2020年6月29日 星期一

103.01英文Super卷) B1L1~L4

1. After a(n)          between several government departments, it was decided that there will be six more holiday days next year.
(A) ambition        (B) confusion          (C) occasion       (D) discussion
2. There is a long line of people at the Ferris wheel, so we must be          and wait.
(A) patient           (B) precious             (C) previous       (D) probable
3. After taking a short break to eat some food, Mandy          studying for her test.
(A) interrupted        (B) continued          (C) graduated          (D) emphasized
4. My parents’ support is of great          to me when I have difficulties.
(A) angle         (B) image                (C) harbor           (D) value
5. According to the Magician’s Oath, magicians are not supposed to          how they perform their tricks.
(A) appeal           (B) release               (C) reveal           (D) decrease
6. The color red is considered very lucky in          Chinese culture.
(A) additional     (B) traditional         (C) emotional     (D) regional
7. The explorers went on a          across the oceans to find the pirate’s treasure.
(A) career            (B) routine               (C) harvest         (D) journey
8. The protesters          to go back to work unless their employers promise to improve their work environment.
(A) refused          (B) reduced             (C) restricted      (D) resisted
9. Passengers on the airplane can select either chicken or fish for their meal.
(A) seize            (B) chew             (C) choose          (D) roast
10. My father seems to be a calm person, but he occasionally shouted at us when we didn’t behave ourselves.
(A) seldom           (B) somewhat            (C) forever         (D) sometimes
11. Jill was filled with fright when she saw a snake at the park.
(A) fear           (B) beam        (C) deed         (D) mood
12. When Joshua saw Claire frown, he realized he had said something wrong.
(A) pretended     (B) connected    (C) mentioned   (D) understood
13. Many girls consider Timothy attractive because he always acts like a gentleman.
(A) awkward       (B) diligent          (C) charming     (D) sincere
14. Mr. Simmons always asks Gina to attend meetings for the company because he has so much confidence in her.
(A) relief          (B) trust         (C) mercy           (D) glory
15. Louis didn’t study with his friends in the library last Saturday; in fact, he stayed in the Internet café all day.
(A) typically         (B) primarily      (C) eventually     (D) actually
II. 對話題
16. Monica: You looked worried. Are you OK?
Jessica: Well ... I have a history report to do, but I have no idea where to begin.
Monica: I can help you if you want.
Jessica: That would be great.                 
(A) How can I help you?                            (B) Thanks for telling me about the news.
(C) It’s really kind of you to offer help.    (D) Relax and everything will be OK.
17. Roger: Hi, you’re Jimmy, aren’t you?
Jimmy: Sorry, but                 .
Roger: I’m Roger. Don’t you remember me? We were on the school basketball team in elementary school.
Jimmy: Oh, Roger! Of course I remember you! I’m sorry that I didn’t recognize you.
(A) I don’t think we’ve met                       (B) it’s really great to meet you
(C) I wasn’t good at basketball before       (D) I’m not familiar with him
18. Daphne: Do you know the guy over there?
Roberto: Which one are you talking about?
Roberto: Oh, that’s Jacob, the leader of the team.
(A) Many girls are crazy about him.           (B) The one who is wearing glasses and has very short hair.
(C) The silver one with a diamond on it.    (D) I’ve never seen him before.
19. Dick: I guess Ms. Liu will give us a lot of assignments for the holiday.
Ivy:              She always does that because she wants us to make good use of the time. But I long to go on a trip during the holiday.
Dick: My brother’s teacher never gives them much homework for holidays. How I envy him.
(A) I really appreciate her a lot.                 (B) It couldn’t be better.
(C) Not exactly.                                                 (D) I think so, too.
20. Tony:                   
Linda: I like to play the violin in my free time. Sometimes I go swimming with my friends. How about you?
Tony:  I like to collect Japanese comic books.
(A) What’s your favorite sport?                          (B) What are your hobbies?
(C) What subject are you best at in school?       (D) Who do you always play music with?
21. Phoebe: Excuse me.                      
         Man: Take the MRT west for five stops, and then walk north from there for ten minutes.
Phoebe: Thanks a lot.
(A) Where is the nearest MRT station?
(B) Is this train going to Central Library?
(C) What’s the fastest way to go to Central Library from here?
(D) How much does it cost to go to Central Library by MRT from here?
22. Ms. Wei: Do you mind moving your bag to the chair over there? One of the guests is going to sit here.
Ms. Wei: Thanks for your help.
(A) Of course not. I’ll do it right away.             (B) Sorry, but that’s not my bag.
(C) Not at all. I don’t mind sitting here.             (D) Yes, I moved the bag there five minutes ago.
23. Baron: I don’t understand this passage.
Baron: Good idea.
(A) You can walk faster.                                     (B) How about asking the professor about it?
(C) Try using the stick.                                        (D) You’d better contact the technician.
24. Mom: Why have you covered your nose with tissue paper, Bob?
Bob:    I have a runny nose.
Bob:  OK, Mom.
(A) You’d better take a rest after running.         (B) Get it back as soon as possible.
(C) The tissue paper has run out.                       (D) You may have to see a doctor.
25. Joe:    Henry is driving me crazy! He always takes my pens without telling me.
Joe:      I will if he keeps doing it.
(A) Tell him not to drive so fast.                        (B) Put them back on his desk.
(C) Just tell him you mind that he does that.      (D) He doesn’t even know how to drive at all.
An army of 1,600 pandas slowly marched through Taipei earlier this year. They were the cute paper creations of French artist Paulo Grangeon, who has taken the pandas on a world tour. The exhibition is to remind people   2 6  the dangers that pandas face in the wild. Grangeon’s pandas represent the 1,600 pandas   2 7  in the forests of China. Taipei is the latest stop, and the first in Asia, for Gringeon’s paper panda exhibit, named “Pandas on Tour.” Six hundred of them made their first  2 8  in Taipei in various spots, including the Presidential Office and Dajia Riverside Park. Then, all 1,600 of the 30-centimeter-tall pandas were put  2 9  in front of Taipei City Hall. Joining them were 200 paper Formosan black bears. Gringeon visited Taipei in January and went to Taipei Zoo to study the Formosan bear, which is also endangered and needs to be protected. Following the exhibition at City Hall , which drew thousands of visitors , the second  3 0   took place at Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall. If you’re wondering how the 1,600 paper pandas  3 1  outside in northern Taiwan, don’t worry: they’re waterproof.  3 2  , crews had bamboo hats and rain coats on hand to protect the bears from any rain.
26. (A) to                       (B) of              (C) with             (D) as
27. (A) to leave            (B) were left        (C) leaving            (D) left
28. (A) explanation       (B) companion        (C) appearance         (D) champion
29. (A) on board           (B) on display         (C) on business          (D) on demand
30. (A) custom            (B) decade         (C) message          (D) round
31. (A) survived              (B) preferred       (C) teased              (D) breathed
32. (A) In contrast          (B) In addition                (C) Without a doubt  (D) All at once
Taiwan exited the 2013 World Baseball Classic (WBC) with a crushing defeat. In spite of the bad   33   to Cuba, the team performed well on the international stage and fired up the nation’s passion for baseball.   34   media reports, about half of the Taiwanese population tuned in to watch their team’s second game versus Japan. This number may have even been   35  , considering that crowds of spectators watched the game in large groups at sports pubs. Taiwanese  baseball  was  strong  in  the Asia-Pacific  region  during  the  later  decades  of  the 20th century. As an outlet for national pride, it had great fan   36  . However, the sport became troubled   37   scandals in the late 1990s. Additionally, the national team failed to field its biggest stars in the two previous WBCs. Last year,   38  , stars like Chien-Ming Wang were available to play for their country.   3 9   Taiwan was a host country for the early stages of the tournament, Taiwanese fans were able to pack stadiums and cheer for their team. The players responded by making it to the second round in Tokyo. Although last year’s classic   40  , it may have inspired a new dawn for baseball in Taiwan.
33. (A) lost              (B) loss            (C) lose             (D) losing
34. (A) Depending on     (B) Apart from            (C) According to     (D) Except for
35. (A) overestimated     (B) underestimated (C) overvalued        (D) undervalued
36. (A) advice         (B) criticism        (C) support           (D) enemy
37. (A) to                    (B) by              (C) for              (D) in
38. (A) in hand            (B) at hand          (C) on the other hand (D) on one hand
39. (A) Since           (B) Although       (C) Unless            (D) Until
40. (A) finishes          (B) finished        (C) will finish          (D) is finished
If you’ve ever dreamed of following in the steps of Harry Potter and attending a school like Hogwarts, you may be in luck. A real-life wizard called Oberon Zell-Ravenheart is making it possible for anyone to learn about magic. This is because Oberon is the founder and headmaster of the Grey School of Wizardry. The Grey School is an online school with over 700 students around the world. Many of them are children, and Oberon calls these students “trainee Harry Potters.” As Hogwarts does, the Grey School teaches 16 different subjects, including Defense Against the Dark Arts. The chance to study magic sounds as fascinating as the school’s leader himself. The 72-year-old Oberon has a long grey beard, wears a large robe and hat, and carries a magic stick. He looks similar to the wizards we see in fictional tales. He is also married to a witch. What’s more, in the 1980s, he became famous for performing surgery on a goat so that it would look like a unicorn. Though the Grey School was set up long before Harry Potter became a hit around the world, the headmaster says the books have created a large amount of interest in his school. “In the magic community, I’m referred to as the real Dumbledore,” Oberon says. “Before Harry Potter, people just called me Merlin, or Gandalf.”
41. What is the best title for the passage?
(A) The Evil Wizard Oberon                       (B) Harry Potter in Real Life
(C) A School That Makes Wizards              (D) How Hogwarts Was Founded
42. What is said about the Grey School?
(A) The idea of it is from Hogwarts.                 (B) It trains students to write novels.
(C) The courses are taught through the Internet.       (D) The founder is a huge Harry Potter fan.
43. According to the passage, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart               .
(A) created a unicorn by magic
(B) set up the world’s first wizard school
(C) was the inspiration for the character of Dumbledore
(D) has benefited from the success of the Harry Potter books
44. What can be inferred from the last two sentences?
         (A) Merlin, Gandalf, and Dumbledore are all fictional wizards.
(B) Merlin, Gandalf, and Dumbledore are all characters in the Harry Potter books.
(C) Oberon looks more like Dumbledore than Merlin or Gandalf.
(D) Dumbledore is more powerful than Merlin or Gandalf.
45. Which of the following is TRUE?
(A) Oberon used to be an animal doctor.
(B) Oberon’s wife is interested in wizardry too.
(C) Defense Against the Dark Arts is the most popular course in the Grey School.
      (D) Those who want to study in the Grey School have to finish all the Harry Potter books first.
Since we were young, we’ve been told about the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. For some people, unfortunately, this is a very difficult thing to do. People who have trouble sleeping often toss and turn in bed for hours, even if they’ve been very tired during the day. Luckily, if you’re one of these people, there are a few simple steps you can take that should be able to make sleepless nights a thing of the past. If you have a hard time sleeping, regular exercise and a good diet can help solve that problem. The most important thing, though, is setting up a regular sleep schedule for yourself. Go to bed at around the same time every night and give yourself at least eight hours of quality sleeping time. You’ll also increase your chances of falling asleep quickly if you establish a soothing bedtime routine. About an hour before going to bed, do something relaxing, like reading a book, and make sure you turn off the TV. If you do all that, you will likely find yourself sleeping like a baby every night. That should make you happier at night and during the day as well, as you won’t be suffering from a lack of sleep.
46. What is the best title for the passage?
(A) The Importance of Sleep                              (B) Causes of Sleep Disorders
(C) Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep                      (D) Some Suggestions for Night Owls
47. What might the underlined phrase “toss and turn” imply?
(A) Being sound asleep.                                      (B) Feeling hungry.
(C) Being unable to sleep.                                   (D) Feeling relaxed and comfortable.
48. Which of the following is TRUE about some people who have trouble sleeping?
(A) They follow a regular sleep schedule.          (B) They exercise regularly.
(C) They are careful about what they eat.  (D) They may not go to bed at the same time every night.
49. According to the author, which of the following is NOT a good solution for sleep problems?
(A) Reading a book.                                           (B) Watching TV programs.
(C) Setting up a bedtime routine.                       (D) Relaxing before bedtime.
50. What does the author believe?
(A) Sleep problems can be solved quite easily.
(B) Staying up late is a key factor in sleeplessness.
(C) Exercise and diet both have little effect on sleep.
(D) People with sleep problems need special treatment.
I. 填充題
1. 依我之見,應該建一座橋來連接兩個城鎮。
In my _______________, a bridge should be built to _______________ the two towns.
2. 如果我是你,我會向他解釋一切。
If I __________ you, I would _______________ everything to him.
II. 中譯英
1. 台灣以生產各式各樣的水果著稱。
2. Erin真是個隨和的人,也因此班上所有同學都和她相處愉快。 (such ... that ...)

