2018年5月17日 星期四

Unit 4  The World on a Plate

Unit 4  The World on a Plate

1. 字彙測驗
                     1. Having enough sleep is e______l for everyone. It keeps people in good health.
                    2. Ann tried to t______t Cynthia into traveling to Australia with her by telling her how beautiful the nation is.
                     3. It is dangerous to eat a lot of food and s______w so quickly.
                    4. The dance show is t______c. I’ve seen it many times.
                    5. The best s______es of vitamin C are fruit and vegetables.
                    6. I don’t want to s______l your fun, but I think you’d better finish your homework before you play computer games.
                     7. Leo is a bit proud, but o______e he is a nice guy.
                    8. A w______d sound came from the kitchen, so my father went there to check what was wrong.
                    9. The woman s______k a stamp on the envelope with some glue.
                     10. To prevent the old man from being cheated, the bank teller asked him a few questions before he withdrew (提領) a large a______t of money from his account.
                      11. Jane hopes she can make a ______ (contribute) to the society and make the world better.
                      12. Daniel changes his job ______ (frequent) because he thinks those jobs are not for him.

2. 片語測驗
1. Dianna拒絕了那間大公司提供的職位,而在一間小公司工作。
Dianna                           the big company’s job offer and worked for a small company.
2. Ben犯了些嚴重的錯誤。首先,他偷了同學的錢。後來,他在這件事上對每個人說謊,包括他的雙親。
Ben made some terrible mistakes.                                       , he stole money from his classmates. Then, he lied to everyone about this, including his parents.
3. 當地人用美食和好酒招待賓客以表示對他們的尊敬。
The locals s                                        their guests by treating them to good food and great wine.
4. 昨天Mike很早就到辦公室了。事實上,他是第一個到的人。
Yesterday, Mike arrived at the office early.                                      
                     , he was the first one who got there.
5. 今天傍晚我大多數的朋友將參加我的派對。至於Billy,他生病了,因此他必須待在家。
Most of my friends will come to my party this evening.                           Billy, he will have to stay home because he’s sick.
6. 可以請你將電視音量調低嗎?電視太大聲了,我無法專心讀書。
Would you                           the TV? It’s too loud, and I can’t concentrate on my study.

3. 課本例句填空
1. Lisa無法抗拒買新智慧型手機的誘惑。
Lisa couldn’t resist the                           buy the new smartphone.
2. 這名學生試著把所有的書塞到書包裡。
The student tried to              all of her books into her book bag.
3. Rebecca不敢向她的父親說出實情。她怕他會對她非常生氣。
Rebecca didn’t                           tell her father the truth. She was afraid that he would be very angry with her.
4. Bruce回到臺灣時,他把握機會拜訪他的老朋友。
Bruce              the                           visiting his old friends when he came back to Taiwan.
5. 由於新的交通法規,這個城市的交通事故頻率逐漸下降。
Because of the new traffic laws, the                           road accidents in the city has gradually decreased.
6. Louis在他最喜愛的餐廳主辦了晚宴,並邀請他所有的朋友參加。
Louis              a dinner party at his favorite restaurant and invited all of his friends to it.
7. Gary來說,每天早上來一杯黑咖啡是不可或缺的。沒有它,他就無法完全清醒。
A cup of black coffee is                           Gary every morning. He can’t really wake up without it.
8. 我們最好現在出發。否則,我們會錯過回家的末班公車。
We’d better leave now.             , we will miss the last bus home.
9. 天氣熱到我的襯衫都黏在我身上。
The weather was so hot that my shirt                           my body.
10. 對我來說,要很快地吞下熱咖啡太勉強了。
It was too hard for me to              the hot coffee quickly.
11. 老師的清楚解說大大地增進了我對這道數學難題的理解。
My teacher’s clear explanation              greatly              my understanding of the difficult math problem.
12. 我看到我的麵裡有隻死蒼蠅時倒盡了胃口。
I              my              when I saw a dead fly in my noodles.

4. 句型練習
S + have +     trouble     (+ in) + V­ing
a hard time 
1. A: Why does Joey look upset?
B: That’s because he                                                    
(difficulty/fix/his bicycle).
2. A: Why was your sister late for school this morning?
B: She was late for school because she                                      (a hard time/get up) this morning.
3. A: Why didn’t Ben finish his math homework?
B: He didn’t finish it because he                                              
(trouble/understand/those math problems).
形容詞比較用法:A + be + Adj­er/more Adj + than + B
B + be + less Adj + than + A
B + be + not + as Adj as + A
4. When it comes to exotic cuisine, I think boiled fish is tastier than haggis.
When it comes to exotic cuisine,                                       .
When it comes to exotic cuisine,                                        .
5. Lisa is more thoughtful than Helen.
6. For me, traveling alone is more interesting than traveling with a group.
For me,                                                          .

For me,                                                           

