2017年2月10日 星期五

News English - 245

Remembering the Creator of Old Master Q
For many, especially those in Chinese communities around the world, Old Master Q has long been a favorite character. For more than fifty years, Old Master Q has appeared in comics that have showcased the everyday lives of Chinese people. Alongside other characters such as Big Potato, Mr. Chin, and Q’s long-time love interest Miss Chan, Old Master Q has made readers laugh and even think. Therefore, it was with great sadness that the world learned of the passing of the creator of Old Master Q, Alfonso Wong, who died of natural causes at the age of 93 in America.
Wong was born in Tianjin, China, and he moved to Hong Kong in 1956. There, he began drawing for a Catholic missionary from France before starting the Old Master Q comic strip in the early 1960s. Wong used the pen name Wong Ze, which was the Chinese name of his eldest son, for the comic strip.
        Wong would often turn to events in his own life in Hong Kong to find inspiration for the Old Master Q comic strip. He once said, “My life is like a comic strip. I try my best to make Old Master Q, who is myself, do funny things to amuse the readers.”
        Readers were certainly amused, and the comic strip grew in popularity in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and even in overseas Chinese communities all around the world. After Wong’s passing was announced on January 1st, 2017, many social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, were quickly filled with people’s fond memories of growing up reading the Old Master Q comics strip.
        In fact, Joseph Wong, the eldest son of Alfonso Wong, has taken over creating the Old Master Q comic strips since 1995. Joseph Wong, who lives in Taiwan, explained one of the reasons for the comic strip’s continuing popularity: “Old Master Q is a comic that portrays everyday life. It depicts the interesting things we experience in everyday life.”
    As a result of the comic strip’s popularity, several movies and TV shows have been made about Old Master Q. In addition, Old Master Q toys, gifts, and souvenirs have continued to be popular among several generations of shoppers.
So, although people around the world are mourning the death of Alfonso Wong, the creator of Old Master Q, this popular character will continue to live on in new comic strips, thanks to the efforts of Wong’s son.

Reading Comprehension
(   ) 1. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) The difficulties that Alfonso Wang faced in creating the Old Master Q comic strip.
(B) The growing popularity of comics in Chinese communities around the world.
(C) The introduction of main characters in the Old Master Q comic strip.
(D) A look back on the life of Alfonso Wong, who created the Old Master Q comic strip.
(   ) 2. The word “amuse” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to “_______.”
(A) fool                        (B) entertain                    (C) upset                 (D) bore
(   ) 3. According to the passage, where did Alfonso Wong find inspiration for the Old Master Q comic strip?
(A) World news.                                                  (B) Classic Chinese literature.
(C) His childhood in Tianjin.                               (D) His everyday life in Hong Kong.
(   ) 4. Who has taken over the responsibility of making the Old Master Q comic strip since 1995?
(A) A famous Japanese artist.
(B) A large company in Hong Kong.
(C) The creator’s eldest son.
(D) A Catholic missionary from France.
(   ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true about the Old Master Q comic strip?
(A) It is popular among several generations of readers.
(B) Some movies and TV shows have been made about Old Master Q.
(C) It can make its readers laugh and even think
(D) Old Master Q toys and gifts has lost popularity.

Vocabulary and Phrases
1. community [k1`mjun1tI] n. [C] 團體,界
Jack is a member of an online scientific community and often expresses his ideas about natural science there.
2. showcase [`So&kes] vt. 展現
The opera singer sang songs that showcased all her talents.
3. alongside [1`lO9`saId] prep. 與…一起
  I have been working alongside Lora since 2010, and we have become close colleagues.
4. passing [`p8sI9] n. [U] (委婉說法)逝世
  The orphan suffered great grief over the passing of his parents.
5. missionary [`mIS1n&ErI] n. [C] 傳教士
The Roman Catholic missionary devoted his life to helping the poor in city slums.
6. inspiration [&Insp1`reS1n] n. [U] 靈感
  The poet usually draws inspiration from her children and writes many interesting poems.
7. amuse [1`mjuz] vt. 使開心,使歡樂
  The teacher amused his students with funny stories, and they all roared with laughter.
8. popularity [&pApj1`l8r1tI] n. [U] 受歡迎
  It was shocking that the famous movie star decided to retire at the height of her popularity.
9. announce [1`na5ns] vt. 宣布
  The superstar announced in the press conference that she would get married next week, which surprised the public.
10. fond [fAnd] adj. 美好的
Mrs. Lin still had fond memories of the good old days.
11. portray [por`tre] vt. 描述,描繪
   The writer is good at portraying the beauty of nature in his books.
12. depict [dI`pIkt] vt. 描繪,描寫
   The movie depicts the life of the noted actor Charlie Chaplin, who is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry.
13. souvenir [&suv1`nIr] n. [C] 紀念品
 I bought some post cards and key chains as souvenirs of my trip to London.
14. mourn [mOrn] vt. (對死者感到)憂傷,哀悼
   When the news of the bus accident was reported, the whole country mourned the deaths of their fellow citizens.
15. effort [`Ef2t] n. [C] 試圖,嘗試
My father made an effort to stop smoking and start exercising for the sake of his health.

Words for Recognition
1. Old Master Q n. 老夫子
2. Big Potato n. 蕃薯
3. Mr. Chin n. 秦先生
4. Miss Chan n. 陳小姐
5. Alfonso Wong n. 王家禧 (1923~2017)
6. Tianjin n. 天津
7. Hong Kong n. 香港
8. Facebook n. 臉書
9. Twitter n. 推特


閱讀測驗解答:1. D  2. B  3. D  4. C  5. D

