2017年2月14日 星期二


第一種基本句型:S. + Vi.                                                       [1~5句型]
如:We all breathe, eat, and drink.                                                    [1句型]
如:It chanced that I was at home.                                                    [3句型]

第二種基本句型:S. + Vi. + C.                                                  [6~17句型]
如:Jimmy weighs one hundred pounds.                                               [6句型]
如:It seems useless to cry over split milk.                                            [15句型]

第三種基本句型:S. + Vt. + O.                                                 [18~33句型]
如:He needs your help.                                                           [18句型]
如:He explained his difficulty to my uncle.                                           [32句型]

第四種基本句型:S. + Vt. + I.O. + D.O.                                          [34~43句型]
如:He offered oranges to the students in the room.                                     [38句型]
如:Mary made a new dress for herself.                                              [39句型]

第五種基本句型:S. + Vt. + O. + C.                                             [44~55句型]
如:He wants me to be punctual.                                                    [44句型]
如:I saw him enter the room.                                                      [48句型]

S + Vi. [主詞(Subject) + 不及物動詞(Intransitive Verb)]
1. S. + Vi.
解析:在本句型中,其動詞無須補語,為完全不及物動詞,屬於動詞中最簡單的形式。在英文中,大部分的動詞可用作不及物動詞,亦可用作及物動詞。例如:fly這個動詞-Swallows fly.The child is flying a kite.
Birds fly.
The star was shining.
The moon rose.
We all breathe, eat, and drink.
Fire burns.
Whales swim.
I do not care.
It was raining.
To be honest pays. (不定詞當句子的主詞)
His fame endures.
The baby is crying.
They are jogging.
2. There + Vi. + S.
解析:be動詞的主詞不是很確定時,用There + verb + subject的句型較好。此處there沒有確切意義,只是代替其後的主詞。
There was no money.
There have been many such incidents.
There is a stranger to see you. (There is a stranger who wants to see you.)
There is no knowing the truth. (There is no V-ing… = We cannot + Vrt… = It is impossible to + Vrt…)
There entered a five-year-old boy. (= A five-year-old boy entered.)
There won’t be enough teachers. (There is 的原式是There … to be,其他動詞或助動詞可加在There … to be中間;若是助動詞,則用There + 助動詞 + be。如:There seem to be many students.There will be no charge for the movie.
There is no doubt about it.
There was once a great king.
There was no water left in the bucket.
There came to Japan a foreigner. (= A foreigner came to Japan.)
3. It + Vi. + S. (to 不定詞 / that [whether] 子句).
It matters little whether it will rain or not. (= Whether it will rain or not matters little.)
It seems that John is an intelligent boy.
It seemed that he would die soon.
It (so) happened to be a fine day. (= It happened that it was a fine day.)
It (so) happened that he was seriously ill. (= He happened to be seriously ill.)
It chanced that I was at home. (= I chanced to be at home.)
(happen to; chance to都作「恰巧」解,相當於作副詞片語的by chance; by accident)
It appears that you are quite right.
It doesn’t matter whether he will come or not. (= Whether he will come or not doesn’t matter.)
4. S. + Vi. + Adv. / Adv. Phrase.
The sun rises in the east.
We did not go anywhere last night.
He will come as soon as he is ready.
A chair will not stand on two legs.
I cannot see eye to eye with him over the matter. (see eye to eye with =意見相同)
We fought tooth and nail. (tooth and nail =盡全力地)
He speaks as if he were a Mr. Know-It-All. (as if = as though =似乎、宛如;Mr. Know-It-All =萬事通)
I feel like crying. (feel like =想要。此處like是介係詞,只能在後面接名詞或動名詞。)
She sings beautifully.
The bus has arrived at the terminal.
The two boys stood side by side. (side by side =並肩地)
They are working like hell. (like hell =拼命地)
5. There/Here + S.(Pron.) + Vi.! There/Here + Vi. + S.(Noun)!
Here it is!
Here you are! (= This is what you need.)
Here she comes!
There you are!
There he goes!
Here is your hat!
Here are the oranges you ask for! (橘子是tangerine)
Here is the pen you want!
There goes the last train!
There comes the city bus!

S. + Vi. + C. (Complement) [主詞+不及物動詞+補語]
6. S. + Vi. + (I.O.) + C. (Adv. / Adv. Phrase).
解析:在本句型中,因為動詞是不及物,故其後所接之名詞不是當其受詞,而是表時間、重量、距離等的補語(副詞修飾語)(在表示時間及距離的副詞前,加不加for皆可)。在takecost等字之後,可用間接受詞。本句型的動詞包括所有表示「動作」、「運動」的動詞,如,go, come, fall, jump, sink, ride, walk, play等。
The work took (them) three days. (=It took them three days to finish the work.)
The speech lasted (for) an hour.
Jimmy weighs one hundred pounds.
The decision cost (him) much careful thought.
The room measures five feet by four feet.
They have travelled hundreds of miles.
I have been waiting (for) twenty minutes.
The forest stretches (for) ten miles.
The play ran (for) six months.
He came a long way.
7. S. + Vi.(be) + S.C. (Adj. / N. / Pron. / that [wh-] 子句).
Silence is golden.
Her mother is a teacher.
What is the matter?
Who was absent?
This novel is mine.
That the earth is round is true. (= It is true that the earth is round.) (主詞是名詞子句)
Whether he will come or not is unimportant. (主詞是名詞子句)
The problem is that we have run short of money. (主詞補語是名詞子句)
That is where you are wrong. (主詞補語是名詞子句)
What surprised me most was that he had eloped with his girlfriend. (主詞與主詞補語都是名詞子句)
8. S. + Vi.(be) + S. C. (Adv. Phrase / Prep. Phrase).
This watch is out of order. (out of order = broken =壞了;有毛病)
The great fire is beyond control. (beyond control = out of control =失去控制)
He is in low spirits. (in low spirits = 不高興;心情不好)
My parents are in good health.
To be educated is of paramount importance. (of paramount importance = very important)
Mary is in a hurry.
His life is in danger. (in danger = 有危險)
Robert is in luck. (in luck = lucky = fortunate)
They are out of work. (out of work = out of job)
Helen is at breakfast.
9. S. + Vi.(be)+ S. C. (to + Vrt…).
My goal is to pass the exam.
Who is to blame? (= Who is to be blamed?)
Nobody is to know.
They are to be married in May.
The reasons are not difficult to know.
To see is to believe. (Seeing is believing.)
The worst is yet to come.
This house of his is to let. (=This house of his is to be let.) (let =出租)
Not a star is to be seen.
He is to come tomorrow.
10. It + Vi.(be) + S.C. + S. (to + Vrt…).
It is difficult to learn English. (= To learn English is difficult.)
It is a pity not to live with him.
It is of no use to cry over split milk.
It would be wrong to consider him honest.
It was absurd to say that. (absurd =荒謬的)
11. It + Vi.(be) + S.C. + S. (V-ing Phrase…).
It is no use crying over split milk.
It is no good asking them for help.
It was a difficult matter getting everything ready in an hour.
It is childish behaving like that.
It wouldn’t be any good your talking to Mary. (absurd =荒謬的)
12. It + Vi.(be) + S.C. + S. (that/whether + N. Clause…).
It is obvious that two and two make four.
It is a fact that the earth is round.
It is a pity that you failed to come yesterday. (fail to = be unable to =不能)
It is likely that it will rain tomorrow.
It is impossible that he will succeed in the exam. (succeed in =成功)
It was unfortunate that Peter got killed in t accident.
It is true that John is going to get married soon.
It is doubtful whether he will be present or not.
It is surprising that he is punctual.
It would be out of the question that he would come to our rescue. (out of the question = absolutely impossible =絕不可能;come to one’s rescue =救援…)
13. It + Vi.(be) + S.C. + S. (for + N/Pron. + to + Vrt…).
解析:在本句型中,真主詞是不定詞,擺在後面,而其前面可加for + N/Pron.通常以It帶頭,作形式主詞,領導整句。此外,主詞補語名詞形容詞
It is difficult for him to live independently. (independently =獨立地)
It was possible for her to say that.
It is the custom for people to salute each other by shaking hands. (salute =致敬)
It is unusual for Jim to get up early.
It is easy for a rich man to buy an apartment.
14. S. + Vi. + (to be) + S. C. (Adj. / N).
解析:在本句型中,動詞是seemappear,其後所接之不定詞to be可省略。主詞補語是形容詞或名詞。appearseem都作「似乎」解釋。
He seems (to be) an honest man.
They seemed (to be) in high spirits. (in high spirits =高興)
He seems (to be) good at doing it. (be good at =精於)
This appears (to be) a good plan.
He appeared (to be) melancholy. (melancholy =憂鬱的)
15. It + Vi. + S.C. + S. (to Vrt / V-ing Phrase / that Clause).
解析:在本句型中,動詞是seemappear,其後所接之不定詞to be可省略,真主詞是不定詞片語、動名詞片語或名詞子句;以It帶頭,作形式主詞,領導整句。主詞補語是形容詞或名詞。
It seems useless to cry over split milk.
It appeared necessary to ask Harry for help.
It did not seem possible to catch the four o’clock train.
It seemed no good keeping on working.
It appears likely that it will rain tonight.
16. S. + Vi.(Linking Verb) + S. C. (Adj. / N).
解析:在本句型中,動詞是文法上所稱之linking verb(連綴動詞),其後通常接形容詞(有些連綴動詞之後,也可接名詞)。除了下列十個動詞外,marry, die, keep, stay, burn, run, lie等,也有作連綴動詞的用法。
His face turned red. (turn = become)
The food smells delicious.
Tom looks angry.
Silk feels soft and smooth.
The story sounds true.
My hair is going gray.
His dream will come true. (come true =實現)
He remains a bachelor. (remain =保留;bachelor =光棍)
Joe is growing old.
One of the leopards broke loose. (leopard =豹;break loose = escape =逃走)
17. There + Vi. + S. + Adv. C.
解析:在本句型中,因為be動詞的主詞較不確定,故用There + verb + subject的句型較好。此處there沒有確切意義,只是代替其後的主詞。
There are three boys in the classroom.
There are several pens on the desk.
There comes an end to the summer vacation. (come to an end =結束)
There are many stores over there.
There are a lot of churches in Ping-tung.

S + Vt. + O [主詞(Subject)+及物動詞(Transitive Verb)+受詞(Object)]
18. S + Vt. + O (N/Pron./what + S + V).
He needs your help.
I know what you want.
Frank cut his fingers.
We dug a big hole.
She smiled a bitter smile. (smile, laugh, run, dream等動詞的受詞,是所謂的「同系受詞」(cognate object)
Describe what you saw. (命令句的主詞you可省略)
An amusing thought struck her. (strike =[念頭]突然出現)
The weather suits him.
This shop handles eggs. (handle =經銷)
A white dress becomes her. (become = look well on =適合;相配)
19. S + Vt. + (not) + to + Vrt.
解析:在本句型中,受詞為to的不定詞(to-infinitive);表示否定時,在不定詞前加上not。用於本句型的動詞很多,例如:cease, continue, mean, learn, prefer, offer, try, expect, wish, attempt, decide, hope, dare, need等。
He tries to win success.
They want to help me.
We refused to accept his apology.
I did not intend to hurt you.
He pretended to be friendly.
I hope to see you succeed. (感官動詞see之後的動詞省去to)
Winston promised to stay with us.
I don’t like to disturb you.
We do not expect to see you here.
They plan to reach London next week.
20. S + Vt. + there to be + N.
解析:在本句型中,受詞是there to be + N。受詞的結構可以改為「受詞(object)+不定詞(infinitive)。例如:I do not expect there to be any students in the playground. = I do not expect any students to be in the playground.
I do not want there to be any noise.
He expected there to be no trouble.
She did not want there to be another world war.
We like there to be a picnic soon.
My aunt hates there to be any quarrel. (quarrel =爭吵)
The boss did not want there to be another test.
The travelers do not want there to be another terrorist attack. (terrorist attack =恐怖攻擊)
The weatherman expected there to be another cold front. (cold front =冷鋒)
The farmers hate there to be any typhoon.
21. S + Vt. + O(N/Pron.) + Adv.
(You) Take the cat out. (take … out =帶出去)
(You) Put your gloves on. (put on =戴上;穿上)
(You) Take your clothes off. (take … off =脫下)
I have given my pen away. (give away =贈送)
We sent him home.
The car knocked her down. (knock down =撞倒)
(You) Drive them away. (drive away =趕走)
(You) Bring him in. (bring in =帶進)
He woke me up. (wake up =叫醒)
They have wrapped it up. (wrap up =包裝)
22. (S) + Vt. + Adv + O(N/Pron.).
(You) Take off your raincoat. (take off =脫下)
He has given away every penny he has. (give away =贈送;捐送)
(You) Bring in those students waiting outside. (bring in =帶進)
He threw away that chair he bought three years ago. (throw away =丟棄)
His suggestion brings about a great change in the company. (bring about =促成)
I must cut out smoking and drinking. (cut out = give up =放棄;戒除)
(You) Put on the most beautiful dress you have. (put on =戴上;穿上)
Allen locks up his possessions in the safe. (lock up =鎖起來)
Please clean out the drawers of my desk. (clean out =弄乾淨)
I have cleared out all the old clothes that we never wear. (clear out =清除)
23. (S) + Vt. + O(N/Pron.) + Adv(表場所、狀態、目的、方向等).
(You) Bring the baby downstairs. (命令句的主詞you可省略)
I regard him as a good friend.
I look on him as a good friend. (regard … as … = look on … as … =…)
Father took us out for a walk.
We saw Mr. Smith off. (see off =送行)
They mistook Mary for her sister. (mistake … for … =誤認…)
His wife threw the ball out of the window.
We employ Tom as an engineer.
They chose Mr. Chen as chairman of English Department.
We visited Singapore for sightseeing. (sightseeing =觀光)
24. (S) + Vt. + O(N/Pron.) + Adv.(to + Vrt/ Clause).
They treat her as if she were a queen.
We opened the door to let in the sunlight. (let in =進來)
He studied his lessons to prepare for the exam. (to = in order to =為了)
I visit you in order to ask you for help.
We need two hours to complete the task.
She took her friends to see Mr. White.
Edward makes money to support his family.
I found the umbrella where I left it.
You must do what the teacher tells you in order to be a good student.
Bring Antony to see me. (命令句的主詞you可省略)
25. S + Vt. + that引導的子句(O).
I suppose that you are innocent.
We believe that John is honest.
We expect that he will come today.
I hear that she got married last week.
They think that he will pass the exam.
Mary understands that “knowledge is power.”
He suggests that we go home at once.(suggest, require, ask, demand, recommend, insist等意志動詞所接的名詞子句之動詞要用原形,因為should被省略。)
Horace denied that Mary’s statement was true.
Professor Chen demanded that Jane hand in her report in two days. (hand in = turn in =繳交)
She found that her dog was stolen.
26. So + S + V.    S + V. + so/not.
解析:在本句型中,believe, think, hear, hope, say, see, suppose, notice, expect等動詞後,肯定that子句用so否定that子句用not代替。除了seenotice(只能用於句首)外,so與這些動詞同用,既可放在句首,亦可置於句末
So I believe/see/hear/notice….
So I supposed/said/hoped/heard….
We believe/hope/suppose/expectnot.
We don’t believe/hope/expectso.
We don’t hope so.
We don’t expect so.
I don’t think so.
I don’t say so.
27. S + Vt. + wh- + to + Vrt…(O).
解析:在本句型中,受詞是「wh- + to + Vrt」。
He did not know whether to go on or turn back. (whether A or B =應該AB)
I do not know what to do.
Will you find out how to get there?
Remember when to get up. (命令句的主詞you可省略)
He wondered which to buy.
I forget how to get to his house. (get to =抵達)
I don’t understand how to prevent him from going alone. (prevent…from…=使不能…)
He was learning how to swim.
She was wondering what to buy.
I wondered which way to take.
28. S + Vt. + wh- + S. + Vrt…(O).
解析:在本句型中,受詞是由疑問詞所引導的名詞子句「wh- + S + Vrt…」。因為是間接問句,故主詞應至於動詞之前。
I do not mind what you may think of me.
We wonder whether/if he will come.
I wonder when he will return.
Can you suggest where this book should go?
Nobody knows whose hat this is.
Few people know how hard John has studied.
We do not know how many guests there are.
I do not care when we go.
I can’t imagine why she failed (in) the exam. (failed之後的in字,通常省略)
(You) Find out when the bus will leave.
29. S + Vt. + Ving…(O).
She enjoys playing baseball.
Please stop talking. (stop + V-ing =停止做某事;stop to = stop in order to =停止某事以便來(講話等)。所以,前者是「不要做某事」,而後者是「要做某事」之意、
Has it left off raining yet? (leave off = stop =停止)
Do you mind opening the window for me?
Have you finished doing your exercises?
I cannot help laughing. (cannot but = cannot help but其後加動詞原形;cannot help加動名詞。兩者皆有「不得不」、「情不自禁」之意。)
Helen practices playing the piano every day.
I remember doing it. (remember + Ving,意為「現在記得已做過之事」;remember + 不定詞,意為「現在記得未來要做之事」。)
Please excuse my being so late. (動名詞之前,可加所有格代名詞。)
He keeps on coming here regularly.
Do you mind my staying here overnight?
I cannot stand her going out alone.
30. S + Vt. + Ving/to Vrt…(O).
They like swimming (= to swim).
He began talking (= to talk).
I prefer staying (= to stay) at home.
I hate refusing (= to refuse) every time.
She started crying (= to cry).
You must continue working (= to work) hard.
31. S + Vt. + Ving/to be Vpp…(O).
解析:在本句型中,動詞的受詞是等於被動式不定詞的動名詞。用於本句型的動詞包括want, need, bear(忍受、容忍)等。
That sentence needs explaining (= to be explained).
Your assignments need correcting (= to be corrected).
What he said won’t bear repeating (= to be repeated).
= His words are not suitable to be repeated.
This car wants repairing (= to be repaired).
My grandfather needs looking after (= to be looked after). (look after = take care of =照顧)
32. S + Vt. + O/Proun + Prep. + N/Proun.
(I) Thank you for your present.
(You) Excuse me for my mistakes.
They accuse him of taking bribery. (accuse + sb. + of + sth. =指控….)
He reminds me of his brother. (remind … of …=使想起;remind =提醒)
That man robbed me of my purse. (rob + sb. + of + sth. =…)
(You) Compare this hat with that (hat). (compare A with B =AB比較)
He compared life to a candle. (compare A to B =A比喻為B)
He explained his difficulty to my uncle.
 (You) Protect us from the enemy. (protect … from =保護使免於)
What prevented you from being punctual? (prevent + sb. + from + sth. =使不能…)
She spent a great deal of money on clothes.
We congratulated her on her achievement. (congratulate + sb + on + sth. = 恭賀…)
33. S + Vt. + Prep. + N/Proun + DO.
We heard from Mary all about her brother’s illness.
We explained to him the impossibility of mastering English in three weeks.
I mention to him the conference to be held the day after tomorrow.
Please add to the examples you already have those I have written on the blackboard.
Don’t throw at the dog anything that might hurt him.

S + Vt. + IO + DO [主詞+及物動詞+間接受詞+直接受詞]
34. S + Vt. + to + N/Proun(IO) + that + S + V…(DO).
I explained to my employer that nothing could be done until the following week. (not…until… =直到…)
He admitted to me that he had made a serious mistake.
I suggested to him that he go there in no time. (suggest後的名詞子句的動詞,應該用原形動詞;in no time = at once =立刻)
She confessed to her mother that she had lost her purse.
Helen said to me that the delay was inevitable.
35. S + Vt. + N/Proun(IO) + that + S + V…(DO).
That accident taught us that driving carelessly was dangerous.
He informed me that I had to leave at once.
Did they warn you that they might fail to come?
Please remind me that I have to go to Taipei tomorrow.
He convinced them that traveling by airplane was safe.
36. S + Vt. + N/Proun(IO) + wh- + to的不定詞(DO).
解析:在本句型中,直接受詞是「疑問詞 + to的不定詞(名詞片語),置於間接受詞(名詞或代名詞之後。
They showed us how to do it.
Do you mind advising me which to buy?
Ask your teacher how to write an English composition. (主詞You可以省略)
Please tell Mary which to sell.
Please inform us how to find the police station.
37. S + Vt. + N/Proun(IO) + Wh- + S + V…(DO).
Ask her where she bought it. (主詞You可以省略)
Tell me what it is. (主詞You可以省略)
Can you inform me when the train arrives?
Please advise us how to solve the problem.
She asked her father whether he would go or not.
38. S + Vt. + N/Proun(DO) + to + N/Proun(IO).
They showed the pictures to us.
He offered oranges to the students in the room.
He did not lend his books to anybody. (lend =借給;borrow =借入)
Please pass the salt and pepper to me. (主詞You可以省略)
I owe twenty dollars to Mary.
She threw that pencil to him.
He handed the assignment to his English teacher.
Bring that book to me. (主詞You可以省略)
Please take this ruler to your cousin. (主詞You可以省略)
Frank told the news to everybody in the village.
39. S + Vt. + N/Proun(DO) + for + N/Proun(IO).
解析:在本句型中,直接受詞置於間接受詞之前,而在間接受詞之前加forfor與其後的間接受詞形成介係詞片語,做副詞用,修飾動詞。除了上述五個動詞外,用於此一句型的動詞還有:cash(兌現), choose, order, paint, play, reach(伸手拿), save, spare(免去)等。
Please buy a dictionary for me. (主詞You可以省略)
He got two tickets for his friends.
She left some cake for her husband.
Mary made a new dress for herself.
Would you cook some eggs for the children?
40. S + Vt. + it + Prep. + N/Pron.(間接受詞) + 不定詞片語或名詞子句(直接受詞).
I owe it to you that I am still alive. (owe … to =歸功於;感激)
We must leave it to your judgment to decide whether he is to blame or not. (be + to blame =應該受責)
A rich man takes it as a matter of course to live a luxurious life. (a matter of course =平凡之事;當然之事)
I put it to you that you go immediately. (put [it] to = suggest =提議)
You mustn’t take it on yourself to conduct such a big project alone. (take it on/upon oneself =毅然承擔)
41. S + Vt. + 間接受詞 + 直接受詞.
Has she paid you the money?
He lent me fifty dollars.
Our teachers gave us English assignments.
I read him an English poem.
Please throw him that novel.
My uncle told me a story.
She handed me the letter.
Please pass me the salt and pepper.
Mother denies my younger sister nothing. (deny =拒絕給)
He brought her a lot of trouble.
42. S + Vt. + 間接受詞 + 直接受詞.
Will you buy me some apples?
Did you leave me any cake?
Mary ordered herself a new dress.
We should choose Mother a birthday present.
Will you do me a favor?
Can you spare me a few minutes? (spare =騰出)
Will you kindly reach me the sugar? (reach =遞給)
He got his son a toy train. (get = buy =)
Her father bought her one.
Jane made herself a beautiful dress.
43. S + Vt. + N/Pron. (間接受詞) + N/Pron. (直接受詞).
I envy you your attractive apartment.
Forgive us our sins. (命令句的主詞you可以省略)
That will save me lots of trouble.
He struck John a heavy blow.
We asked him many questions. (We asked many questions of him.)
We owe you our thanks.
The trip cost me a lot of money.
They gave me a chance.
She sold them some paintings.
Can you spare me a few minutes? (spare =騰出)

S + Vt. + O + OC [主詞+及物動詞+受詞+補語]
44. S + Vt. + N/Pron. + (not) + to不定詞補語.
He wants me to be punctual. (punctual = on time =準時的)
She allowed him to call on her. (call on + 人;call at + 地方)
Do you want me to bring you that book?
Henry likes his wife to dress well.
Our teacher expects us to study hard.
Our bass wanted us not to be late. (not放在不定詞之前)
Hard work leads you to succeed in the exam.
Did you advise Helen to accept that position?
I prefer you to stay at home tonight.
He told the servant to open the door.
45. S + Vt. + N/Pron. + (to be) + 補語.
解析:在本句型中,及物動詞大多表達以下各種意思:判斷(judgment)、信念(belief)、宣佈(declaration)、猜測(guess)、證明(proof)等。受詞補語可以是形容詞或名詞;若是形容詞,則用以修飾、描述受詞;若為名詞,則等於受詞。再者,補語之前的to be通常省略。
We believe it (to be) true.
Do you consider Frank (to be) faithful?
They all think him (to be) a conscientious worker. (conscientious = 盡責的)
We proved him (to be) a liar.
Most people supposed him (to be) innocent.
I found her (to be) honest.
Everybody reported John (to be) the cleverest boy in the class.
I declare his story (to be) false. (declare = 斷言)
We judge her (to be) a student.
I guessed her (to be) about thirty-five.
46. S + Vt. + O + for / as + 補語
解析:在本句型中,受詞補語之前加foras,但此foras等於45句型所用的to be,是故補語可以是名詞或形容詞。
They take me for my younger brother. (take…for … = mistake … for … 誤認)
We must not mistake friends for enemies.
I regard the situation as serious.
I acknowledge you to be my superior. (superior = 上司;優越者)
I look on it as useless. (look on … as … = regard … as… 視為…)
They consider him (as) a fool.
47. S + Vt. + it + 補語 + to不定詞片語 / that 子句
解析:在本句型中,it是形式上的受詞,其真正的受詞是句尾的to不定詞片語that 子句;其後的補語可以是名詞或形容詞。
I make it a rule to go for a walk every day.
I think it a pity that you could not come.
We consider it unwise to cram before examinations. (cram = 考前匆促用功)
They count it foolish to do it that way. (count = consider)
He deemed it wise to do so. (deem = think = consider)
48. S + Vt. + N/Pron. + 省去to的不定詞
解析:在本句型中,及物動詞為感官動詞(verbs of perception);其後的不定詞,to字要省略;但用在被動語態時,其後的不定詞的to不可省略,例如,下例1的被動語態是:He was seen to enter the room (by me).。再者,感官動詞之後,也可接現在分詞作補語,如:I saw him entering the room.,其他適用本句型的動詞還有:listen to / look at / observe / perceive / witness / behold等。
I saw him enter the room.
She watched her students walk across the street.
We noticed John get nervous before the examination. (get nervous = 變得緊張)
They never heard her sing in public.
We felt the earth shake violently.
49. S + Vt. + N/Pron. + 省去to的不定詞
解析:在本句型中,及物動詞為使役動詞know(只限於過去及完成式;解釋作看過、聽過);其後的不定詞,to字要省略;但在被動語態時,其後的不定詞的to則不可省略,例如,下例3的被動語態是:They were made to recite the lesson over and over again (by the teacher).
I will have my brother fix the bicycle. (fix = repair =修理)
Mother won’t let us play in the street.
The teacher made them recite the lesson over and over again.
He helped me finish the job. (英式用法:help … to Vrt)
She bade him give up smoking. (give up =放棄)
The captain bids his men fight bravely.
I have never known John Wang speak ill of others. (speak ill of others=說別人壞話)
Have you ever known Mary laugh so heartily? (heartily =衷心;痛快地)
50. S + Vt. + N/Pron. + V-ing.
I saw the policeman running after a thief. (run after… =追逐…)
They watched John cheating in the examination. (cheat =作弊)
I heard them calling after me.
She felt someone’s hand pushing her.
Did you notice Mary passing by?
Do you smell something burning?
51. S + Vt. + N/Pron. + V-ing.
I don’t want to keep them waiting outside.
Your remark has left me wondering.
The heavy smoke started me coughing. (cough = 咳嗽)
We found them playing in the garden.
We found them hiding in the cave.
We caught them kissing each other in the room. (catch = 撞見)
I caught Tom cheating in the examination.
We must try to set the engine going. (set…going = 發動…)
52. S + Vt. + N/Pron. + V-ing.
解析:在本句型中,及物動詞不是50句型的感官動詞,也不是51句型所列動詞,而是當「允許」(allow)或「使」(make)解釋的to have。在受詞之後要用現在分詞當其補語,以表示主動
I can’t have you beating him. (have = allow)
I’ll have you getting A’s by the end of the semester.
We can’t have them taking advantage of her. (take advantage of =利用;佔便宜)
The teacher soon had the students laughing. (have + sb + Ving = make + sb + Vrt)
The movie soon had the audience crying.
The joke soon had the audience laughing.
The cold air had me sneezing.
We can’t have you treating us like dirt. (treat …like dirt =瞧不起…)
53. S + Vt. + N/Pron. + Adj.
The bad news drove Mary almost crazy. (drive = 驅使)
Try to make yourself comfortable. (命令句的主詞you可以省略)
The teacher beat the student black and blue. (black and blue = 青一塊、紫一塊)
The sun keeps us warm.
I wanted everything ready by six.
The dog licked the bowl clean. (lick = )
We tried to push the door open.
Open your mouth wide. (命令句的主詞you可以省略)
I found the tramp dead.
They have already broken the safe open. (the safe = 保險箱)
You must cut it short.
Solar power can render fossil fuels obsolete. (render = 使成為;obsolete =已過時的)
54. S + Vt. + N/Pron. + Noun / Noun Clause
The Romans wanted to crown Julius Caesar king.
They chose him class leader. (class leader = 班長)
The members of the club elected Mr. Wang chairman. (member = 會員)
The Government appointed Mr. Yang Mayor of Taipei.
Her parents make her what she is today.
The parents named the baby Peter.
Call him what you will. (命令句的主詞you可以省略)
The President named him Secretary of State. (Secretary of State = 國務卿)
55. S + Vt. + N/Pron. + Vpp.
解析:在本句型中,受詞補語為過去分詞,有被動的含意;理論上,過去分詞之前,可以看成省略了to be。另外,to getto have在本句型中,有「使役」的意思。
You must have (get) your hair cut. (have + + Vpp. = 叫人…)
I can’t make myself understood in English.
She suddenly heard her name called.
We found the watch stolen.
Have you ever seen a murderer hanged? (be hanged = 吊死)
I want the work finished soon.
Where did you have your name cards printed? (name card = 名片)
I haven’t heard this opera sung in French.
I have had (got) two teeth filled. (fill = )

You must have the matter taken care of. (take care of = 照顧)

