2021年1月7日 星期四


 001 時間() Time ()

1. precious adj. 珍貴的;寶貴的

To a high school senior like me, time is much more precious than anything else.


2. schedule n. 進度;時刻表

My schedule is so tight that I hardly get enough sleep.


3. burden n. 負擔~ ed adj.

I am burdened with endless tests to study for every night.


4. efficient adj. 有效率的;最經濟的

I should learn to arrange my time better in order to make more efficient use of it.


5. stress n. 壓力

Sometimes I am under a lot of stress because of so much daily homework.



002 時間() Time()

1. mystery n. 神秘

Time is one of the greatest mysteries in life.


2. predict vt. 預言

Many people depend on fortunetellers to predict the future.


3. pray vi. 祈禱

Religious people invented the clock to help them know when to pray .


4. order n. 順序;命令

Time lets us put things into a definite order .


5. organize vt. 組織;安排

In order to make our life more meaningful, we should learn how to organize our time.


