2020年11月30日 星期一

B5U3 課後練習解答

 ──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────

I. Vocabulary


_________ 1. After Stacy lost 20 kilograms, there was a d______c change in her appearance.

_________ 2. Since Tony speaks excellent English, he can h______e foreign customers very well.

_________ 3. The mountain climber o______e the weather problem and finally reached the top of the mountain.

_________ 4. You’ll be d______nied access (進入) to the building if you don’t bring your staff card.

_________ 5. Disneyland has a special c______m that makes it popular not only with children but also adults.

_________ 6. The a______e were amazed by the magician’s tricks and couldn’t stop clapping at the end of the show.

_________ 7. After years of fighting with cancer, my grandfather e______y passed away.

_________ 8. Riding a bike is considered a good m______d for reducing air pollution.

_________ 9. Gillian e______red many problems during her trip, including having her wallet stolen.

_________ 10. The clothes a person wears often r______ t that person’s personality and taste.



1. dramatic  2. handle  3. overcame  4. denied  5. charm

6. audience  7. eventually  8. method  9. encountered  10. reflect


II. Filling in the Blanks


for                  into                      at                       of                    from

1. There were no extra rooms for the guest, so we turned the sofa __________ a bed and let him sleep on it.

2. Maggie is skilled __________ repairing clocks and watches.

3. The movie was boring __________ start to finish.

4. Although this cartoon (卡通) is meant __________ children, many adults like to watch it, too.

5. Hearing this song, I was reminded __________ my first date with my husband.



1. into  2. at  3. from  4. for  5. of


III. Multiple Choice


(   ) 1. Every student in the classroom burst out    after the teacher told a joke.
(A) laugh
      (B) laughed      (C) laughing       (D) to laughing

(   ) 2.    Julia married a poor artist shocked all of her friends.
(A) That       (B) What          (C) Who             (D) Which

(   ) 3. We couldn’t help    with joy when our team won the game.
(A) scream
    (B) screaming   (C) screamed      (D) to screaming

(   ) 4. Emma can’t help    think about the time when she was a high school student every time she passes by her old high school.
(A) but          (B) so               (C) or                 (D) that

(   ) 5. The building    by the fire was once a museum.
(A) destroy
   (B) destroying  (C) destroys       (D) destroyed



1. C  2. A  3. B  4. A  5. D


IV. Guided Translation


1. 這些話聽起來很耳熟,但我就是想不起來是誰說的。
These words r__________ __________ __________, but I just can’t remember who said them.

2. Abby在追求她成為導演的夢想時,她的先生在她身邊支持她。
Abby’s husband __________ __________ her when she was pursuing her dream of becoming a filmmaker.

3. Peter被要求想出更有效率的方法來做這項工作。
Peter was asked to __________ __________ __________ a more effective way to do the job.



1. ring a bell

2. stood by

3. come up with


V. Translation


1. When it comes to producing high­quality bicycles, Giant is second to none.

2. 被這個可怕的生物咬到後,我忍不住大哭。



1. 談到製造高品質的腳踏車,捷安特是首屈一指的。

2. After I was bitten/Being bitten/Bitten by the frightening/scary creature, I couldn’t help crying/but cry (out loud).


