2018年10月1日 星期一

B1 U1 SP Practice


1. S + Vi (+ Prep + O)

說明 1此句型主要由主詞和完全不及物動(Vi)所構成。

2完全不及物動詞不需接受詞就能完整表達句意,若要接受詞時,必須先接介系詞再接受詞。其後亦可接適當的副詞 (Adv) 等作為修飾

例句 1. I arrived at my new vocational high school. (我抵達了高職新學校。)

2. Amy stared at the screen. (Amy盯著螢幕看。)

3. The students laughed happily. (學生開心地笑著。)

練習 1. Julie總是在睡前會聽音樂。
Julie always
 listens   to  the music before she goes to bed.

2. Sandy今早抵達了日本。
 arrived   in  Japan this morning.


2. S + Vt + O

說明 1此句型由主詞 (S)、完全及物動詞 (Vt) 和受詞 (O) 所構成。


例句 1. I can do this. (我做得到。)

2. The fire fighters rescued the old lady from the fire.

3. Iris cleaned her room last night. (Iris昨晚打掃了她的房間。)

練習 1. Helen接受了她表姊的婚禮邀請。

Helen  accepted  the  invitation  to her cousin's wedding.

2. 這位母親冒著生命危險生下了一個小男嬰。

The mother  risked  her  life  to give birth to a baby boy.


3. start + V­ing/to V

說明 start可以用動名詞(V­ing)或不定詞(to V)作為受詞,表示「開始……」之意。

例句 1. I found the courage to start talking.

2. Karen started learning cooking three months ago.

3. Andy started to run when he found that he was about to miss the train.

練習 1. Jason吃完晚餐後便開始寫功課。
 started   to   do  his homework after dinner.

2. Kelly開始在同學面前自我介紹。
 started   introducing  herself in front of her classmates.


4. less Adj (+ than...)

說明 1此句型為形容詞的劣等比較用法,在形容詞前面加上less,表示「較不……」之意。

2和其他事物比較時,則在形容詞後面加上than,形成A + be + less + Adj + than + B的句型,表示「A不如B……」之意。

例句 1. I became less nervous because my classmates were friendly to me.

2. In comparison to homemade food, fast food is less healthy.

3. Wendy is less tall than Kevin. (Wendy沒有比Kevin高。)

練習 1. 那位母親聽到自己的兒子在意外中平安無恙後,感到不那麼擔心。
The mother became
 less   worried  when she heard her son was safe in the accident.

2. 這件襯衫沒有比那件洋裝貴。
  The shirt is
 less   expensive   than  that dress.


5. as long as      只要

說明 1as long as 為一從屬連接詞,用以引導條件子句,表示促成某事所須的條件或情況。


例句 1. People can survive and learn new things as long as they are willing to leave their comfort zones. (人們只要願意跨出舒適區,就能生存而且學到新的事物。)

2. Renee will forgive you as long as you say sorry.


3. You can hang out with your friends as long as you finish your homework.


練習 1. 只要我們有規律的運動,就能保持健康的體格。
 As   long   as  we exercise regularly, we can stay fit.

2. 只要你有12歲以上你就可以欣賞這部電影。
You can watch this movie
 as   long   as  you are over 12 years old.



I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。

( C ) 1. My parents want to    the country late in life.
(A) live                       (B) living                 (C) live in         (D) live with

( A ) 2.Perry    home at 8 a.m. and arrived at his office half an hour later.
(A) left                       (B) leaving              (C) left for       (D) left behind

( B ) 3.Ms. Garry started    fifteen years ago.
(A) teach                    (B) teaching            (C) to teaching  (D) taught

( D ) 4.Peter has seen Jessica    often since she moved to another city.
(A) much                      (B) many                   (C) least           (D) less

( C ) 5.The English test was    difficult than I had expected. I could answer most of the questions.
(A) many                      (B) much                   (C) less         (D) little

( A ) 6. Your math will improve    you study hard.
(A) as long as               (B) as soon as            (C) as a result       (D) in addition to

( B ) 7. I will go to your party    I'm free.
(A) in addition to         (B) as long as            (C) as a result       (D) and so on

( D ) 8. James picked up his book and started   .
(A) study                      (B) studied                (C) studies   (D) studying

( A ) 9. My family is the most important thing to me. I love    very much.
(A) them                       (B) they                     (C) their       (D) themselves

( B ) 10. Please listen    me carefully.
(A) ×                             (B) to                         (C) for      (D) at


II. 重組句子:將以下各句重組並做適當修改。

1. took off/home/he/dirty shirt/Andy/his/after/got
Andy took off his dirty shirt after he got home.                                  

2. Carol/some/picked/last weekend/strawberries
Carol picked some strawberries last weekend.                                 

3. started/The fans/when/the car/scream/the movie star/got out of/to
The fans started to scream when the movie star got out of the car.                  

4. started/in/The students/after school/the classroom/dancing

  The students started dancing in the classroom after school.                      

5. as long as/Tina/tell/you/the truth/will/forgive you
Tina will forgive you as long as you tell the truth.                              


III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。

1. Alex看了一下他的手錶,意識到他快遲到了。
 looked   at  his watch and  realized  that he was about to be late.

2. Rachel的祖父常常和她述說他年輕時的故事。
Rachel's grandfather often
 told   her  stories about when he was young.

3. 只要明年夏天James從大學畢業,他就可以出國留學了。
James can study abroad
 as   long   as  he finishes his college next summer.

4. 老師離開教室後,學生就開始彼此聊天。
The students
 started   talking   to  each other after the teacher left the classroom.

5. 要如何才能在和新朋友見面時比較不會害羞呢?
   How can I be
 less   shy  when I meet new friends?


