2020年11月9日 星期一


 Unit 3

1. Noun Clauses as Subjects or Objects

說明 1. 名詞子句可在句子中作主詞(subject)或受詞(object),視為單數。可引導名詞子句的連接詞有thatwh­疑問詞(whowhywherewhatwhenhowwhether)等。

2. that所引導的名詞子句作受詞時常省略that,作主詞時則that不可省略。

例句 1. Moreover, how the stories progress is also always full of surprises.


2. Peter didn't know why his sister suddenly started laughing.


3. Cindy realized (that) her bicycle has been stolen.


練習 1. the marathon/came in first/heard/I/just/in/that Tracy

I just heard that Tracy came in first in the marathon.                        

2. has done/What/the guilty man/unforgivable/is

What the guilty man has done is unforgivable.                              


2. can't help +  V­ing

but + V

說明 此句型表示「忍不住……,不得不……」。can't help but後面接原形動詞,若只有can't help則接動名詞(V­ing)

例句 1. As the movies proceed, audiences can't help laughing and crying, and then grow with these characters.

I couldn't help but cry after watching the sad movie.


3. Emma couldn't help but scream when she saw the cockroach in her room.  (Emma在她房間看見蟑螂時,她忍不住尖叫了。)

練習 1. Joanne聽到笑話時忍不住笑了出來。

Joanne   couldn't     help     laughing   when she heard the joke.

2. Harry忍不住把美味的冰淇淋蛋糕吃完了。

Harry   can't/couldn't     help     but   eat up the delicious ice cream cake.


3. N + who/which/that + be Vpp... N + Vpp...

說明 過去分詞片語為限定用法的關係子句簡化而來。關係子句為被動語態時,可省略關係代名詞及be動詞,只保留過去分詞(Vpp)來修飾先行詞(N)

例句 1. The challenges and difficulties which are faced by these characters in the stories actually reflect real life.

The challenges and difficulties faced by these characters in the stories actually reflect real life.


2. The vase that was broken by the customer costs 8,000 NT dollars.

The vase broken by the customer costs 8,000 NT dollars.


3. The people who were hurt in the accident were sent to the hospital immediately.

The people hurt in the accident were sent to the hospital immediately.


練習 1. The blueberry pie which was made by my best friend is delicious. (改寫句子)

The blueberry pie made by my best friend is delicious.                       

2. The actor who was followed by the paparazzi became furious. (改寫句子)

The actor followed by the paparazzi became furious.                       


4. wh­ + S + V wh­ + to V

說明 疑問詞wh­ (whomwhatwhenwherewhichhow)引導的名詞子句中, 若句意為「應該……」或「可以……」,通常可簡化成名詞片語(wh­ + to V)。此類的名詞子句中常搭配shouldcancould等助動詞。

例句 1. His experiences teach people how they can handle and overcome the difficult times.

→ His experiences teach people how to handle and overcome the difficult times.


2. Whenever I have doubts, I ask my mother what I should do.

→ Whenever I have doubts, I ask my mother what to do.


3. The chef will tell you when you should turn off the heat.

→ The chef will tell you when to turn off the heat.


練習 1. Vicky doesn't know where she can buy the ingredients for the cookie. 


Vicky doesn't know where to buy the ingredients for the cookie.           

2. The video shows people how they can put on scary make­up for Halloween. 


The video shows people how to put on scary make­up for Halloween.       


5. consider A (to be) B

說明 consider A (to be) B表示「把……視為……」之意。consider亦可用think of代換,用think of時則不用to be,寫作think of A as B

例句 1. Although children are usually considered to be the target audience for animated films, Pixar movies are not meant for kids only.


2. The evil queen considers herself (to be) the most beautiful woman in the world.


3. The students consider the activity fun and successful.

→ The students think of the activity as fun and successful.


練習 1. 公司裡很多員工都認為Mark是個傑出的經理。

Many workers in the company   consider   Mark   to     be   excellent manager.

2. Mandy認為新同學有自信又外向。

Mandy   thinks/thought     of   the new student as confident and outgoing.


