warming from becoming worse, the whole world is taking action to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
           2. The mother stopped the little boy from climbing up the tree.
           3. Peter’s broken leg kept him from school for several days.
練習  1. 安全帽能保護曲棍球球員不受傷。
              The helmet can  protect/prevent , hockey players  from   being/getting  hurt.
           2. 明天的大考讓Peggy今晚不能看電視。
               The big test tomorrow  keeps  Peggy from  watching  TV tonight.

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( B ) 1. Robert looked very    this morning. He had a big smile on his face.
            (A) happily                   (B) happy                  (C) being happy                   (D) happiness
( C ) 2. The small town has changed a lot   .
            (A) three time                                                 (B) yet
            (C) over the last three years                            (D) once
( A ) 3. The police kept people from    closer to the burning building.
            (A) getting                   (B) get                       (C) to get                     (D) got
( B ) 4. Kim’s advice    a good idea.
            (A) sounds                   (B)sounds like           (C) sounding like         (D) sounding
( A ) 5. Tim    a headache since last Friday.
            (A) has had                  (B) having                 (C) to have                   (D) have
( B ) 6. The traffic jam stopped Jason    catching the train.
            (A) to                           (B) from                    (C) at                            (D) of
( C ) 7. You can    give me a call    write me an e­mail.
            (A) either; not              (B) neither; and         (C) either; or                (D) ×; neither
( D ) 8. Ginny quit her job    poor health.
            (A) about                      (B) because               (C) about to                 (D) because of
( B ) 9. Although Sam is    rich    powerful, he is happy with his life.
            (A) either; or                                                  (B) neither; nor   
            (C) either; nor                                                 (D) neither; and
( C ) 10. Because    his parents, Eddie decided to stay in his hometown instead of working overseas.
(A) ×  (B) at                              (C) of                        (D) on

II. 重組句子:將以下各句重組並做適當修改。
1. taste/The chicken soup/Chinese/like/medicine
  The chicken soup tastes like Chinese medicine.                                  
2. neither tall/Uncle Jack/handsome/nor/is
The chicken soup tastes like Chinese medicine.                                 
3. her homework/Elizabeth/finished/hasn’t/yet
Elizabeth hasn't finished her homework yet.                                     
4. fell down/because of/Jenny/on the ground/the banana peel
Jenny fell down because of the banana peel on the ground.                                   
5. Staying up/prevented/waking up/late/Fiona/from/early
Staying up late prevented Fiona from waking up early.                             

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 這個手機套可以保護手機不被破壞。
The cell phone case can  protect  the phone  from   being  damaged.
2. 不是Kelly就是Mike必須打掃教室。
   Either  Kelly  or  Mike has to clean up the classroom.
3. 這塊香皂聞起來像橘子。
This bar of soap  smells/smelled   like  oranges.
4. Louis因為他對吉他的興趣而開始上吉他課。
  Louis started taking guitar lessons  because   of  his interest in it.
5. Ernie從來沒有去過埃及。
has  never  visited  Egypt before.

