2020年6月11日 星期四


S + V + IO (間接受詞) + DO (接受詞)
= S + V + DO (接受詞) + 介係詞 + IO (間接受詞)
例句1She will show you the picture. = She will show the picture to you.
例句2I wrote him a letter. = I wrote a letter to him. = I wrote (to) him.
例句3Jack denied his daughter nothing.
             = Jack denied nothing to his daughter.
例句4This medicine will do you good (harm).
             = This medicine will do good (hard) to you.
例句5Whom did you give the present? (×)
             = Who(m) did you give the present to?
             = To whom did you give the present?
例句6She made her daughter a new dress.
             = She made a new dress for her daughter.
例句7Jack bought his girlfriend a gold watch.
             = Jack bought a gold watch for his girlfriend.
例句8I’ll ask you a favor. = I’ll ask a favor of you.

1Tom / bought / a / good / book / Sue    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型造句)
2He / showed / a / beautiful / picture / me    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型造句)
3that / pass / water / bottle of / me / please / . (重組)
4She will show you the picture.    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型改寫)
5He made me a new dress.    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型改寫)
6Please get me some tickets.    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型改寫)
7You brought her much trouble.    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型改寫)
8The medicine will do you good.    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型改寫)
9Could you explain me your point of view? (×)  (直接與間接受詞的代換句型改寫)
10They gave the boy it. (×)    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型改寫)
11May I ask you a question?    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型改寫)
12I will sing you a song.    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型改寫)
13David wanted a dictionary.  Davids brother bought him one.    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型合併)
14This is my picture.  I will show you my picture.    (直接與間接受詞的代換句型合併)

