2020年11月30日 星期一

B5U4 課後練習解答

 ──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────

I. Vocabulary


_________ 1. Sherry’s kindness is her greatest s______h. She is loved and respected because of it.

_________ 2. The goods you have ordered will be d______red to your house in three days.

_________ 3. The s______m is very clear. You can see many fish swim in it.

_________ 4. My father quit smoking after he became c______s of the dangers of smoking.

_________ 5. Hazel is my most trusted business p______r. We have worked together for more than ten years.



1. strength  2. delivered  3. stream  4. conscious  5. partner


II. Derivatives


_________ 1. Winning the national championship was one of the player’s greatest ______ (accomplish).

_________ 2. What a ______ (ashamed) I missed the game yesterday. I heard that it was very exciting.

_________ 3. Mary and Jim have decided to get married this year and have started making ______ (arrange) for their wedding.

_________ 4. Due to a lack of food and clean water, the typhoon victims are now living in ______ (miserable).

_________ 5. The business owner’s bad decision drew strong ______ (criticize) from his employees.



1. accomplishments  2. shame  3. arrangements 

4. misery  5. criticism


III. Multiple Choice


(   ) 1. To comfort her ______ baby, the mother held him gently in her arms.
(A) cry              (B) cried            (C) crying          (D) cries

(   ) 2. Ryan has a dog, ______ was adopted from an animal shelter.
(A) who            (B) which          (C) that             (D) ×

(   ) 3. My mother was very proud ______ me when I won the national competition.
(A) of                (B) to                (C) at                 (D) into

(   ) 4. With the ticket ______ in his hand, Jason walked into the theater.
(A) hold            (B) holds           (C) held             (D) is holding

(   ) 5. Elsa is still mad at you. You had better apologize ______ her as soon as possible.
(A) at                (B) as                (C) about           (D) to



1. C  2. B  3. A  4. C  5. D


IV. Cloze Test


As a bucket, my job was to carry water. Unfortunately, I had a crack in my body. Therefore, no matter how hard my owner tried to fill me with water, the water always   1   from this crack. After failing time after time to carry my full load of water, I started to feel ashamed   2   myself.   3  , my owner never got upset by me. Instead, he tried to make me   4   better by showing me the pretty flowers that were along the path we took. He told me that the flowers existed   5   me. From that day on, I started to feel more confident about myself.

(   ) 1. (A) declared    (B) leaked        (C) arranged   (D) accomplished

(   ) 2. (A) to              (B) on              (C) of              (D) with

(   ) 3. (A) Therefore  (B) Moreover   (C) Besides     (D) However

(   ) 4. (A) feel            (B) felt             (C) feels          (D) to feeling

(   ) 5. (A) because     (B) because of  (C) such          (D) such as



1. B  2. C  3. D  4. A  5. B


V. Guided Translation


1. 這名男子向他妻子保證他對她的忠誠。

The man __________ his wife of his __________ to her.

2. 市長昨天連同一些政府官員出席了那場重要會議。

The mayor attended the important meeting yesterday, __________ __________ some government officials.

3. 自從我和Jake大吵一架並不再和對方說話的那天起,已過了數個星期。

Many weeks have __________ __________ since the day when Jake and I had a big fight and stopped talking to each other.



1. assured... loyalty

2. along with

3. gone by


VI. Translation


1. The tour group is going to set out at 8 a.m.


2. 我打從心底祝你好運。




1. 這旅行團將在早上八點出發。

2. From the (bottom of my) heart, I wish you (good) luck.


