2020年7月2日 星期四

Book 4 Unit 5 GRAMMAR

Unit 5
1. S + Aux + not + V... + until + S + V....
說明 until為連接詞,引導表時間的副詞子句,其主要子句用否定句時,表示「直到…………」之意。注意若until引導的子句描述的是「未來的狀況」,副詞子句須用現在式而非未來式。
例句 1. The boy did not find a companion until he met the girl.
2. George did not go to bed until he finished his homework.
3. Olivia will not buy a car until she saves enough money.
練習 1. until/Timothy/his name/did not/see/called/me/I
2. come back to work/her health/The manager/improves/will not/until

2. S + keep/leave/find + O + Adj
說明 1. keepleavefind皆為不完全及物動詞,因此在受詞之後須加形容詞當補語,來補充說明受詞的狀況。
2. 在此句型中,keepleave表示「使某人/某物保持……狀態」,而find表示「發現某人/某物處於……狀態」。
 例句 1. Do you find this story of human creation incredible?
2. Vicky's newborn baby has kept her really busy.
3. I left the door open. (我讓門開著。)
練習 1. her/asked us/to/alone/Peggy/leave
2. the typhoon victims/The shelter/safe/kept

3. It + be + N (+ that) + S + V....
說明 在此句型中,真主詞為that引導的名詞子句,但因主詞過長,為避免句子出現頭重腳輕的狀況,故以虛主詞it代替,將that引導的名詞子句放到句子的後面。
例句 1. That no people live there is a pity.
It is a pity that no people live there. (沒有人住在那裡真是可惜。)
2. That Frank wasn't hurt in the serious accident is a miracle.
It is a miracle (that) Frank wasn't hurt in the serious accident.
3. That my best friend couldn't come to my performance was a shame.
It was a shame (that) my best friend couldn't come to my performance.

練習 1. Morrison先生在那場火災中失去他的家真是悲慘。
               a tragedy          Mr. Morrison lost his home to the fire.
2. Peter在困難的數學考試中得了滿分真是令人驚奇。
                  a wonder          Peter got full marks in the difficult math test.

4. S + feel/look/smell/sound/taste +  Adj
like + N 
說明 1.此句型為與「感官」有關的連綴動詞用法。連綴動詞為不完全不及物動詞,後面不接受詞,但須接主詞補語來修飾主詞。主詞補語可以是形容詞(Adj)或是介系詞片語like加上名詞。
2. 這類常見的動詞有:feel表示「感覺起來」、look表示「看起來」、smell表示「聞起來」、sound表示「聽起來」和taste表示「嚐起來」。
例句 1. Soon, the boy felt lonely, so he walked down the mountain to explore more of the island. (男孩很快地感到寂寞,所以他走下山去探索島嶼上更多地方。)
2. Gloria looks beautiful in that pink dress.
3. The frog legs I had in Indonesia actually tasted like chicken.
練習 1. 花園裡的花朵聞起來很甜。
2. 天空中的那朵雲看起來像一隻狗。

5. S + be + said + to V....
→ It + be + said (+ that) + S + V....
說明 1. 此句型用來表示「據說……」之意。常用於此句型的字還有believeconsider,分別表示「據信……」和「一般認為……」。
2. 此句型也可改成以虛主詞it代替原本的主詞,並以that引導子句,此處that也可省略。
例句 1. All of the aboriginal tribes in Taiwan are said to have their own special myths.
It is said (that) all of the aboriginal tribes in Taiwan have their own special myths. (據說臺灣所有的原住民部落都有自己特殊的神話。)
2. Ghosts are believed to come out of the underworld during Ghost Month.
It is believed (that) ghosts come out of the underworld during Ghost Month.
3. Mr. Fox was considered to be one of the richest people in the country.
It was considered that Mr. Fox was one the richest people in the country.
練習 1. Knocking on wood is said to bring good luck.
2. It is believed that using a smartphone too much is bad for us.
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( C ) 1. It is    that opening an umbrella indoors brings bad luck.
(A) believe                    (B) believes           (C) believed            (D) believing
( C ) 2. The steak my mother made tastes really   .
(A) greatly                    (B) great                (C) like greatly        (D) is great
( C ) 3. The spell will not break until the princess    the frog.
(A)kissed                      (B) to kiss              (C) kiss                    (D) kisses
( C ) 4. It was a pity    you couldn't attend the party.
(A) which                     (B) that                  (C) what                  (D) where
( C ) 5. Humans need water and air to keep themselves   .
(A) alive                       (B) life                   (C) lives                  (D) to living
( C ) 6. Having coffee is said    the risk of heart disease.
(A) to reduce                (B) reduced           (C) reducing            (D) reduces
( C ) 7. After watching the movie, Gina found it quite   .
(A) interest                   (B) interests           (C) interesting         (D) interested
( C ) 8. Mr. Robinson won't sell the house    someone offers a good price.
(A) ×                             (B) until                 (C) to                      (D) than
( C ) 9. My brother's plan for the weekend sounds like   .
(A) fun                         (B) funny              (C) funnily             (D) is fun
( C ) 10.    was a disaster that the experiment turned out to be a failure.
(A) What                    (B) It                     (C) Which               (D) That

II. 重組句子:將以下各句重組並做適當修改。
1. It/to the war/lost her son/Mrs. Peterson/was/that/a tragedy
2. felt/The/soft/hotel bed
3. people/A lot of/touching/the story/find
4. stop crying/The little girl/her mother/she/will not/until/sees
5. good fortune/can bring/the number eight/It/said/is/that

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 我們不能停留久一點真是遺憾。
         was a shame          we couldn't stay longer.
2. Marcus規律運動來保持身體健康。
Marcus does regular exercise to
         himself         .
3. Russell直到他的朋友離開派對後他才打開生日禮物。
                  open the birthday gifts          his friends left the party.
4. 這個小鎮的人據說非常友善。
People in this town are
                          very friendly.
5. 這飲料嚐起來像冰淇淋。
The drink
                  ice cream.

Unit 5
1­1.  Timothy didn't see me until I called his name.
1­2.  The manager will not come back to work until her health improves.
2­1.  Peggy asked us to leave her alone.
2­2.  The shelter kept the typhoon victims safe.
3­1.  It, is/was, that
3­2.  It, is/was, that
4­1.  The flowers in the garden smells/smelled sweet.
4­2.  The cloud in the sky looks/looked like a dog.
5­1.  It is said that knocking on wood brings good luck.
5­2.  Using a smartphone too much is believed to be bad for us.
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B
1. It was a tragedy that Mrs. Peterson lost her son to the war.
2. The hotel bed felt soft.
3. A lot of people find the story touching.
4. The little girl will not stop crying until she sees her mother.
5. It is said that the number eight can bring good fortune.
1. It, that
2. keep, healthy
3. did, not, until
4. said, to, be
5. tastes/tasted, like

