2020年5月21日 星期四


Unit 3
1. It + take (+ O) + time + to V....
說明 此句型表示「做某事須花費(某人)多少時間」,其中的it是虛主詞,代替後面的真主詞(to V)。而take在此表示「花費(時間)」,後接受詞(O),受詞有時可省略。
例句 1. It took nature only a few seconds to change millions of people's lives forever.
2. It will take us a whole week to clean up the mess.
3. It takes about ten minutes to ride a bike to the post office.
練習 1. Aaron spent two hours driving from Taipei to Taichung. (改寫句子)
It took Aaron two hours to drive from Taipei to Taichung.                    
2. The writer spent three years writing her new book. (改寫句子)
It took the writer three years to write her new book.                      

2. If + S + had (not) Vpp..., S + would/could/should/might (not) + have Vpp....
說明 此為與過去事實相反的假設語氣用法,用來表示假設的情況「與過去事實不符」,由if所引導的子句用過去完成式,而主要子句則須在過去式助動詞之後接完成式。
例句 1. If Michael Jackson hadn't written the original song, the new version might never have been recorded.
2. If I hadn't studied hard, I wouldn't have passed the exam.
3. If the boy had gotten lost in the forest, he could have been attacked by the wolves. (假如當時男孩在森林裡迷路,他有可能會遭到狼群攻擊。)
練習 1. If John   hadn't/had not missed   (not miss) the train, he   might not have been   (may not be) late for the meeting. (完成句子)
2. If I   had gotten   (get) your message, I   would have called   (will call) you back. (完成句子)

3. without + N/V­ing...  沒有……,不……
說明 without為介系詞,意為「沒有……,不……」,其後須接名詞或動名詞,以形成介系詞片語。除了置於句尾之外,也可置於句首,但後面須加逗點。
例句 1. Survivors were left without food or clean water.
2. My father fell asleep on the couch without turning off the television.
3. Without bringing his keys, Kevin rushed out of his house.
練習 1. Matt一言不發地離開了客廳。
Matt left the living room   without     saying/speaking   a word.
2. 沒有足夠的錢,Chad無法買那雙新的運動鞋。
  Without     enough     money  , Chad couldn't buy the new sneakers.

4. S + had + Vpp
說明 1. 此為「過去完成式」的句型,用來表示「某過去時間點以前已發生並持續到該時間點的動作或狀態」或「比發生在過去某一時間點之動作更早完成的動作或狀態」,常與「by + 時間」或whenbeforeafterby the time等連用。
2. 句子中較早發生或完成的動作用「過去完成式」,而較晚的動作則用「過去簡單式」。
例句 1. The government was unable to help its people because many government officials had been killed in the disaster.
2. All the students had finished the test by the time the bell rang.
3. The food in the new restaurant was better than I had expected.
練習 1. 直到Lucas上公車之前他都沒有意識到他忘了帶皮夾。
Lucas   didn't     realize   he   had     forgotten   to bring his wallet until he got on the bus.
2. NickMandy抵達電影院前就買好電影票了。
Nick   had bought   already   arrived   the movie tickets before Mandy         at the theater.

5. It + be + time (+ for sb) + to V....
It + be + time + for N....
說明 此句型用來表示「該是(某人)……的時候」,time後面可接to 加原形動詞或for加名詞。
例句 1. It's time to lend a hand to lifethe greatest gift of all.
2. It is time for bed. (是該上床睡覺的時候了。)
3. The party ended, and it was time for us to leave.
練習 1. 晚餐時間到了。
It is time for dinner                                                  
2. 該是我妹妹練習彈鋼琴的時候了。
It is/was time for my sister to practice playing the piano.                     

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( D ) 1. Leo    up to one million NT dollars when he turned 30.
(A) saves                      (B) have saved      (C) is saved             (D) had saved
( A ) 2. It should    about 30 minutes to bake this chocolate cake.
(A) take                        (B) spend              (C) cost                   (D) need
( D ) 3.    Internet connection, Judy couldn't check her e­mails.
(A) By                          (B) Of                   (C) For                    (D) Without
( A ) 4. It's time for Jason    for his tests.
(A) to study                  (B) study               (C) studying            (D) studies
( D ) 5. My father    to work before I woke up.
(A) have gone               (B) goes                 (C) gone                  (D) had gone
( B ) 6. If Alex    fallen down, he    won race.
(A) hadn't; can             (B) hadn't; could have
(C) haven't; could         (D) haven't; can
( A ) 7. It was time for me    to school.
(A) to go                       (B) go                    (C) going                 (D) went
( B ) 8. Daniel went into the manager's office without    on the door first.
(A) knock                     (B) knocking         (C) to knock            (D)knocked
( C ) 9. It took the artist 3 years    this work of art.
(A) to completing         (B) complete         (C) to complete       (D) completed
( A ) 10. If you hadn't offended our client, things    a lot easier.
(A) would have been                                (B) would be
(C) will have been                                    (D) will be

II. 完成句子:依據上述句型完成以下各句。
1. It will   take 3 hours to finish   (3 hours/finish) watching this movie.
2. If Mr. Smith   had given up   (give up) smoking earlier, he   might not have been   (may not be) so ill.
3. It's time for Peter   to get   (get) a part­time job.
4. Larry   lost   (lose) the book that he   had borrowed   (borrow) from his sister.
5. Without   asking for my permission   (ask for/my permission), my brother read the text messages on my cell phone.

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 修理這輛車花費了我父親整個下午的時間。
It   took   my father the whole afternoon   to     fix/repair   the car.
2. 假如Eric沒有告訴我今天停課,我就會去學校了。
If Eric   hadn't     told   me that classes were canceled today, I   would     have     gone   to school.
3. George沒有先暖身(warm up)就跳進游泳池了。
George jumped into the swimming pool without   warming     up   first.
4. 是我該帶我的狗去散步的時候了。
It's time   for   me   to     take   my dog out for a walk.
5. Rachel在造訪峇里島之前從來沒有看過這麼美麗的海灘。
Rachel   had   never   seen   such a beautiful beach before she   visited   Bali.

