2020年6月18日 星期四

GEPT Reading 3

1. Your train to Keelung is going to arrive at _____ number five.
(A) platform                    (B) balcony                      (C) airport                           (D) exit
2. To stay _____ Sally doesn’t eat or drink anything after seven o’clock at night.
(A) humble                     (B) slender                      (C) pleasant                       (D) independent
3. The waves are really high, so it is perfect for _____ today.
(A) skiing                        (B) hiking                         (C) sliding                           (D) surfing
4. I sat _____ a really tall person at the movies, so I couldn’t see the screen very well.
(A) before                       (B) around                       (C) behind                          (D) next to
5. I just set my alarm clock to _____ at six o’clock tomorrow morning.
(A) throw up                   (B) get on                         (C) go off                            (D) check out
6. I can’t hear what’s playing on the radio. Could you turn it _____, please?
(A) up                              (B) in                                (C) over                               (D) down
7. You need _____ money to travel abroad for a month, so you’d better start saving now.
(A) quite a few               (B) much                          (C) a lot of                           (D) many
8. _____ you like to stop by my house after work tonight?
(A) Would                       (B) Should                       (C) Can                               (D) May
9. For dessert, you can have _____ chocolate cake or ice cream.
(A) also                           (B) either                          (C) both                               (D) neither
10. _____ Mark runs a lot, he’s going to buy a new pair of running shoes.
(A) While                        (B) So                               (C) Therefore                     (D) Since
11. I’m sure that I _____ the lights before I left the house.
(A) will turn off               (B) was turning off         (C) turn off                          (D) turned off
12. It took Billy almost an hour _____ the difficult math problem.
(A) solving                      (B) to solve                      (C) solved                           (D) solves
13. _____ the show about all kinds of delicious food made me really hungry.
(A) Watching                  (B) Watched                    (C) To watch                       (D) That watched
14. I am _____ in signing up for some English classes.
(A) interest                     (B) interested                  (C) interests                       (D) interesting
15. I don’t really care for children sandwiches. Are there _____ kinds available?
(A) else                           (B) some                          (C) any other                      (D) the other
段落填空Part A:
Jerry was helping Ruth look for insects in the park. He _1_ a mosquito on his neck and slapped it. “I can’t stand these _2_,” he said. Ruth asked him to catch it if he saw one next time. When Jerry looked in their glass jar, he saw that they _3_ had a grassshopper and a beetle. Then, he shouted, “Hey, _4_ a spider. I’m going to get it.” Ruth stopped Jerry and told him _5_ spiders were not insects. She explained that insects had six legs, not eight.
1. (A) looked                       (B) listened                      (C) felt                                 (D) smelled
2. (A) birds                          (B) bugs                           (C) worms                           (D) plants
3. (A) never                        (B) yet                               (C) ever                               (D) already
4. (A) there is                     (B) it has                          (C) I have                            (D) here has
5. (A) if                                (B) where                         (C) that                                (D) which
段落填空Part B
Mary and Rick are volunteering with a beach clean-up group. They are walking on the beach and _6_ trash. Rick says it’s too bad that people make the beach so dirty. He told Mary he _7_ visit the area when he was little. He would build sandcastles and watch the waves. Rick can’t understand _8_ people don’t throw their garbage away properly. Mary says that when she visits the beach, she puts her _9_ bottles back in her cooler. That way, she can _10_ them later. Rick thinks that is a great idea.
6. (A) taking off                  (B) picking on                 (C) giving up                      (D) looking for
7. (A) uses to                      (B) used to                       (C) was used to                 (D) has used to
8. (A) how                           (B) what                           (C) when                            (D) why
9. (A) fresh                         (B) clear                           (C) empty                            (D) light
10. (A) recycle                    (B) waste                         (C) save                             (D) drop
閱讀理解Part A:
Sunnyvale Library
Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
# Only members are allowed to use the library. For membership, just bring a photo ID to the front desk.
# No drinks, food, or smoking in the library. If you want to use your phone to make a call, please go to the East Hallway.
# Please limit your computer time to 30 minutes.
# Painting classes are offered every Tuesday night at seven o’clock.
1. What can a person use to get membership?
(A) A credit card.            (B) A small fee.               (C) A family photo.            (D) A driver’s license.
2. What is allowed inside Sunnyvale Library?
(A) Canned soda.         (B) Smoking.                   (C) Cell phones.                (D) Some snacks.
3. What kind of class is available at Sunnyvale Library?
(A) A history class.        (B) An art class.              (C) A computer class.       (D) A language class.
閱讀理解Part B:
To the people at Carl’s Clothing:
There was a very serious problem with my order. Everything you sent me was wrong. I ordered a pair of black pants., but received a pair in white. I wanted large T-shirts, but you sent me small ones. I can’t even get them over my head. Last but not least, I ordered a winter coat but got a light jacket instead. There’s no way it’s warm enough to wear in the winter.
I would like to return these clothes and get the correct ones as soon as possible. Also, I would like to know how this happened, so please have a manager call me right away. My phone number is 123-345-567.
Thank you,
Evelyn Chen
4. What was wrong with the pants Evelyn ordered?
(A) They were the wrong color.                            (B) They were the wrong style.
(C) They were the wrong size.                             (D) They were for the wrong season.
5. What does Evelyn NOT want?
(A) A phone call. (B) The correct clothes. (C) An apology. (D) A season for why the error happened.
6. What is the main purpose of this letter?
(A) To get her money back.                                   (B) To complain about her order.
(C) To find out when her order will be delivered. (D) To apply for a job at Carl’s Clothing.
閱讀理解Part C:
James Jeffries, the manager of Orange Computers, sent a surprising e-mail to the city’s newspapers today. He announced that he was going to quit his job on Christmas Eve. Jeffries said that he could no longer get along with the owner of the company, so he had to leave.
Jeffries wrote about other serious problems at Orange Computers. He explained that most workers don’t earn a lot of money while working in an environment that isn’t safe. What’s more, the owner often lies to the workers.
Jeffries went on to say that he already received a phone call from another major computer company that wanted him as manager. He decided not to accept the offer. Instead, Jeffries plans to start his own computer company.
7. When will James Jeffries leave Orange Computers?
(A) In December.           (B) In November.            (C) In October.                   (D) In January.
8. What is NOT a problem at Orange Computers?
(A) Its works aren’t paid well.                                (B) The owner isn’t honest with the workers.
(C) People do too much extra work.                    (D) It’s not safe.
9. How did Jeffries tell everyone that he was quitting?
(A) He went on television.                                     (B) He sent out an e-mail.
(C) He made an announcement to the workers.(D) He called the company’s boss.
10. What is Jeffries going to do next?
(A) Work for another company.                            (B) Be his own boss.
(C) Take some time off.                                          (D) Start his own newspaper.

1. Greg was _____ for a long time because he didn’t want to get married.
(A) normal                      (B) absent                        (C) regular                          (D) single
2. Larry set a world _____ in the hot dog eating contest.
(A) point                          (B) score                          (C) record                           (D) grade
3. The word puzzle was so difficult that it took Wendy a whole day to _____ it.
(A) answer                     (B) solve                          (C) revise                            (D) spell
4. Marvin enjoys outdoor activities a lot. He _____ likes hiking and mountain biking.
(A) especially                 (B) slowly                         (C) suddenly                      (D) hardly
5. Betty thinks this is a great idea, and I totally _____ her.
(A) focus on                   (B) care about                 (C) agree with                    (D) break into
6. Derek spends _____ time with his family now.
(A) fewer and fewer      (B) less and less            (C) worse and worse        (D) smaller and smaller
7. I have to go to a meeting right now, so I will speak with you _____ this afternoon.
(A) sometimes               (B) sometime                   (C) some times                  (D) some another time
8. _____ English and German, our new teacher can also speak French.
(A) Besides                    (B) Along                         (C) Unless                          (D) Except
9. _____ Samantha watches sad movies, she can’t help crying.
(A) Whoever                  (B) However                    (C) Whatever                     (D) Whenever
10. The keys on the dinner table are mine. The ones on the computer desk are _____.
(A) you                            (B) your                            (C) yours                             (D) yourself
11. Jeffery _____ to France three times this year.
(A) would be                  (B) was going                 (C) was gone                     (D) has been
12. Where_____ to go for dinner this evening?
(A) do you want             (B) you want                   (C) want you do                 (D) do want you
13. Serena _____ lets her brother drive her car because he is a terrible driver.
(A) doesn’t                     (B) hasn’t                         (C) often                             (D) never
14. Go straight for 15 minutes. _____ that, you’ll see my house on your right.
(A) Before                       (B) Until                           (C) After                              (D) Once
15. I _____ from Julia in the past two years.
(A) don’t hear                (B) wasn’t hearing         (C) won’t hear                    (D) haven’t heard
段落填空Part A:
The Catcher in the Rye came out in 1961. _1_, a lot of teachers didn’t like the book. There were many reviews that said it was not _2_ for teenagers because some of the scenes in it were violent. Also, the main _3_ in the novel, Holden Caufield, did bad and stupid things. People were afraid that students would _4_ his example. In fact, one teacher got fired for teaching the book. _5_ many people didn’t realize was that the book is just a story about growing up. It shows how teenagers often feel alone, angry, and afraid. Today, The Cater in the Rye is praised by teachers and students alike.
1. (A) At times                     (B) On time                      (C) At that time                   (D) From time to time
2. (A) polite                         (B) suitable                      (C) traditional                     (D) safe
3. (A) writer                         (B) director                       (C) professor                      (D) character
4. (A) follow                        (B) practice                      (C) travel                             (D) imagine
5. (A) Where                       (B) Whether                    (C) Who                              (D) What
段落填空Part B
Once, there was a forest. It was surrounded by a fence. The fence had a sign that _6_ people to stay away. Christina and her father lived in a big house behind the fence. Christina’s father was a scientist in a large company. He knew the world out there could be _7_, so he guarded Christina all the time. He never _8_ her to leave the area. She couldn’t _9_ go to school. _10_ time she could relax was when she played in the yard. Christina was a lonely girl.
6. (A) described                 (B) understood               (C) warned                         (D) measured
7. (A) important                  (B) dangerous                (C) strict                              (D) broken
8. (A) made                         (B) allowed                      (C) got                                 (D) let
9. (A) neither                      (B) even                           (C) almost                           (D) still
10. (A) First                         (B) Every                          (C) The only                       (D) This

段落填空Part C
Should Stuents Have Cell Phones at School?
Cell phones are very useful. Students love them. However, _11_ everyone agrees that students should have them at school.
Some people say that cell phones can _12_ students _12_ at school. If _13_ happens, students can call for help. Students with cell phones may feel safer, _14_ they may also get lower grades.
When schools ban cell phones, students pay more attention in class. Students learn more from their teachers, so their grades _15_. When students have cell phones, they don’t get that extra study time.
11. (A) never                      (B) none                          (C) not                                 (D) no
12. (A) keep; safely           (B) keep; safe                 (C) keeps; safe                  (D) keeps; safely
13. (A) something bad      (B) bad something         (C) something badly         (D) bad things
14. (A) if                              (B) and                             (C) or                                   (D) but
15. (A) work out                 (B) go up                          (C) move on                       (D) get up
閱讀理解Part A:
Supermarket Specials
1. Eight Apples: $ 8                                                      2. Two Bolles of Milk: $ 2
3. One Piece of Raw Steak: $ 4, Get Another Piece Free
Spend $50 for a chance to win a car next week!
Spend $100 to get a free set of pots and pans!
1. What is the least expensive item on sale at the supermarket?
(A) Four apples.            (B) Two bottles of Milk.  (C) Two steaks.        (D) A set of pits and pans.
2. How long will the steak be on sale?
(A) One day.                   (B) Four days.                 (C) Two days.                     (D) One week.
3. What will you get if you spend $100?
(A) A chance to win money.                                  (B) Something to drive.
(C) Things to cook with.                                         (D) A big discount.
閱讀理解Part B:
Dear Aunt Margaret,
It was really wondered seeing you last weekend. Timmy and Sally had a great time playing in your swimming pool. It was nice for them to relax at the start of their summer vacation. They’re not looking forward to school in the fall.
The reason I’m writing is that I can’t find my watch. I went to put it on last night, but it wasn’t in its usual spot. I think I left it at your house. Could you take a look and see if it’s there? Thanks a lot.
Best Regards,
4. When did Jim write the letter?
(A) In the spring.           (B) In the summer.         (C) In the fall.                     (D) In the winter.
5. Why did Jim write the letter?
(A) He’s planning his vacation.                           (B) He wanted to go swimming.
(C) He lost something.                                           (D) He bought a watch for his aunt.
6. Where does Jim think the watch is?
(A) At his kids’ school.  (B) At his house.            (C) At a swimming pool.   (D) At his aunt’s house.
閱讀理解Part C:
How do you decide where to go on vacation? Why pick just one place? You can go to many different places on a cruise ship. They can go anywhere with a coast.
Some cruise ships stop at several beaches. Others visit ancient cities. If you don’t like hot weather, you can still take a cruise. Some of them go to Alaska or Antarctica. On those trips, you get the chance to see penguins, whales, and rivers of ice.
Cruise ships also have restaurants and swimming pools, so you can have fun without leaving them. However, if you tend to get seasick, you might not want to take a cruise after all.
7. What is a cruise ship?
(A) A kind of beach.      (B) A kind of boat.           (C) A kind of river.              (D) A kind of city.
8. Where do cruise ships NOT go?
(A) Beaches.                  (B) Old cities.                  (C) Places without coasts.   (D) Cold places.
9. Who shouldn’t go on a cruise ship?
(A) People who don’t like cold weather.             (B) People who don’t like hot weather.
(C) People who like boats.                                    (D) People who get sick at sea.
10. What can people do without getting off the cruise ship?
(A) Visit a city.                (B) Sit on a beach.         (C) Eat at a restaurant.         (D) Swim with whales.

