2018年10月3日 星期三


一、V + V-ing(下列動詞後面若接動詞,用動名詞) avoid(避免) practice(練習) imagine(想像) consider(考慮) deny (否定)enjoy(喜歡) escape(逃避) finish (結束) keep(繼續) mind(介意) miss(錯過) mean(表示) risk(冒險) suggest(建議) admit(承認) include(包括) delay(延遲) postpone(延遲) quit(停止)等。 People should avoid driving too fast on rainy days. These students practice speaking English every day. She imagined marrying Tom. 二、副詞片語或副詞子句提到句首,後面要用逗點: because of + N. Everyone loves Amy because of her friendly personality. → Because of her friendly personality, everyone loves Amy. because + 子句 The children are lucky because their father is sensitive to their needs. → Because their father is sensitive to their needs, the children are lucky. 三、used to + VR 過去習慣 He used to get up early.. be / get / become used to + N. / V-ing 現在或過去習慣 I am used to getting up early. She got used to the traffic in Keelung. 四、as… as one can = as… as possible 儘可能… I’ll get up as early as I can. = I’ll get up as early as possible. 五、be worth + V-ing 值得做… = be worthy of + N. / V-ing = be worthy to + be + p.p. EX: The book is worth reading. = The book is worthy of being read. = The book is worthy to be read. 六、V + that + S + (should) + VR 此類動詞通常指應採取某種行動: suggest / advise / propose / recommend(建議) request / demand / require / ask(要求) insist (堅持) order(命令) move(提議) argue(主張) urge(力勸)等。 John suggested that we go home. I advise that he stop smoking. The teacher requested that we come to school on time. 七、 子句 + (so ) that / so (that) / in order that + S + V 為了 (表目的 that / so that / in order子句中常用may, can或 will, 而過去式則用might, could 或 would) He got up early (so) that he would not be late. He got up early so (that) he would not be late. Please turn down the music in order that I can study. 八、in order to-V 為了  so as to-V表示目的  so … as to-V 表示結果 I got up early in order to catch the first train.(表目的) = I got up early so as to catch the first train. I got up so early as to catch the first train.(表結果) 九、S + be / V so + adj. / adv. + that 子句 如此…以致於… He is so selfish that nobody likes to make friends with him. She talked so loudly that everyone in the restaurant could hear what she said. such + N. + that 子句 如此…以致於… She is such a sweet girl that we all like her. 十、stop / prevent / keep / hinder + 某人 + from… 阻止某人去做… Joseph can’t keep himself from shouting when he gets really angry. The rain prevented me from going out. save …from… 讓…免於… protect …from…  保護…免於… The mother called the fire department early enough to save the house from being burnt to the ground. 十一、 be + Adj. + to-V ready, glad, disappointed(感到失望的), able, unable, difficult, easy, sure, afraid, happy, lucky, hard(困難的), willing(願意的), certain(必然的), eager(急著的), free(隨便的), delighted (感到欣喜的), pleased (高興的), likely(可能會的), inclined(想要的), bound (必然的) 等。 Cathy is ready to meet the challenges of the new job. I am glad to see you. I was disappointed to fail in history. 十二、 S + V +…+ as (1當2因為) / although / when / if / because / unless(除非) / since(1因為2自從) + S + V+… 若從屬子句提到句首,後面要用逗點: Carol felt calm as she walked on the quiet beach. → As she walked on the quiet beach, Carol felt calm. She can speak fluent Chinese although she is an American. → Although she is an American, she can speak fluent Chinese. I will join a lot of activities when I go to college. → When I go to college, I will join a lot of activities. 十三、一…就… As soon as + S + 過去式…, S + 過去式… = S + had + no sooner + P.P.+… + than + S +過去式… = S + had hardly + P.P.+…+ when / before + S + 過去式… = On / Upon + V-ing…, S + 過去式… As soon as he received her call, he left the house. = He had no sooner received her call than he left the house. = He had hardly received her call when / before he left the house. = On / Upon receiving her call, he left the house. 否定副詞No sooner或 Hardly提到句首要倒裝:助動詞had提到主詞前: No sooner had he received her call than he left the house. Hardly had he received her call when / before he left the house. 十四、 , including + N.  包括 , inclusive of + N. , N. + included Ten people were killed, including the driver. Ten people were killed, inclusive of the driver. Ten people were killed, the driver included. 十五、 thanks to = because of = on account of = owing to + N.   因為 = as a result of = due to Thanks to the careless driving, they had an accident. Judy decided not to take the plane on account of the coming typhoon. 十六、The + 比較級…, the + 比較級… 愈…愈… The more books we read, the wiser we are. The harder you work, the more successful you will be. (後面主要子句用未來式時,前面從屬子句用簡單現在式表未來) 十七、 have no choice but + to-V  不得不… = cannot help + V-ing = cannot (help) but + VR = cannot choose but + VR I have no choice but to laugh. = I cannot help laughing. = I cannot (help) but laugh. = I cannot choose but laugh. 十八、It takes / took +人+時間+ to-V It costs / cost + 人+金錢 + to-V    人spend / spent +時間 / 金錢 (in) + V-ing           on + N. It takes me one hour to finish my homework. It costs me two hundred dollars to buy the book. She spends two hours studying English every day. I spent one hundred dollars on the book. 十九、Instead of + V-ing…, S + V…  不…反而… S + V…. Instead, S + V… Instead of telling the truth, he lied to us. → He didn’t tell the truth. Instead, he lied to us. 二十、 It is / was + 要強調的名詞、代名詞、時間副詞(片語)、地方副詞(片語)、或副詞子句 + that + 句子其餘部分 He should take the responsibility. →It is he that should take the responsibility. Peter gave Mary a book. →It was a book that Peter gave Mary. 二十一、 It + is / was + 形容人的Adj. + of + 人 + to-V 此類形容詞: courageous (勇敢的) thoughtful (體貼的)stupid (愚笨的)  careless (粗心的) brave (勇敢的) careful (小心的) honest polite wrong clever considerate  (體貼的) cruel 殘忍的 cute kind selfish silly nice (親切的) good (親切的) sweet (親切的) thoughtless (不體諒的) wise It is courageous of the woman to give her life for her child. It is thoughtful of you to invite me to your party. It was stupid of him to turn down such a well-paid job. It is careless of you to make such a big mistake. 二十二、與現在事實相反: If + S + were / 過去式…, S + should / would / could / might + VR… If I were a bird, I could fly to you.     與過去事實相反: If + S + had + P.P…., S + should / would / could / might + have + P.P…. If I had been sick yesterday, I would have stayed at home. 若把if去掉,要倒裝:(助)動詞提到主詞前面: Had I been sick yesterday, I would have stayed at home. 二十三、 (When / While / Although / If / As) + V-ing(主動)/ P.P.(被動)…, S + V…此句型,前後兩個子句的主詞須相同;從屬連接詞可省略: After she finished her work, she went home. → (After) Finishing her work, she went home. While I was taking a walk in the park, I met an old friend of mine. → (While) Taking a walk in the park, I met an old friend of mine. Enchanted by her beauty, he followed her and tried to talk to her. 被…迷住了 前後主詞不相同,主詞不能省: She riding her bicycle, her hair was blowing in the wind. It being cold, they made a fire. 二十四、People say + that + S + V‧‧‧  據說 It is said / thought / believed (that) + S + V = S + be said / thought / believed + to-V People say that women live longer than men. = It is said that women live longer than men. = Women are said to live longer than men. 二十五、寧願…也不願… would rather + VR… than + VR… He would rather go home on foot than take a bus. would + VR… rather than + VR… He would play tennis rather than go swimming. prefer to + VR… rather than +VR… I prefer to walk rather than take a bus prefer + V-ing/N… to + V-ing/N‧‧‧ I prefer eating a cake to drinking milk. I prefer coffee to tea. 二十六、refer to / regard / think of / view / look upon / look on / take / see + O + as + N. / Adj.  視…為… I regard him as my good friend. I regard the situation as serious. I think of this dictionary as the most useful tool in learning English. 二十七、There is no + V-ing… 不可能… = It is impossible to-V… There is no knowing when he will come. = It is impossible to know when he will come. 二十八、It goes without saying that +S + V… = It is needless to say that + S + V… = Needless to say, S + V… 不用說… It goes without saying that failure is the mother of success. = It is needless to say that failure is the mother of success. = Needless to say, failure is the mother of success. 二十九、S + never + V…+ without + V-ing… = Whenever + S + V…, S + V… 每…必… He never speaks English without making mistakes. = Whenever he speaks English, he makes mistakes. 三十、burst(原式)burst(過去式)burst(過去分詞) burst into + N. = burst out + V-ing burst into tears 突然大哭起來 =burst out crying burst into laughter突然大笑起來burst out laughing She burst into tears. 三十一、 To one’s + 感情N, S + V… 令…的是 感情名詞:joy sadness worry fear horror happiness surprise sorrow (傷心) delight (喜悅) anxiety(憂慮) frustration(挫折) amazement (驚訝) astonishment (驚訝) disappointment(失望) depression (沮喪) satisfaction(滿意) relief (放心) regret (懊悔) To our disappointment, he didn’t show up. To my relief, I passed the exam. 三十二、Both + S + and + S + 複數動詞 Both I and he are busy. not only + S + but also + S / neither + S + nor + S / either + S + or + S (動詞與後面主詞一致) Not only you but also I am busy. 不但你忙,而且我也忙。 Neither he nor I am busy. 他或我都不忙。 Either he or I am busy. 或者他忙,或者我忙。  (動詞與前面主詞一致): S + as well as + S He as well as I is busy. 三十三、 not… until… 直到…才… He will not go home until he finishes the work. Not until子句置句首,主要子句要倒裝: He didn’t show his talents until he was twenty. → Not until he was twenty did he show his talents. 三十四、Everyone/Everybody/Everything +單數動詞 Everyone likes her. Everybody in the opera was surprised when the actor fell off the stage. 三十五、 too…to-V 太…以致於不能… = too… for + N. He is too tired to walk. = He is too tired for a walk. You are too young to do the job. The book is too difficult to understand. 三十六、感官動詞 hear /see / observe / feel / watch / listen to / look at / notice + O + V-ing / VR (主動) + P.P. (被動) We could hear our neighbors talking / talk. The husband saw the thief entering / enter the house. I saw the players punished by the coach.        被處罰 The thief was seen to enter the house. 感官動詞自己是被動時,後面接to –V 三十七、授與動詞有兩個受詞,受詞為人或動物,若出現在後面時,其前面要用介系詞,否則不用介系詞: give / show (1.表示 2.出示) / send (送達) / pay(付款)/ lend / teach / sell / promise / tell + O + to + O      事物  人或動物 give / show / send / pay / lend / teach / sell / promise +  O  +  O 人或動物 She gave a pen to me. = She gave me a pen. buy / save(1.儲蓄 2. 省去) / choose (挑選) / prescribe(開藥方) / prepare (準備)/ build (建造)/ cook (烹煮)/ leave (留下)/ make(製作) / get(1.買 2. 拿) + O (事物)+ for + O(人或動物) buy / save / choose / prescribe / prepare / build / cook / leave / make / get + O(人或動物) + O(事物) She bought a pen for me. = She bought me a pen. ask + O(事物)+ of + O(人或動物) ask + O(人或動物)+ O(事物) He asked a question of me. = He asked me a question. 三十八、可分雙字動詞之受詞是名詞時,可放在可分雙字動詞的中間或後面;受詞是代名詞時,要放在中間。 可分雙字動詞:put away(收起)pick up(拾起)turn off(關掉) turn on(打開)clean up(清理)turn down(拒絕)look up(翻查)pick out(挑出)put off(延期)put on(穿)take off(脫下)throw away(扔掉)take away(拿走)clean out(把…清空)call off(取消)give up(放棄)hand in(繳交)put out(熄滅)find out(找出)figure out(想出) Put your toys away. Put away your toys. Put them away. I picked up a ball. I picked a ball up. I picked it up. 三十九、 V+ O + to-V use (使用) teach(教)invite(請求)cause(致使) encourage(鼓勵)advise(勸告)allow(允許)persuade(說服)ask(請)train(訓練)inspire(鼓舞)order(命令)remind(提醒)urge(力勸)tell(叫)warn(警告)force(強迫)get (說服) enable (使能夠) My father always encourages me to join the school’s baseball team. The boss asked us to do the work without delay. Susan’s parents told her not to go out with her friends last night. She persuaded me to stay. 四十、 V + to-V decide(決定)refuse(拒絕)determine(決心)need(必須)hope(希望)learn(學習)fail(未能)threaten(威脅)plan(計畫)pretend(假裝)agree(同意) struggle (努力) John refused to leave his wife when she was sick. The father determined to stop smoking for the good of his family. He often fails to keep his word. She will agree to come. I plan to learn French. 四十一、 V + that +S + 表達時式的動詞 think explain know say learn(得知) notice hope show(證明) believe declare(聲明) doubt(懷疑) expect(期待) fear feel hear imagine(想像) mean(表示) forget understand complain(抱怨) agree confess(承認) conclude(作結論) tell(知道) remember see(明白) determine(決心) 等 Almost everyone thinks that English is an important language. The teacher explained that schoolwork was very important. Parents should know that their children also need some privacy. My mother said that I didn’t have to worry about my grades. I learned that Amy did not like to be disturbed. I notice that the teachers are friendly. Most writers hope that a famous publisher will publish their books. A recent study shows that fewer and fewer babies are born each year. 四十二、 V + to-V / V-ing start continue love hate like prefer begin intend(打算)dread(害怕)neglect(忽略)cease(停止)等 She loves to go to work every day. =She loves going to work every day. She prefers to live in the country. = She prefers living in the country. He neglected to lock the door. = He neglected locking the door. 四十三、 V + (O) + to-V want promise(答應) ask (請求) beg(懇求) expect  wish  等 Tim wants me to take a vacation.   希望 Tim wants to take a vacation.   想 He promised (me) to help me. I wish you to go at once. 希望 I wish to see you.  想 I expect to be there this evening. I expect him to do it.  預定            期望    四十四、人+ look / be / feel + P.P.(感情動詞用過去分詞) frightened(害怕的)excited(令人興奮的) disappointed(失望的)depressed(沮喪的)bored(無聊的)worried(擔心的)delighted(感到欣喜的)scared(害怕的)discouraged(沮喪的)relieved(放心的)relaxed(輕鬆的)exhausted(筋疲力盡的)pleased(高興的)startled(吃驚的)satisfied(滿意的)horrified(感到恐怖的)等 He felt relieved. We were scared. May looks relaxed when she listens to soft music. If you fail, don’t feel discouraged. 人+ be + P.P.(上面感情動詞改成的過去分詞)+ to-V She was frightened to see a thief in the dark. He was excited to hear the news. I was disappointed to learn that he was not at home. He was relieved to know that he passed the test. 四十五、 It + be + Adj. / N. + (for + 對象) + to –V      虛主詞      真主詞 此句型的形容詞形容事情: easy hard important necessary possible impossible wrong dangerous It is not easy (for me) to own a house in a big city. It is dangerous (for you) to climb the mountains alone. It is very hard (for me) to get up early. It is important (for a patient) to keep in a good mood. It is her responsibility to take care of the baby. 四十六、介系詞 + V-ing / N. 介系詞:at for of in without with on by about from等 She is good at learning English. She is good at math. I was sorry for breaking her window. I love the feeling of being surrounded by books in the library. Arthur succeeded in winning Wendy’s heart The man worked hard to be rich without caring about his health. 四十七、 V + wh.-字(不是主詞時) + S +(助)V wonder(想知道) doubt(不能確定)predict(預測) know find out(查出) imagine(想像) say show(表明)tell(1.說 2.告訴 3.知道)understand(了解) I wondered how much the watch cost. I doubt if / whether she will come to my party today. No one can predict what the crazy man will do next. I don’t know when he will come back. wh-子句 → wh-字 + to-V I don’t know what I should do. → I don’t know what to do. I asked him where I should go. → I asked him where to go. You must tell him what he should do. → You must tell him what to do. 四十八、 V + O + that子句 tell show(表明) teach(教) promise remind I told him that I would be late. She promised me that she would come. Remind me that the meeting is on Saturday. 四十九、 be + Adj. / P.P.(感情動詞改成的過去分詞) + that子句 sure proud confident happy glad afraid(1.擔心 2.恐怕) sorry(1.難過的 2.抱歉的 3.可惜的) surprised delighted satisfied I am sure that I have spent too much money this month. Mrs. White is proud that her son’s story was published in the newspaper. 五十、 S + be / V + 地方副詞(片語)   → 地方副詞(片語) + be / V + S 地方副詞(片語)提到句首,主詞是名詞時,要倒裝:動詞應置於主詞前 An old man lived in a small town. → In a small town lived an old man. A wonderful sight was in the garden. → In the garden was a wonderful sight. 地方副詞(片語)提到句首,主詞是人稱代名詞 he, it, she, they, you等,則保留 S + V的順序 In a small town he lived. 五十一、 (in order) to –V  表目的 I’ll do everything (in order) to reach my dream of teaching in college one day. Tom has set a goal for himself (in order) to become a successful writer. Some poor families eat instant noodles (in order) to make ends meet. She studied hard (in order ) to go to college. (in order) to-V放句首時,後面用逗點 (In order) to stay healthy, we should keep our surroundings clean. 五十二、通常用現在完成式+since +過去式或過去時間 Jack has lived a miserable life since he lost his family. The salesman has been out of work since the company closed down. 五十三、be famous (出名的)/ well-known (出名的)/ noted(出名的)/ known(熟知的)for +特色 be famous / well-known / noted as + 身分 be known to + 別人 為…所熟知 He is famous for his novels. Mt. Ali is noted for its beautiful scenery. He is famous as a writer. She is noted as a singer. She is known to the public. 五十四、be full of… = be filled with… His life is full of adventures. = His life is filled with adventures. The restaurants are full of people. = The restaurants are filled with people. 五十五、make + it + Adj.+ to-V Heavy fog made it dangerous to drive on the road. 虛受詞   真受詞 五十六、make(使)/ let(允許)/ have(使)/ bid(吩咐)+ O + VR My parents let us go swimming. I bid him take off his hat. Cindy had John wait for her in the office. have +人 + VR She made him quit smoking. bid,make被動時 + to-V He was bidden to take off his hat He was made to quit smoking. have + 事物 + P.P. He had his car washed. make +反身代名詞 + P.P. I made myself understood in English. 五十七、result from + 原因 result in + 結果 His success resulted from his hard work. His hard work resulted in his success. 五十八、 What (a / an) + Adj. + N. (+ S + be / V)! How + Adj. + (a / an) (+ N) (+S +be / V)! What a nice dog (it is)! How beautiful (a girl) (she is)! 五十九、 It + be (not) + Adj. / N. + that子句     虛主詞         真主詞 It is important that we eat healthily. It is good that we exercise every day. It was unfortunate that the doctor came too late to save the girl. It was a miracle that nobody was killed in the fire. 六十、the + Adj. = N.  …人,後面用複數動詞 the sick the blind the elderly the lonely the rich the poor the living the dead the young the old The sick are taken care of by the nurse. 六十一、S + be / V + Adj.比較級 / Adv.比較級 + than + S He is younger than I. Loss of health is more serious than loss of money. Helen ran faster than Amy. 六十二、下面片語或成語後面用V-ing look forward to(盼望)be opposed to(反對)object to(反對)insist on(堅持)with a view to(為了要) devote… to…(奉獻)go on(繼續)keep on(斷續) burst out(突然)be used to(習慣於)give up(放棄)have an / no objection to(反對/不反對)put off(延期) I look forward to seeing you. 六十三、It is no use + V-ing = It is useless to –V沒有用 It is no use asking him to change his mind. = It is useless to ask him to change his mind. 六十四、V + O + as + N. / Adj. 此類動詞有:accept choose recognize regard take treat view describe consider等 You may accept the explanation as a fact. You may accept the explanation as true. He chose her as his sectary. I accept you as my friend. 六十五、 such as + N. 例如 The necessities of life such as food and clothing should be satisfied. 六十六、remind + O + to-V remind +人+ of + 事或人 remind + O + that子句 Remind me to turn off the lights before we leave. You remind me of your brother. Remind him that tomorrow is a holiday. 六十七、All (that)…do + is / was + (to) – V 所有…做的只是… All you have to do is (to) send out the letters. 你所要做的只是將信寄出去。 All I had to do was (to) wait for the next bus. 六十八、There + be + S + V-ing(主動)/ P.P.(被動) There are bees flying among the flowers. There are plenty of books written in English. 六十九、be made of + N. 成品保有材料原來性質 be made from + N.成品不保有材料原來性質 The box is made of wood. The wine is made from grapes. 七十、S + be + the + Adj. 最高級 She is the most charming girl in her class. 七十一、S + be + as + Adj. + as + S 像…一樣地… He is as stubborn as a mule. 七十二、否定副詞在句首,要倒裝:never, little(幾乎不), only + 子句 , rarely(很少), seldom(很少), not only, not until +子句 直到…才, hardly(幾乎不), scarcely(幾乎不) I never saw such a beautiful flower. → Never did I see such a beautiful flower. I little thought (that) I would get sick. → Little did I think (that) I would get sick. You will realize the value of health only when you are seriously ill. → Only when you are seriously ill, will you realize the value of health. Not only did he hear it, but he saw it as well. I didn’t know it until I came back. → Not until I came back did I know it. 七十三、主要子句用未來式,表條件或時間的子句用簡單現在式表未來 If you work hard, you will have a golden future. If the weather is good, we will go on a picnic tomorrow. 七十四、連接副詞:此類副詞在語意上和前面的句子或子句有連接,通常放在句首,在其後面用逗點;連接子句時,子句前面用; as a result = therefore = thus = consequently = as a consequence = accordingly (因此) besides = in addition = additionally = moreover = furthermore = also = what’s more (此外) however = nevertheless = nonetheless (然而) in other words = that is (to say) = namely (換句話說) for example = for instance (例如) in the end = finally = at last (最後) in the beginning = at first (一開始) on the other hand (另一方面) on the contrary (相反地) in conclusion (總之) indeed (的確) likewise (同樣地) first (第一) second (第二) third (第三) otherwise (否則) then (然後) Jim kept drinking against his doctor’s advice. As a result, he became very ill. Roger is a great singer. In addition, he can play the piano very well. He is wise; indeed, he is a genius. 七十五、 原形  過去式  過去分詞 lie  lied    lied vi. 說謊 lie   lay   lain vi. 1. 躺 2. 位於 lay  laid   laid vt. 1. 置放2. 生(蛋) Don’t lie to me. Let sleeping dogs lie. He laid his bag on the table. 七十六、獨立不定詞片語為修飾整句的副詞片語,通常放在句首,後面用逗點。 常用的有:to make things / matters worse(更糟的是)needless to say(不用說)to do sb/sth justice(對某人公平而論/對某事平心而論)so to speak(可以說是)strange to say(說來奇怪)sad to say(說來可悲)to be brief(簡單說)to sum up(總而言之) to make a long story short(長話短說) to begin with / to start with(首先)to tell (you) the truth老實(對你)說 to be frank (with you) / to be honest (with you) 坦白(對你)說 I woke up late this morning. To make things worse, I couldn’t find my car keys. Karen has a high fever. Needless to say, she won’t come to work today. To be honest, I didn’t study hard. To do her justice, she is diligent. 七十七、分詞慣用語為修飾整句的副詞片語,通常放在句首,後面用逗點。 常用的有:generally speaking(一般而言) properly speaking(正確地說)strictly speaking(嚴格地說)roughly speaking(約略地說)frankly speaking(坦白地說) Generally speaking, it takes a lot of exercise to have strong muscles. Frankly speaking, I think this new house is better than the old one. 七十八、修飾整句的副詞,通常用於句首,後面用逗點。 常用的有:fortunately(幸虧) unfortunately(不幸的是)luckily(幸虧)unluckily(不幸的是) naturally (當然)certainly(確定地)happily(幸運地) unhappily (不巧) obviously(顯然地)strangely (真奇怪)sadly(可悲地)hopefully(如果順利的話) Fortunately, the weather was good. Unhappily, he was not at home when I visited him. 七十九、according to + N.  根據 according as + 子句  視…而定 According to the latest weather report, a typhoon will hit Taiwan tomorrow. We see things differently according as we are rich or poor. 八十、 Whoever / Whatever / Whenever / Wherever / However 引導子句, S + V whoever = no matter who 無論是誰 whatever = no matter what 無論什麼 whenever = no matter when 無論何時 wherever = no matter where 無論何處 however = no matter how 無論如何 Whoever visits me, tell him I’m out. = No matter who visits me, tell him I’m out. Whatever happens, I will do it. = No matter what happens, I will do it. Whenever you see him, you will find him reading. = No matter when you see him, you will find him reading. 八十一、much(多)/ a lot(很多)/ even(更加)/ still(更加)/ far(遠為)/ a little(一點)+比較級 He is much better than I. She was a little older than he.  八十二、介系詞+wh-子句 Helen is very sensitive to what her friends say about her. I can get a general idea of what your teacher looks like. 八十三、 It is (high) time (that) + S + 假設法動詞   …的時間到了 It is (high) time (that) you started to work. 八十四、have trouble / difficulty / problems (in) + V-ing 很費力 / 有困難 / 有問題 have a good / hard time (in)+ V-ing很愉快/遭遇困難 be busy + (in) V-ing 忙於 feel like + V-ing  想要 He had trouble (in) understanding what I said. I had a hard time (in) learning English. The little girl was busy (in) coloring the picture. I feel like going to the movies. 八十五、be + afraid / confident / sure / certain / glad / aware + of + N. be + afraid / confident / sure / certain / glad / aware + that I am afraid of snakes.  害怕… I am sure of his success. I am glad of your help. He was aware of the danger. I am afraid that I cannot help you. 恐怕… I am sure that he will succeed. I am glad that you accept my invitation.

