2020年6月4日 星期四

B4U5 Reading, Vocabulary, Phrases, & Grammar

In the beginning, Orchid Island was uninhabited. One day, the God of the Skies looked down and was amazed by the island’s beauty. “That no people live there is a pity,” he thought. Thus, he took a rock and bamboo and split them in half. He put a boy into the rock and a girl into the bamboo. Then, he dropped them on Orchid Island.
The rock finally landed on a mountaintop, while the bamboo landed at the foot of the mountain. The boy and the girl then started to live on this beautiful island, separately. Soon, the boy felt lonely, so he walked down the mountain to explore more of the island. SP1 He did not find a companion until he met the girl. They played together every day. One day, to their surprise, their knees suddenly began to swell, and then a boy and a girl came out of their knees. This was the beginning of their tribe. Later, more and more generations lived on the island. The people there simply called themselves “Tao,” which means “people” in their language.
Do you find this story of human creation incredible? In truth, this Tao mytho log is just one of the many legends told by the aboriginal people of Taiwan. All of the aboriginal tribes in Taiwan are said to have their own special myths. They usually use nature in creative ways to explain the creation of humans.
The Bunun people, for example, believe that human life started from an insect. In the past, only plants and animals existed on the earth. Then, one day, a golden flower floated gently down from the sky. When the flower landed on the ground, a small insect came out of it and gradually grew into a strong young man. All of the wild animals were surprised. They ran and shouted, “Bunun! Bunun!”
Although the young man made friends with the animals, he still felt lonely. Therefore, he climbed to the top of the mountain, and he requested a mate from the sun. Suddenly, a clay pot fell from the sky. The man did not touch it until a voice said, “Cover this pot with food and keep it warm.” He then followed the orders and took good care of the pot. Finally, the pot cracked open. @@A lovely young woman appeared. She and the man later had many children, who are now called the Bunun people. The name of their tribe also conveys the meaning of “people” in their language.
You see, the names of the tribes in Taiwan often carry the meaning of “people.” This is probably because every tribe regards itself as a particular human species. Without a doubt, every aboriginal tribe has its unique culture and myths. SP2 Passing on these legends can be a way to keep the identity of Taiwan’s aboriginal people alive and show respect for their culture.
by Elizabeth Susanne Carter

Cultural Note
古今中外皆有神話記載人類的起源,或以口傳方式將族源傳說代代相傳。儘管不同文化發展出許多不同的神話,各文化間亦時常流傳一些內容相似的傳說。以阿美族其中一則族源故事為例,傳說遠古時代曾暴發大水災,於是有對兄妹便乘坐一個臼漂到臺灣,並在此繁衍後代;而《聖經》中,挪亞 (Noah) 亦帶著妻兒和成對的動物登上方舟,以躲避神對世人降下的大洪水。這兩則傳說雖在不同文化流傳,卻有異曲同工之妙。

I. Reading for the Main Idea—Skimming
Skim the reading and choose the best answer to the question.
(   ) What is the main idea of the reading?
(A) Orchid Island is the hometown of the Tao people.
(B) The Bunun people started from an insect.
(C) All the aboriginal people of Taiwan speak the same language.
(D) Aboriginal tribes in Taiwan have their own unique myths.

II. Reading for Details—Scanning
Scan the reading and choose the best answer to each of the following questions or statements.
(   ) 1. In the Tao myth, a girl was put into a ______ by the God of the Skies.
(A) rock                                    (B) bamboo
(C) golden flower                      (D) clay pot
(   ) 2. According to the reading, how did the Tao tribe begin?
(A) The people came out of their ancestors’ knees.
(B) The God of the Skies gave the people rocks.
(C) The people turned into rocks and bamboos.
(D) The God of the Skies built it on Orchid Island.
(   ) 3. According to the reading, the wild animals shouted, “Bunun! Bunun!” because ______.
(A) they had been turned into human beings
(B) they were afraid of an insect from the sky
(C) they saw an insect grow into a young man
(D) they saw a golden flower float down from the sky
(   ) 4. In the Bunun myth, the young man got a mate by ______.
(A) catching the sun                  (B) making a clay pot
(C) making friends with animals                       (D) taking good care of a pot
(   ) 5. According to the reading, which of the following about aboriginal tribes in Taiwan is NOT true?
(A) They usually use nature to explain the creation of humans.
(B) Their names were given to them by the God of the Skies.
(C) Each tribe has its own unique culture and myths.
(D) Passing on their myths is a way to show respect for their cultures.

III. Topics for Discussion
1. What do “Tao” and “Bunun” mean in their own languages?
2. Do you know any other stories about the creation of humans? Share the story with your classmates.

I. D
II. 1. B  2. A  3. C  4. D  5. B

I. Words for Production
1. pity [`pItI] n. [sing.] used for showing someone is disappointed about something  可惜  SYN shame
  It’s a pity that you can’t make it to the pool party.
n. [U] a feeling of sympathy for someone who is unhappy or in a bad situation  同情,憐憫
► Ashley took pity on the poor man and gave him some money.
2. split [splIt] (split—split—split) vt.; vi. to divide or break something into two or more parts, or to be separated into parts (使) 分開  SYN divide
My brother split the watermelon down the middle and gave me half.
3. separately [`sEp1rItlI] adv. not together 分開地,個別地
  The two sisters came to school separately, but they left together.
separate [`sEp1&ret] vt.; vi. (使) 分開,分離
► The people who have this disease should be separated from the public.
4. explore [Ik`splor] vt.; vi. to travel through an area in order to learn more about it or to find something 探索,勘查
 ► Tom wants to travel to Paris again in order to explore more of this city.
exploration [&Ekspl1`reS1n] n. [U][C] 探索,勘查
► The scientists are excited about the exploration of the new areas.
5. swell [swEl] (swell—swelled—swollen) vi. to become larger than normal 腫脹,膨脹
  Jenny’s arm began to swell after she hurt it in the tennis game.
6. tribe [traIb] n. [C] a group of people of the same race who have the same religion, customs, language, and usually live in the same area 部族,部落
 ► The tribe holds a harvest festival every August to thank their god for providing them with food.
7. generation [&dZEn1`reS1n] n. [C] all the people who are of a similar age 世代,一代
 ► Many elderly people have trouble understanding what the younger generation is thinking.
8. incredible [In`krEd1bL] adj. difficult to believe  難以置信的  SYN unbelievable
  It’s incredible that my friend got married at such a young age.
9. legend [`lEdZ1nd] n. [C][U] an old and well-known story about people or events, that may or may not be true  傳說,傳奇故事 SYN myth
  One Chinese legend tells the story of a white snake that can turn into a woman.
10. exist [IG`zIst] vi. to be real, or to be present in a particular situation or place 存在
  ► This type of plant exists only in Taiwan. It cannot be found in other countries.
11. golden [`GoldN] adj. bright yellow like gold  () 色的
  The beautiful beach is famous for its golden sand and clear water.
adj. made of gold 金的,黃金製的
  A golden ring is usually more valuable than a silver one.
gold [Gold] n. [U] 黃金
► The earrings are made of gold and are worth a large amount of money.
12. gently [`dZEntlI] adv. carefully, without much force 和緩地,溫柔地 ANT roughly
  Jasmine held the baby in her arms and rocked () him gently.
gentle [`dZEntL] adj. 溫柔的  ANT rough
The father read a bedtime story to his daughter in a gentle voice.
13. wild [waIld] adj. living or growing in nature and not raised by humans 野生的  ANT tame
► Because no one takes care of this land, a lot of wild flowers are now growing there.
14. request [rI`kwEst] vt. (formal) to ask for something formally or politely 請求,要求
  ► My boss requested that the work be done by tomorrow, so I had to work late to finish it.
request [rI`kwEst] n. [C] 請求,要求
At Bella’s request, I played a few songs on my guitar for her.
15. crack [kr8k] vi.; vt. to break or make something break open or with lines appearing on its surface 裂開,破裂
  ► The egg fell to the ground and cracked open.
16. convey [k1n`ve] vt. to express ideas or feelings indirectly 傳達,表達
  ► The movie conveys the message that true friendship may last forever.
17. particular [p2`tIkj1l2] adj. special or specific 特別的,特定的
  Jeffery whistled for no particular reason. He just did it without thinking too much.
18. species [`spiSiz] n. [C] (複數species) a group of animals or plants whose members all have similar general features and can breed to produce young 種,物種
  ► Some species of plants can survive at low temperatures.
19. doubt [da5t] n. [C][U] a feeling of not being sure about something 疑問,疑惑
  ► Eddie is confident of winning the race, and I have no doubts about his ability to win it.
doubt [da5t] vt. 懷疑
  ► The show is very popular, so I doubt that I will be able to get a ticket to it.
20. unique [ju`nik] adj. unusual or very special; one of a kind 獨特的
► The bag’s unique design makes it different from any of the other bags in the store.
21. identity [aI`dEnt1tI] n. [C][U] the qualities of a person that make him or her different from others; who a person is 特性,身分
► The reporter didn’t reveal the identity of the person who had given him the inside information.

II. Words for Recognition
1. Orchid Island [`OrkId `aIl1nd] n. (臺灣東南離島) 蘭嶼
2. uninhabited [&^nIn`h8bItId] adj. 無人居住的
3. bamboo [b8m`bu] n. [U][C] 竹子
4. Tao [tA`u] n. (the) (臺灣原住民) 達悟族
Tao [tA`u] adj. (臺灣原住民) 達悟族的
5. myth [mIT] n. [C][U] 神話
6. aboriginal [&8b1`rIdZ1nL] adj. 原住民的
7. Bunun [`b5nun] adj. (臺灣原住民) 布農族的
Bunun [`b5nun] n. (the) (臺灣原住民) 布農族
8. mate [met] n. [C] 同伴,伴侶
9. clay [kle] n. [U] 陶土,泥土

1. in truth  (formal) really, actually  事實上,實際上 SYN in fact
► Charles said he was stuck in heavy traffic. In truth, he was still home at that time.
2. grow into  to develop into a certain kind of person or thing over time 長成……,逐漸變為……
As time goes by, my teenage cousin is growing into a beautiful woman.
3. without (a) doubt  very certainly, or used to emphasize an opinion  無疑地  SYN beyond doubt
► Jessica is good at many things. Without a doubt, she is very talented.
4. pass on  to give something to someone else after having received it  流傳,傳遞
Since people keep passing on the gossip, it is not a secret anymore.

Word Smart
字尾 “-­en” 加於特定名詞後可構成形容詞,表示「由……製成的」之意。
gold → golden 黃金製的         wood → wooden 木製的
silk → silken 絲質的           wool → woolen 羊毛的

 S + Aux + not + V... + until + S + V....

1. The boy did not find a companion until he met the girl.
2. The man did not touch the pot until a voice said something to him.
3. Ray will not go home until he finds his bike.

Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型將以下各題的字詞重組。
1. until/go to bed/I/it is midnight/usually don’t
2. Joe/told him about it/did not know/until/the truth/his friend
3. finishes her studies/will not/Amy/go abroad/until/she

1. I usually don’t go to bed until it is midnight.
2. Joe did not know the truth until his friend told him about it.
3. Amy will not go abroad until she finishes her studies.

B. 將下面左右兩欄的句子作配對,並根據句型寫出完整的句子。第一題為範例。
1. People often realize the importance of health.
2. Simon agreed to go to the party.
3. Teresa learned about the earthquake.
4. Danny got up.
5. Some people believe in true love.
She watched the news.
His mother entered his room.
They meet the right person.
We promised to drive him home.
They get ill.
1. People often don’t realize the importance of health until they get ill.                                                                        2.                                                                         
4.                                                                         5.                                                                         

2. Simon didn’t/did not agree to go to the party until we promised to drive him home.
3. Teresa didn’t/did not learn about the earthquake until she watched the news.
4. Danny didn’t/did not get up until his mother entered his room.
5. Some people don’t/do not believe in true love until they meet the right person.

S + keep/leave/find + O + Adj
本句型中的keepleavefind皆為不完全及物動詞,因加上受詞 (O) 後句意仍不完整,故其後須再接受詞補語,一般常見的受詞補語為形容詞 (Adj)keepleave在此表示「使某人/某物保持……狀態」,而find表示「發現某人/某物處於……狀態」。

1. Keep the pot warm.
2. Please leave me alone.
3. Do you find the story of human creation incredible?

Let’s Try!
A. 圈選出正確的答案以完成下列句子。
1. The coat kept me (warm, warmly) during the winter.
2. Vicky found the test (difficult, difficulty).
3. Many people find this joke (humor, humorous).
4. A refrigerator can keep fruit and vegetables (fresh, freshly).
5. William didn’t write anything down and left the page (empty, emptiness).

1. warm  2. difficult  3. humorous  4. fresh  5. empty

B. 以下為一則宿舍生活公約。根據句型重組提示字以完成下面的生活公約。注意大小寫變化。
1. Clean up your room when you                          (dirty/it/find).
2.                                 (keep/low/your voice) after midnight.
3.                                                                      (clean and tidy/leave/the bathroom) after you use it.
4. To                                                                         (everyone/keep/safe), never start a fire inside the building.
5. When you go out,                                                            (the door/don’t/open/leave).

1. find it dirty
2. Keep your voice low
3. Leave the bathroom clean and tidy
4. keep everyone safe
5. don’t leave the door open

