2021年1月5日 星期二


 IV. Grammar

過去完成式:S + had + Vpp

1. 完成式的基本架構為「have + Vpp」,在第二冊Unit 7曾經介紹過現在完成式的用法,而這裡要介紹的是過去完成式。由於是過去,所以必須把完成式架構裡的have改成過去式had,形成的過去完成式架構為「had + Vpp」。

2. 過去完成式的使用時機有以下三種:

(1) 在過去某時刻已經完成的動作。

(2) 過去某時刻之前就一直持續的動作。

(3) 過去某時刻之前的經驗(敘述有或沒有該經驗都可以用)

3. 假如句子中有兩個過去的時間,比較早的必須使用過去完成式,比較晚的則使用過去簡單式。

例:By the time you told me, I had finished my homework.



David had lived in Nagoya for three months before he moved to Tokyo.



Michelle had never gone abroad before she graduated from college.




1.  James found an apartment. James had stayed in a hotel. (before)


2.  I had slept for four hours. My sister came home. (before)


表示「花費」的動詞:spend, cost, take

1. spend的主詞必須為「人」,後面可接「時間」或「金錢」。最常用的結構為「sb + spend + 時間 / 金錢 + on N / V-ing」,意思是「某人花時間或金錢在某事物上 / 做某事」。

2. cost的主詞必須為「事物」或虛主詞it,只能用來表示花費「金錢」,常見的使用方式為「sth + cost (+ sb) +金錢」或「it + cost (+ sb) +金錢 + to V」,表示「某事物 / 做某事花了(某人)……(金錢)」。

3. take當「花費」的意思解釋時,主詞同樣必須為「事物」或虛主詞it,用來表示花費時間。常見的使用方式為「sth + take (+ sb) + 時間」或「it + take (+ sb) + 時間 + to V」,表示「做某事花了(某人)多少時間」。

例:Shelly spends all of her money on luxuries.

Shelly spends all of her money buying luxuries.

Shelly花她所有的錢在奢侈品上 / 買奢侈品

The dress cost Ms. Wu 500 dollars.

It cost Ms. Wu 500 dollars to buy the dress.


Finishing his homework took Harry an hour.

It took Harry an hour to finish his homework.



1. Charlie花了整個下午在超市裡購物。

Charlie ________ in the supermarket.

2. 買這間房子花了Scott所有的積蓄。

It ________ all Scott’s savings ________.

3. 寫這份報告花了我兩天。

It ________.

used to V

這個片語的意思是「過去曾經……」,用來表示過去常常會做的事情,或是過去的習慣,但現在已經不那麼做,或現在已經沒那樣的習慣了。除了這個片語本身,另外要特別注意和這個片語結構相似,非常容易搞混的兩個慣用法。首先,和這個片語相當相近的be used to V是單純的被動語態,表示「被用來……」;而be used to V­ing表示的則是「習慣於……」。

例:Jason used to teach biology at a university, but now he is retired.


Many people used to be the mayor’s fans, but they no longer trust him now.



1. 東京鐵塔過去曾經是東京最高的建築物。

Tokyo Tower ________ the tallest building in Tokyo.

2. 小林先生過去曾經住在千葉。

Mr. Kobayashi ________ in Chiba.

be able to V

be able to V的意思是「能夠……」,其時態及單複數由be動詞來變化及表示,用法上可和助動詞can + V代換。如果要表示否定含意時,可寫為be unable to V,意思是「不能夠……」。

例:To get the job, you should be able to speak fluent English.


Tim hurt his legs, so he was unable to run the marathon.



1. 那個5歲的小女孩能夠記得亞洲國家的首都。

The 5­year­old girl ________ the capitals of Asian countries.

2. Thomas無法來派對,因為他的班機延誤。

Thomas ________ to the party because his flight was delayed.

S + V + (that)-clause and that-clause


例:I realize (that) how beautiful marine life is and that it is important to watch over our oceans.


Michael told me (that) he didn’t feel well and that his father would pick him up later.



1. Jeremy相信他有天會成功,以及他爸媽會以他為榮。

Jeremy believes that he will succeed one day ________ his parents will be proud of him.

2. Susie告訴我她要搬走,以及他們一家人可能會在布拉格落腳。

Susie told me she was going to move ________ her family might settle down in Prague.



(     ) 1. The singer’s latest album ________ Tony NT$871.

(A) spent    (B) bought    (C) sold    (D) cost

(     ) 2. Cindy used to ________ a walk after dinner.

(A) taken    (B) takes    (C) took    (D) take

(     ) 3. Luke realized that he ________ his wallet in the hotel room.

(A) had leaving    (B) had left    (C) has leaving    (D) has leave

(     ) 4. Steve was unable ________ the small words on the poster.

(A) to read    (B) to reading    (C) of read    (D) of reading

(     ) 5. Meg remembered she had taken out the garbage and ________ her brother had done the dishes.

(A) this    (B) which    (C) that    (D) what

(     ) 6. Tom ________ as a doctor for thirty years before he retired.

(A) had worked    (B) had working    (C) working    (D) works

(     ) 7. Allison said the deadline for the paper was next Monday and ________ she was running out of time.

(A) that    (B) what    (C) this    (D) which

(     ) 8. If I finish my homework by seven, I will be able ________ to the party.

(A) to going    (B) to go    (C) of go    (D) of going

(     ) 9. Mr. Du used to ________ a worker before he becomes a singer.

(A) is    (B) do    (C) be    (D) did

(     ) 10. Bill spent a lot of money ________ the souvenir.

(A) at    (B) by    (C) on    (D) in


1. 我醒來時,我哥哥已經去上班了。(中翻英)


2. Iris回到她的位子上時,她的智慧型手機已經被偷了。(中翻英)


3. Ron / two weeks / took / It / his bad cold. / to recover from (重組句子)


4. 200 dollars / me / It / home. / cost / to take a taxi (重組句子)


5. Eric過去曾經是Paul最要好的朋友。(中翻英)


6. Doris過去曾經在補習班工作。(中翻英)


7. is / quickly. / learn things / The new employee / able to (重組句子)


8. sell / in five minutes. / able to / is / ten diamond rings / The super salesperson (重組句子)


9. 我發現這裡的人們很友善,而且食物很好吃。(中翻英)


10. 我認為Helen沒在說謊,也覺得其中必有誤會。(中翻英)


