2020年7月1日 星期三

JCE Exam Complete Practice: Unit 1

Unit 1: Pets
Synonyms and Vocabulary
1. The dog appeared dangerous but was really quite friendly.
Aheard                   Bset                 Clooked           Dmade
2. The cat jumped up onto the bookcase and fell asleep.
Ashelf              Btable              Csink               Dsofa
3. You should clean the fish bowl and fill it with fresh water.
Ablue               Bclean             Cbottled          Dmoving
4. At night, the dog guarded the house as the family slept.
Adamaged       Bcleaned          Cdirtied           Dprotected
5. Angie went to the pet store hoping to get a kitten.
Afor the purpose ofBon the way toCin the hands ofDin charge of
6. A _____ is kept around the bird's leg to make sure it does not fly away.
Arope              Bsock              Cshoe              Dtie
7. The dog started _____ to let Pete know that it was hungry.
Ashouting        Beating            Cbarking         Dsleeping
8. The bird flew up onto the _____ of a tree to get away from the cat.
Aplant                   Bleaf                Croot               Dbranch
9. Most people do not _____ anything wrong with their fish until it is too late.

Alisten                   Bnotice            Chope              Dtell
10. After eating such a large dinner, the man took his dog and _____.
Akept in shapeBwent on a tripCwent for a walkDbought some flowers
Short Dialogue
1. Mother: Please take the dog out for a walk.     Jennifer: __________
Mother: No. Tuesday is your day to do it.
ACan you ask Michael to do it?            BLet me get my shoes on.
CMay I finish eating first?               DWhere's it right now?
2. Kimberly: I'm thinking about getting a cat.      Cynthia: I don't think that's a very good idea.
Kimberly: Why not?                                  Cynthia: __________ Cats eat birds.
AThey eat a lot of food.                         BThey aren't very clean animals.
CYou've never had a pet before.            DBecause you already have a bird.
3. Jonah: How did you sleep last night?        Sally: Not very well.
Jonah: __________                                  Sally: The dog was barking all night.
AAre you feeling OK?                     BHow many hours did you sleep?
CWhat was wrong?                               DDo you want a cup of coffee?
4. Nathan: I'm thinking about getting a pet, but I don't know what to get.
Brandon: __________                                     Nathan: Why do you say that?
Brandon: Because a fish bowl is the only thing that will fit into your apartment.
AYou seem like a cat person.          BI think you should get a dog.
CBirds make for great pets.                   DYou should get a fish.
5. Robert: Thanks for watching over our house this weekend. Do you have any questions before we leave?
Mandy: Yes. __________
Robert: He likes to eat around nine in the morning and six in the evening.
AWhen should I walk the dog?          BWhat time should I feed the dog?
CHow many pets do you have?         DHow long will you be gone?

Reading Comprehension
Keeping Pets
People like to keep pets for different reasons. Some people get a dog to help protect their home. Older people who live alone often get a cat so they will not be so lonely. Many parents get their children a bird or fish for the purpose of teaching them how to be responsible for another living thing. One thing that all these people have in common is that they see their pets as loyal friends. These animals fill their owners' lives with joy and laughter.
In addition to the above advantages, pets have been known to be of great help in improving the health of their owners. For example, pets are very good at lowering their owners' stress. As a result, these people live longer, happier lives. Also, for those who go for a walk with their pets, the exercise they get is a big plus.
Just like anything of value that we own, taking care of a pet requires both time and money. This is something important to think about before deciding to get a pet of your own. But pets give us far more than they receive in the form of love.
Useful Phrases & Words:
for the purpose of…為了          as a result 因此            go for a walk 散步 think about 考慮
loyal忠心的     laughter笑聲    advantage好處
1. This passage is mainly about __________.
Athe reasons why people keep pets      Bthe costs of taking care of a pet
Canimals that people keep as pets  Dhow long people have kept pets
2. Why do older people keep pets?
ATo protect themselves.
BTo help them exercise.
CThey do not want to live by themselves.
DThey want something to be responsible for.
3. What kind of pet is NOT mentioned in the passage?
ADogs.                  BCats.             CFish.              DMice.
Cloze Passage
Many people who want a cat or dog pay thousands of dollars to buy one from a pet store. Yet there is a way that you can get a pet dog _1_ much less. This can be done by going to an adoption center and adopting one of the thousands of unwanted pets that can be found in Taiwan. These centers have pets that have either been given to them by the pets’ _2_ or have been found on the streets. The pets there are just as _3_ as the ones found in the stores and cost much less to take home. So if you want to have a pet, you should _4_ visiting one of these places. Your dream pet may be there _5_ for you.
adopt 收養             unwanted 被遺棄的
1.Awith                  Bfor                 Cto                   Dby
2.Aowners              Bstores                   Cparents          Ddoctors
3.Anew                   Bcheap                   Cnice                Dold
4.Afind out                   Bput an end to Cmake fun of   Dthink about
5.Awaiting             Bcrying            Choping           Ddreaming
Tamagotchi is a kind of digital pet that was popular with teenagers and adults alike in the 1990s. It was an egg-shaped machine with a small _6_ showing a digital chicken. It was a way to keep a pet without having to work too hard. _7_, thousands of students bought one. They could check on their chickens during any free time they had. They fed them, played with them, and put them to bed, all by _8_ buttons on the machineThe chickens would _9_ if they were not taken care of properly. Luckily, _10_ button could be pressed and a new chicken would hatch.
digital 數位的  properly 恰當地    hatch 孵化
6.Aboard               Bscreen            Cspeaker         Dsymbol
7.AIn particular           BAs a result    CAll the same  DOver and over again
8.Ato press                  Bpress                   Cpressing        Dpressed
9.Ahurt                        Bdie                 Ccry                Dcall

10.Aother              Bany                Csome             Danother

