2020年7月9日 星期四

B4 U5~U6 Do it yourself解答

──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________ 1. Tina accidentally dropped her cell phone, and the screen c______ked badly when it hit the floor.
__________ 2. In order not to hurt the little bird, Darren held it g______y.
__________ 3. There are many w______d animals in the mountains, and some of them are quite dangerous.
__________ 4. It’s a p______y that Angel cannot come out with us tonight. It would be more fun to have her with us.
__________ 5. We should stop hunting endangered (瀕臨絕種的) s______s, or they may no longer exist.
__________ 6. At the manager’s r______t, we joined the team and worked together on this matter.
__________ 7. Ruby is very familiar with the game, so there is no d______t that she has a good chance of winning it.
__________ 8. To protect your i______y, don’t reveal your personal information online.
__________ 9. The advertisement uses white doves to c______y the message of innocence and peace.
__________ 10. After I moved to my new apartment, I spent some time
e______ring the neighborhood.
1. cracked  2. gently  3. wild  4. pity  5. species
6. request  7. doubt  8. identity  9. convey  10. exploring

II. Filling in the Blanks
in          to            as              with            by
1. The book is widely regarded __________ the writer’s most important work.
2. As Daniel stood on the top of the mountain, he looked down and was amazed __________ the beauty of the land.
3. People in the past stored food __________ a natural way.
4. __________ Elaine’s surprise, she got a free drink from a stranger.
5. The girl felt embarrassed, so she covered her face __________ her hands.

1. as  2. by  3. in  4. To  5. with

III. Multiple Choice
(   ) 1. I ______ forgive Andy until he made an apology to me.
(A) ×          (B) do          (C) not       (D) didn’t
(   ) 2. People call the runner “Lightning,” ______ means “very fast.”
(A) it                (B) this             (C) who            (D) which
(   ) 3. Kevin likes to stay at home, ______ Kate likes to go out for fun.
(A) so         (B) until      (C) while       (D) because
(   ) 4. The restaurant ______ by Fiona is one of the best restaurants in town.
(A) choose    (B) chosen    (C) choosing   (D) which chose
(   ) 5. Emma likes to leave the windows ______ to keep the room ______.
(A) open...cool               (B) openly...cool
(C) open...coolly             (D) openly...coolly

1. D  2. D  3. C  4. B  5. A

IV. Guided Translation
1. 那個當地的部落有自己獨特的語言。
The local _____________ has its own u_____________ language.
2. Jenny看到禮物時看起來很興奮。無疑地,她非常喜歡這份禮物。
Jenny looked excited when she saw the gift. _____________ _____________ _____________, she liked it very much.
3. Watson先生希望他的小孩未來會長成一個負責任的大人。
Mr. Watson hopes that his child will _____________ _____________     a responsible adult in the future.
4. Joyce說她曾去過那間咖啡店許多次。事實上,她從未去過那裡。
Joyce said that she had been to the café several times. _____________ _____________, she had never been there before.
5. 那位英雄的故事將會被代代流傳下去。
The hero’s story will be _____________ _____________ from generation to generation.

1. tribe…unique
2. Without a doubt
3. grow into
4. In truth/fact
5. passed on/down

──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________ 1. Being shy is one of Larry’s p______ties, and this is why making friends is hard for him.
__________ 2. I’m really nervous about my interview next week. My a______y is growing as the interview approaches.
__________ 3. Most of the people were f______s at the government’s decision. They thought that the government showed no respect for their rights.
__________ 4. We d______ed the pizza into several pieces for everyone at the table.
__________ 5. A survey (調查) has i______ed that most teenagers have difficulty communicating with their parents.
__________ 6. Nina is an o______c person. She always believes that good things will happen in the future.
__________ 7. Philip w______sed the attack and saw the killer’s face.
__________ 8. Many people t______ed Nancy about her new haircut because it looked funny.
__________ 9. My father is a c______s driver. He is very careful on the road and always follows the traffic rules.
__________ 10. The kindergarten teacher asked her students to m______h the names of the animals with the correct pictures.

1. personalities    2. anxiety    3. furious    4. divided    5. indicated
6. optimistic      7. witnessed  8. teased    9. cautious   10. match

II. Idioms and Phrases
cover up       on the other hand         by accident         tell on
1. Jason lied to his girlfriend in order to _____________ his own mistake, but she still found out the truth in the end.
2. Lily was not punished for breaking the computer because she did it _____________, not on purpose.
3. Maggie saw John cheating on the exam, so she went to the teacher and _____________ him.
4. On the one hand, I want to go to the movies with my brother, but _____________, I am so tired that I don’t want to go out at all.

1. cover up    2. by accident    3. told on    4. on the other hand    

III. Multiple Choice
(   ) 1. I didn’t know Kevin’s reaction ______ the news because I wasn’t there then.
(A) by          (B) at           (C) with      (D) to
(   ) 2. ______ scold his workers, the boss encouraged them to do better next time.
(A) Rather than                           (B) Except for (C) Instead of  (D) In spite of
(   ) 3. Anna was very upset about losing the watch that her father ______   her.
(A) give         (B) giving        (C) given       (D) had given
(   ) 4. Although Julia was very confused, she still pretended ______ the man’s words.
(A) understand                  (B) understood
(C) to understand               (D) understanding
(   ) 5. Do you have any questions about the examples ______ above?
(A) was mentioned               (B) mentioned
(C) mentioning                  (D) had mentioned

1. D  2. A  3. D  4. C  5. B

IV. Sentence-Writing
1. I found ___________________________________________________
____________________ (to find/difficult/a parking space/it/in the city).
2. As a student, Rick considers __________________________________
____________________________ (important/it/to study hard/for him).
3. After the strong typhoon, the farmers thought _____________________
__________________ (it/to have/impossible/a good harvest/that year).
4. Mr. Robinson’s busy job and family life made ____________________
_______________________ (hard/to visit/his parents/for him/often/it).

1. it difficult to find a parking space in the city
2. it important for him to study hard
3. it impossible to have a good harvest that year
4. it hard for him to visit his parents often

V. Translation
1. Max sings as if he were a superstar.
2. The foreign student speaks Chinese very well as if he grew up in Taiwan.

1. Max唱起歌來彷彿他是位巨星一樣。
2. 這個外國學生中文講得非常好,彷彿他是在台灣長大的一樣。

