2018年10月15日 星期一

B5 U1 Do It Yourself

──────────────Do It Yourself────────────── I. Vocabulary 填入最符合句意的單字以完成下列句子。 __________ 1. Eating a balanced diet every day is highly b______l to people’s health. __________ 2. My mother is an e______t at baking cakes. She has even written a cookbook about baking. __________ 3. Nick spent a c______e amount of money buying the expensive sports car. __________ 4. Calvin b______ped his arm on the door and let out a cry of pain. __________ 5. Willy has an American father and a Taiwanese mother. No wonder he can speak English and Chinese e______y well. __________ 6. The waiter’s i______g words made the customer leave the restaurant in anger. __________ 7. The filmmaker gave the cameraman a s______l to start filming. __________ 8. My wife and I have no d______e to go out tonight, so we will just stay home and watch some DVDs. __________ 9. I decided to lend Cathy some money when she told me that she had been having some f______l problems. __________ 10. The movie is far too v______t for children to watch because it contains many fight and death scenes. [Ans.] 1. beneficial 2. expert 3. considerable 4. bumped 5. equally 6. insulting 7. signal 8. desire 9. financial 10. violent II. Multiple Choice 根據句意選出語法最適當的答案。 ( ) 1. Chad thinks his painting is as ______ as the famous artist’s painting. (A) good (B) better (C) best (D) well ( ) 2. There is an attractive lady ______ for you at the entrance. (A) wait (B) waits (C) is waiting (D) who is waiting ( ) 3. The boys sat together, ______ the exciting game on TV. (A) watch (B) to watching (C) watching (D) and watching ( ) 4. ______ is taught by teachers will have a great influence on the students. (A) That (B) What (C) When (D) Which ( ) 5. Steve is so mad ______ Angela that he has not talked to her for several weeks. (A) to (B) of (C) by (D) at [Ans.] 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D III. Cloze Test 選出最適當的答案以完成段落。 Many people like to use eye contact to express their feelings or thoughts. In fact, eye contact has different meanings in different countries. For example, Marcus, an American 1 , once got lost during his trip in Japan. 2 he was anxious to find his way home, he asked a local woman there for directions. While he was talking to her, he tried to show his respect for her by 3 directly into her eyes. However, the woman kept avoiding his eyes and soon walked away in anger. He had no idea 4 direct eye contact in Japan is considered rude. On the other hand, if Marcus had made direct eye contact with some Americans or Europeans, they might 5 him nicely and warmly. Therefore, we should be very careful when it comes to using body language in a different culture. ( ) 1. (A) female (B) tourist (C) crew (D) crowd ( ) 2. (A) Since (B) Despite (C) Instead (D) Therefore ( ) 3. (A) look (B) looks (C) looking (D) looked ( ) 4. (A) who (B) what (C) whom (D) that ( ) 5. (A) treat (B) treated (C) had treated (D) have treated [Ans.] 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D IV. Guided Translation 根據中文填入最適當的單字以完成下列英文句子。每格限填一字。 1. Fred話不多,但事實上,我班上沒有比他更體貼的學生了。 Fred does not talk much, but in truth, no __________ __________ in my class is __________ thoughtful __________ he is. 2. Miranda非常疲累,所以她一下班就馬上回家了。 Miranda was very tired, so she __________ __________ home right after work. 3. 不用說,我會百分之百支持你。 __________ __________ __________ __________ that I will support you one hundred percent. 4. 是酒後駕駛引起這場不幸的事故。 It was drunk driving that __________ __________ __________ this tragic accident. 5. 這個小偷以為國王會下令處死他,但國王反而饒恕他一命。 The thief thought the king would give the order to execute him, but the king __________ his life __________. [Ans.] 1. other student... as... as 2. made for 3. It goes without saying 4. gave rise to 5. spared...instead

