2020年6月18日 星期四

GEPT Sentence Writing 2

1Sam looks like an adult but he is only 13 years old.  (1, 2 題以 Although改寫)
      Although Sam looks like an adult, he is only13 years old.
2Toby looks goofy but he is one of the top students in his class.
      Although Toby looks goofy, he is one of the top students in his class.
3This is the place.  Mark lives here.  (1-3where合併)
      This is the place where Mark lives.
4Toby and his classmates will visit the museum.  Toby’s brother works at the museum. 
      Toby and his classmates will visit the museum where his brother works at.
5Jenny’s father sent her to England.  Jenny has lived there for ten years.
      Jenny’s father sent her to England where she has lived for ten years.
6Ben is 60 years old.  Leo is 60 years old.  (as…as合併句子)
      Ben is as old as Leo.
7May is 155 cm tall.  Sandy is 155 cm tall. 
      May is as tall as Sandy.
8Jack’s pants are 300 dollars.  Austin’s pants are 300 dollars. 
      Jack’s pants cost as much as Austin’s.
9Sam’s pencil is 100 cm long.  Jimmy’s pencil case is 100 cm long. 
      Sam’s pencil is as long as Jimmy’s.
10Helen’s grade is 90.  Sophie’s grade is 90.
      Helen’s grade is as good as Sophie’s.
11Tom / bought / a / good / book / Sue    (以直接與間接受詞的代換句型造句)
    Tom bought a good book for Sue.
12He / showed / a / beautiful / picture / me    (以直接與間接受詞的代換句型造句)
    He showed a beautiful picture to me.
13that / pass / water / bottle of / me / please / . (重組)
      Please pass me that bottle of water.
14My bag is NT$300 and Sara’s bag is NT$500. (…expensive…改寫)
      Sara's bag is more expensive than mine.
15It’s safe to eat the apple. (The apple…)
      The apple is safe to eat.
16I’ll show you the book. (…you.)
      I'll show the book to you.
17Tom is 15 years old this year. (…..last year.)
      Tom was 14 years old last year.

