2020年7月9日 星期四

B4 U6 TEST 解答

Unit SixPersonality: Is It All in the Blood?

Test 1
字彙與詞類變化:60% (每題5)
1. tend                      2. furious                  3. traits                   4. tense
5. indicates               6. teased                   7. witness               8. divided
9. punishment           10. cautious              11. reaction            12. anxious
Idioms & Phrases
引導式翻譯:40% (每格5)
1. by; accident  2. On; the; other; hand  3. tell; on

Test 2
克漏字:60% (每題5)
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. D
文法選擇:40% (每題5)
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A

Test 3
Grammar in Use
根據句型及提示字完成下列句子。注意動詞變化:36% (每題9)
1. made it easier for his students to understand
2. found it difficult for him to accept
3. thinks it right for him to donate
4. consider it beneficial for their children to learn
根據句型及提示字完成下列句子:40% (每題8)
1. were                     2. witnessed             3. treated
4. saw                       5. were stepping
Extensive Reading
閱讀測驗:24% (每題8)
1. C 2. B 3. D

Unit Six Personality: Is It All in the Blood?
I. 文意字彙與詞類變化
1. crew                        2. teased                       3. optimistic            4. trait
5. witnessed                6. furious                      7. indicates          8. tends
9. scold                       10. matches                  11. caution              12. linked
13. punishment           14. anxiety          15. reaction(s)

II. 文法選擇
16. C   17. A  18. C  19. D    20. B  

III. 綜合測驗
21. C   22. A  23. D  24. B  25. A  
26. D  27. C  28. B  29. D  30. A  

IV. 對話
31. B  32. C     33. A  34. A  35. B  

V. 閱讀測驗
36. B  37. D     38. C  39. A  40. C  

VI. 重組句子
41. Jenny looks excited as if she saw her favorite singer.
42. The Internet makes it possible for people to collect information in seconds.  

VII. 改寫句子
43. Some people think it embarrassing to talk to strangers.
44. Martin often treats his friends to dinner as if he were rich/a rich man.

VIII. 引導式翻譯
45. covered; up; by; accident

IX. 中譯英
46. Maggie often looks at my dog as if it were a monster.

