2020年7月2日 星期四

Book 4 Unit 6 GRAMMAR

Unit 6
1. S + make/find/think/consider + it + Adj (+ for sb) + to V....
說明 1. make (使……)find (覺得……)thinkconsider (認為……)為不完全及物動詞,受詞後仍須形容詞作為受詞補語,才能使句意完整。
2.it在此句型中為虛受詞,真受詞為之後的不定詞片語(to V)
例句 1. You might find it difficult to believe, but your reaction to the situation may be influenced by your blood type. (你也許會覺得難以置信,不過你的血型可能會影響你對這個情況的反應。)
2. The heavy snow made it difficult for me to drive.
3. Most companies consider it essential for employees to have basic computer skills. (大部分的公司認為員工需要有基本的電腦技能。)
練習 1. 醫生認為Smiths先生有必要馬上戒菸。
The doctor t                                   Mr. Smiths to stop smoking immediately.
2. Peggy 認為從錯誤中學習是很重要的。
Peggy c                           to learn from mistakes.

2. S + V + as if + S + were/V­ed....
說明 1. as if為連接詞,表示「彷彿,好像」之意,用來引導「與現在事實相反」的假設句。
2. as if所引導的副詞子句中,be動詞不論人稱通常用were,一般動詞或助動詞則用過去式。
例句 1. People with blood type AB sometimes act as if there were two people inside one body. (血型AB的人有時表現得彷彿一個身體裡有兩個人。)
2. Cassandra often talks to her goldfish as if it understood her.
3. Troy eats up all the food on the table as if he starved for days.
練習 1. 你看起來好像是要去參加國王的宴會。
You look             you       going to attend a banquet for a king.
2. Michelle總是說得好像她什麼都知道一樣。
Michelle always talks             she       everything.

3. S + V + O + to V
S + be + Vpp + to V (+ by N)
說明 此句型為被動式的延伸用法。在主動語態中,不定詞(to V)為受詞補語,用來補充說明前面的受詞(O)。這樣的句型大多可以改寫為被動語態,且將原句的受詞(O)改寫為主詞(S),再接不定詞。執行動作者對象身分不明確或是不重要時通常省略,若要強調執行動作者,則接於介系詞by之後。
例句 1. Imagine someone has told you not to touch a precious vase.
Imagine you have been told not to touch a precious vase.
2. The teacher asked Mark to answer the question.
Mark was asked to answer the question (by the teacher). 
3. The boss chose Bryan to be the new manager.
Bryan was chosen to be the new manager (by the boss). 
練習 1. My mother taught me to treat people with respect.
2. The loud noise forced me to wake up in the middle of the night.

4. S + V + what + S (+ Aux) + V....
說明 此處what為複合關係代名詞,用來引導關係子句,兼具先行詞和關係代名詞的功用,表示「非特定的事物」,相當於the thing(s) which/that
例句 1. Some children even ran to tell the teacher the thing that had happened.
Some children even ran to tell the teacher what had happened.
2. The thing that the girl needs is some encouragement.
What the girl needs is some encouragement.
3. I apologized to Wendy for the things that I had said.
I apologized to Wendy for what I had said.
練習 1. I don't know the thing which made Paul change his mind.
2. Harry bought his wife the thing which she wanted for Christmas.

5. S + tell + sb (+ that) + S + V....
說明 1. tell為授與動詞,故應有直接受詞和間接受詞的存在。其中,間接受詞 sb為主詞(S)告訴的對象,直接受詞that子句則為主詞告訴的內容。
2. 直接受詞that子句在此做名詞用,且that可以省略。
例句 1. They told the teacher without any hesitation (that) it was the man who was to blame.
2. My mother always tells me (that) I should have more confidence.
3. The green light tells you (that) the machine is working properly.
練習 1. Maggie告訴Ron她會出席他的派對。
Maggie       Ron       she would attend his party.
2. 航空公司告訴我飛機因為颱風而延遲了。
The airline       me       the plane was delayed due to the typhoon.
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( C ) 1. Most people think it convenient    near an MRT station.
(A) live                           (B) lived                    (C) to live     (D) living
( C ) 2. My sister screams loudly    she saw a ghost.
(A) as well as                  (B) as if                     (C) even if    (D) if
( C ) 3. Emily told me    she changed her phone number.
(A) which                       (B) what                    (C) that        (D) who
( C ) 4. Kelly treats her best friend as if she    her sister.
(A) are                            (B) is                         (C) be           (D) were
( C ) 5. Emily's boyfriend    to join the family dinner.
(A) was invited              (B) invites                 (C) invites    (D) inviting
( C ) 6. It was noisy in the room, and I couldn't hear    my friend was saying.
(A) that                           (B) what                    (C) which     (D) who
( C ) 7. Joanne was tempted    another piece of the delicious cake I made.
(A) having                      (B) has                       (C) to have   (D) had
( C ) 8. The teacher found    for the students to focus in class after the summer vacation.
(A) it difficult                (B) difficult it           (C) difficult (D) be difficult
( C ) 9. Nancy hasn't told her family    she has a rare disease.
(A) what                         (B) ×                          (C) which     (D) who
( C ) 10.    you need is a vacation.
(A) Where                    (B) Which                 (C) That       (D) What

II. 改寫句子:依據提示字將以下各句改寫。
1. My teacher considers that forming a good reading habit is important.
( it做虛主詞改寫)
2. The old lady talks loudly on the phone like there is no other people around.
(...as if...)
3. My friend persuaded me to buy a bouquet for my girlfriend for Valentine's Day.
4. I can't believe the thing that I just saw.  (...what...)

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. Doris告訴警方意外發生時她在場。
         the police          she was there when the accident happened.
2. 這名壯漢輕易地抬起那塊岩石,彷彿石塊就像羽毛一樣輕。
The strong man lifts the rock easily
                  it          as light as a feather.
3. 網路讓我們無論何時何地都能和他人保持聯絡。
The Internet makes          p         for us          k         in touch with others anytime anywhere.
4. 不要在意Sean說的話。他只是很無禮。
Don't mind          Sean said. He was just being rude.
5. 這些狗被訓練來協助警方。
The dogs                            assist the police.
6. Owen太太告訴她先生她今晚會加班。
Mrs. Owen has          her husband          she will be working late tonight.

Unit 6
1­1.  thinks/thought, it, necessary, for
1­2.  considers/considered, it, important
2­1.  as, if, were
2­2.  as, if, knew
3­1.  I was taught to treat people with respect (by my mother).
3­2.  I was forced to wake up in the middle of the night (by the loud noise).
4­1.  I don't know what made Paul change his mind.
4­2.  Harry bought his wife what she wanted for Christmas.
5­1.  told, that
5­2.  told, that
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D
1. My teacher considers it important to form a good reading habit.
2. The old lady talks loudly on the phone as if there were no other people around.
3. I was persuaded to buy my girlfriend a bouquet for Valentine's d Day (by my friend).
4. I can't believe what I just saw.
1. told, that
2. as, if, were
3. it, possible, to, keep
4. what
5. are/were, trained, to
6. told, that

