2020年11月18日 星期三


 IV. Grammar

1  間接問句:S + V + wh- + S (+ Aux) + V….

1. 此句型為以疑問詞(wh­)引導名詞子句的間接問句用法,其中疑問詞所引導的名詞子句為主要子句的受詞。不同於一般的疑問句形式,間接問句的主詞和動詞不倒裝,直接以直述句的方式呈現,也就是S (+ Aux) + V

2. 間接問句裡使用的疑問詞視句意不同而改變:why表示「理由」、who表示「人」、what表示「事物」、when表示「時間」、where表示「地點」、how表示「方法」。

3. 在這個句型中,由於間接問句只是整個句子裡的受詞部分,所以句尾的標點符號依然由整個句子決定。若句子為直述句,則以句號結尾;若為疑問句,則以問號結尾。

例:I don’t know who the girl in red is.


Please tell me where the party will be held.


The doctor teaches people how they can produce Penicillin.



1. 你可以告訴我現在幾點了嗎?

Can you tell me ________?

2. Amy知道何時該去診所。

Amy knows ________.

2  One…. Another…. The other….

→ One + N….  Another + N…. The other + N….

Another…. The other….

這個句型用來指限定範圍中的三個對象,表示「一個……。另一個……。最後一個……。」。其中的one可改寫為「one + 單數名詞」,而another可改寫為「another + 單數名詞」,the other可改寫為「the other + 單數名詞」。

例:The restaurant offers three ice cream flavors. One is vanilla. Another is strawberry. The other is chocolate.

The restaurant offers three ice cream flavors. One flavor is vanilla. Another flavor is strawberry. The other flavor is chocolate.

The restaurant offers three ice cream flavors. One flavor is vanilla. Another is strawberry. The other is chocolate.



1. Mary received three birthday gifts. ________ is a necklace. ________ is a smartphone case. ________ is a mug.

Mary received three birthday gifts. ________ is a necklace. ________ is a smartphone case. ________ is a mug.

Mary received three birthday gifts. ________ is a necklace. ________ is a smartphone case. ________ is a mug.


2. This juice is made from three kinds of fruits. ________ is guava. ________ is mango. ________ is orange.

This juice is made from three kinds of fruits. ________ is guava. ________ is mango. ________ is orange.

This juice is made from three kinds of fruits. ________ is guava. ________ is mango. ________ is orange.


3  much + Adj-er / more Adj

副詞much可以用來修飾比較級,強調程度上「……得多,更加……」。而除了much外,比較級亦可視語意程度不同而用far (遠超過)even (甚至更)rather (相當)a lot (許多)等來修飾。

例:The heavy rain made the rough mountain paths much more dangerous.


With the new MRT line, traveling in the city is much more convenient.



1. 冬天要早起困難多了。

It is ________ to get up early in winter.

2. 我哥哥的房間遠比我房間大得多。

My brother’s room is ________ than my room.

4  not…but…


例:The cake was not eaten by Jacky but by Becky.


Australia’s capital is not Sydney but Canberra.



1. Tony不在電視上看戲劇,而在網路上看。

Tony doesn’t watch dramas on TV ________.

2. Cindy不搭公車上學,而是走路。

Cindy doesn’t go to school by bus ________.

5  be willing to V


例:Taiwan is always willing to help other countries.


The teacher is willing to share his experience of managing a class.



1. 為了開一家便利商店,你必須找到願意在午夜工作的人。

To open a convenience store, you have find a person who ________ at midnight.

2. 這位名歌手願意回答記者所有的問題。

The famous singer ________ all the questions from the reporters.



(     ) 1. Mr. Lee has three sons. One is a doctor. Another is a teacher. The ________ is a dancer.

(A) another    (B) others    (C) anothers    (D) other

(     ) 2. After checking the website, Mike became aware of ________ he can use the smartphone.

(A) how    (B) where    (C) why    (D) who

(     ) 3. The player is willing to ________ hard to win the important game.

(A) practice    (B) practices    (C) practiced    (D) practicing

(     ) 4. After going to the gym for three month, Alan becomes much ________.

(A) strong    (B) stronger    (C) strongest    (D) a strong

(     ) 5. The little girl walked back and forth, and wondered ________ she could find her father.

(A) who    (B) where    (C) which    (D) what

(     ) 6. I didn’t meet Ken in the classroom ________ at the KTV.

(A) so    (B) or    (C) and    (D) but

(     ) 7. The kind man is willing to ________ care of stray dogs.

(A) taking    (B) take    (C) took    (D) takes

(     ) 8. There are three shirts in the closet. One is pink. Another is blue. The ________ is white.

(A) another    (B) others    (C) other    (D) anothers

(     ) 9. This novel was not written by a famous writer ________ by a high school student.

(A) and    (B) or    (C) but    (D) so

(     ) 10. My mother thinks that the flowers in the market are much ________ than the flowers in the supermarket.

(A) fresher    (B) fresh    (C) freshest    (D) a fresh


1. does not / Rita / can / where / know / she / sit. (重組句子)


2. begin. / when / People / will / the concert / are asking (重組句子)


3. 我的外國朋友去過三個臺灣的城市。一個是臺北。另一個是臺中。最後一個是高雄。(中翻英)


4. 我有同款外套的三種不同顏色。一種是深藍色。另一種是黑色。最後一種是咖啡色。(中翻英)


5. Sarah認為居住在城市裡方便多了。(中翻英)


6. 騎腳踏車比走路快多了。(中翻英)


7. Felix想造訪的國家不是中國,而是印度。(中翻英)


8. 這個禮物不是給Fanny,而是給Stacy的。(中翻英)


9. 老師願意給學生更多時間完成作業。(中翻英)


10. Laura願意和Tracy分享她的午餐。(中翻英)


