2020年5月21日 星期四

B4U3 Reading & DIY

READING  objective
In 2010, several countries were affected by major earthquakes. Indonesia, Mexico, and Chile experienced a great deal of pain and loss because of the earthquakes. However, the most tragic situation occurred in Haiti. On January 12, a powerful earthquake struck this country and wiped out much of its capital, Port-au-Prince. ˙It took nature only a few seconds to change millions of people’s lives forever.
Port-au-Prince was like hell on earth. Over 200,000 people died, and more than a million others lost their homes and businesses. Survivors were left without food or clean water, and they faced the threat of diseases and thieves. What was worse, the government was unable to help its people because many government officials had been killed and their offices had been turned into piles of broken bricks in the disaster.
It didn’t take the artists in the United States much time to decide to help Haiti. A group of well-known artists got together to re­record the charity single “We Are the World.” This classic song, written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, was originally recorded in 1985. At that time, the song was used to raise money for the poor in Africa. Now, the new version of the song is meant to help the people in Haiti. This new single contains a rap section, and it still keeps Michael Jackson’s part to show respect for the superstar. ˙After all, if he hadn’t written the original song, the new version might never have been recorded.
èThe deeper meaning of “We Are the World” is to remind us that human beings are one big family. When other people are suffering, we should come to their rescue. By offering help to others, our lives can become more meaningful and joyful. Moreover, the world will become a better place for the entire human race.
by Jason Grenier

“We Are the World 25 for Haiti” (without the rap section)

There comes a time
When we heed a certain call,
When the world must come together as one.
There are people dying,
And it’s time to lend a hand to life—
the greatest gift of all.

We can’t go on
Pretending day by day
That someone, somehow will soon make a change.
We are all a part of God’s great big family,
And the truth, you know love is all we need.

We are the world.
(Nou se mond lan)
We are the children.
We are the ones who make a brighter day,
So let’s start giving.
There’s a choice we’re making.
We’re saving our own lives.
It’s true we’ll make a better day,
Just you and me.

Well, send them your heart,
So they’ll know that someone cares,
So their cries for help will not be in vain.
We can’t let them suffer.
No we cannot turn away.
Right now they need a helping hand.


When you’re down-and-out,
There seems no hope at all.
But if you just believe,
Theres no way we can fall.
Well, well, well, let us realize
That a change can only come
When we stand together as one.

I. Words for Production
1. earthquake [`3T&kwek] n. [C] a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface 地震 (非正式寫法quake)
► It is dangerous to take the elevator during an earthquake.
2. pain [pen] n. [U][C] the feeling a person has when he or she is very upset, or when his or her body hurts 痛苦,疼痛
Losing a good friend can cause a person a lot of pain.
► Darren felt a sharp pain in his heart and was sent to the hospital right away.
3. loss [lOs] n. [U][C] the state of not having something anymore or having less of something than before 損失
► Someone broke into my house yesterday. Luckily, there was no great loss.
4. tragic [`tr8dZIk] adj. extremely sad, usually involving death or suffering 悲慘的
► Two police officers were killed in the tragic accident.
tragedy [`tr8dZ1dI] n. [U][C] 悲慘,災難
► The party ended in tragedy when the house caught fire.
5. strike [straIk] (strikestruckstruck) vt.; vi. (of a disaster or disease) to happen unexpectedly or suddenly (災難、疾病等) 侵襲
► A typhoon struck the town and destroyed some of the buildings there.
vt. (formal) to hit someone or something with force  撞擊,碰撞
► The boat struck a rock and began to sink.
6. capital [`k8p1tL] n. [C] the city where a country’s central government is located 首都,首府
Seoul is the capital of South Korea.
7. forever [f2`Ev2] adv. for all future time 永遠
 ► My grandmother passed away this morning. She has left us forever.
8. survivor [s2`vaIv2] n. [C] someone who continues to live in a dangerous or difficult situation 倖存者,生還者
 ► Hundreds of people died in the fire. Joe was the only survivor.
9. threat [TrEt] n. [C][U] the possibility that something bad will happen, or a statement that someone will be harmed if he or she refuses to do something 威脅
► The cancer patient is now facing the threat of death.
  threaten [`TrEtN] vt. 威脅
► The bad guy ordered the child to keep quiet and threatened him with a knife.
10. disease [dI`ziz] n. [C][U] an illness that affects people, animals, or plants 疾病
  ► My cousin is suffering from a rare disease and has to stay in the hospital.
11. thief [Tif] n. [C] a person who steals things 竊賊,小偷
► Two thieves were caught stealing money from the shop.
12. government [`G^v2(n)m1nt] n. [C] the group of people who officially control a country or a state 政府
  ► We hope the new government will improve our country’s economy.
13. official [1`fIS1l] n. [C] a person with an important position in an organization 官員,高級職員
  ► Ms. Lin is a city official. She works for the city government.
official [1`fIS1l] adj. 官方的,正式的
► French is the official language of France.
14. pile [paIl] n. [C] a large number of things that have been put together or have fallen together 一堆
► The cars moved slowly because there were large piles of snow on the road.
15. artist [`ArtIst] n. [C] a professional singer, dancer, actor, etc., or a person who creates paintings, drawings, sculptures, etc. 藝人,藝術家
► Some artists have a big influence on teenagers.
16. record [rI`kOrd] vt.; vi. to store sounds or images on a tape, CD, video, or disk 錄音,錄影
► Ben recorded the NBA finals so that he could watch the games again.
vt. to write down facts or events, or store them in a computer 記錄
Norah often records her feelings on her blog.
record [`rEk2d] n. [C] 記錄
► Oliver keeps a record of everything he eats and watches his weight carefully.
17. charity [`tS8r1tI] n. [U][C] the act of giving money, food, help, etc., to those in need, or an organization that gives assistance to people in need 慈善,慈善機構
► The company held a charity event to raise money for the poor children.
18. single [`sI9GL] n. [C] a recording with only one piece of music 單曲,單曲唱片
► The singer’s new single is very successful. Everyone loves this song.
single [`sI9GL] adj. (only before n.) 單一的,單個的
► Mavis replied to my invitation with a single word: “Sure.”
19. classic [`kl8sIk] adj. viewed as one of the best or most important of its kind 經典的
Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s classic plays.
20. version [`v3Z1n] n. [C] a form of something that is different from the original form or other forms 版本,改編形式
► I enjoyed the film version of the story more than the book.
21. remind [rI`maInd] vt. to make someone think about or remember something 使想起,提醒
► This movie reminded me of my happy days in high school.
22. rescue [`rEskj5] n. [U][C] the act of saving someone or something from danger or harm 救援
► The rescue team raced to the sinking ship to save the people in it.
rescue [`rEskj5] vt. 援救,營救
► The man successfully rescued a girl from the pool.
23. entire [In`taIr] adj. (only before n.) used for emphasizing all or every part of something 全部的,整個的 SYN whole
Cleaning up the house was very time-consuming. I spent the entire day doing this.
24. pretend [prI`tEnd] vt.; vi. to act as if something is true when it is actually not 假裝
► The magician hid the dove in his pocket and pretended it had disappeared.
25. somehow [`s^m&ha5] adv. in a way that is unknown or uncertain 以某種方法
Alice had a lot of work to do, but she somehow finished it all in one day.
1. a great deal of  a large amount of 大量的…… SYN a good deal of, a lot of
It took the police a great deal of time to solve the case.
2. wipe out  to destroy or remove something completely 徹底摧毀
► The small town was completely wiped out by the terrible flood in one day.
3. get together  to meet to do something or spend time together 聚集,相聚  SYN meet
► After school, the whole class got together to plan a surprise party for the teacher.
4. after all  used when someone is giving a reason to explain what he or she has just said 畢竟
► Jeff is always very careful with his watch. After all, it is quite expensive.
5. day by day  slowly and gradually 一天天
Because of the serious disease, the patient is getting weaker day by day.
6. in vain  without success or meaning in spite of great efforts 徒勞無功,白費力氣
► All of our efforts to prepare for the picnic were in vain because of the rain.
It + take (+ O) + time + to V....
此句型介紹take作「花費 (時間)」的用法。虛主詞it代替後面的真主詞 (to V),而take後先接受詞 (通常為人),再接時間,表示「做某事須花費某人多少的時間」;受詞有時可省略。

1. It took nature a few seconds to change millions of people’s lives.
          O      time               to V
2. It didn’t take the artists much time to decide to help Haiti.
                O      time          to V
3. It will take three hours to do the experiment.
              time          to V

Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型完成下列句子。
1. I usually spend 30 minutes taking a bath.
→ It usually takes me                         to take a bath.
2. Lucas will spend a day repairing his computer.
→ It will take                   a day to repair his computer.
3. Zoe spent the entire evening doing her homework.
→ It took Zoe the entire evening                           .

1. 30 minutes  2. Lucas  3. to do her homework

B. AnnaPeggy正在討論她們去墾丁的行程。根據句型及提示字完成下列對話。(A = Anna, P = Peggy)
A: It takes 1                                                                                                   
(about five hours/take a bus/from Taipei to Kaohsiung).
P: Oh! That’s a long time. What about taking the High Speed Rail (高鐵)? Although it’s more expensive, 2                                           (will/us/less time/reach Kaohsiung).
A: You’re right. The High Speed Rail sounds like a better choice. After we arrive at Zuoying Station, we can transfer (轉乘) to Kenting by bus or via the pick­up service (接送服務). 3                                                                               
                      (will/not/us/long/reach Kenting)
P: Pick­up service? I’ve never heard of that.
A: It’s a kind of service offered by a group of taxi drivers. 4                          
                             (less time/travel/by taxi), and it will save us the trouble of waiting for a bus.
P: Sounds good! Let’s try it then. So, what time should we meet?
A: We should set out (出發) early in the morning because 5                        
                           (will/us/half the day/get to Kenting). How about 6:30 a.m.?
P: No problem. I’ll meet you at the Taipei Main Station at 6:30.

1. about five hours to take a bus from Taipei to Kaohsiung
2. it will take us less time to reach Kaohsiung
3. It will not/won’t take us long to reach Kenting.
4. It takes less time to travel by taxi
5. it will take us half the day to get to Kenting

if假設語氣If + S + had (not) Vpp..., S + would/could/should/might (not) + have Vpp....

1. If Daniel had quit drinking, he could have been healthier.
2. If the police had come in time, the killer would not have escaped.
3. If Michael Jackson hadn’t written the original song, the new version might never have been recorded.

Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型寫出提示動詞的正確時態。
1. Jacky studied very hard. If he                 (not study) that hard, he                      (may fail) the exam.
2. The factory closed down last month. If it                  (not close down), the workers                           (will not lose) their jobs.
3. The player got hurt during the game. If he                 (not hurt) himself, he                (can win) the game.
4. I didn’t know the man was disabled (殘疾的). If I             (know) that he couldn’t walk by himself, I                 (should help) him out.

1. had not/hadn’t studied; might have failed
2. had not/hadn’t closed down; would not/wouldn’t have lost
3. had not hurt; could have won
4. had known; should have helped

B. Paul對於年輕時沒有保持良好的生活習慣而深感後悔,以下為四點他感到後悔的事情。根據句型及提示字完成下列句子
1. If I had chosen to eat healthier food,                                    (I/will not/be overweight).
2. If                             (I/exercise/more often), I could have stayed in better shape.
3. If                      (I/stop/smoking/earlier),                                           
               (my health/may not/be damaged/so badly).
4.                                                            (If/I/follow/my parents suggestions) when I was younger, I would have been a lot healthier.

1. I would not/wouldn’t have been overweight
2. I had exercised more often
3. I had stopped smoking earlier; my health might not have been damaged so badly
4. If I had followed my parents’ suggestions

──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________ 1. Dennis waved his arms up and down, p______ding he was flying like a bird.
__________ 2. This book was first printed in English, and then the Chinese v______n came out a year later.
__________ 3. The actor got really scared when he received death t______ts.
__________ 4. This morning, the police caught the car t______f and found the stolen cars.
__________ 5. The dog that was trapped in the hole was r______ed by a kind boy.
__________ 6. Helen is a talented recording a______t. All of her songs are written by herself.
__________ 7. The typhoon was the worst t______y in the city’s history. It caused thousands of deaths.

1. pretending  2. version  3. threats  4. thief  5. rescued  6. artist  7. tragedy

II. Cloze Test
Many major earthquakes occurred in 2010. Indonesia, Mexico, and Chile  1  greatly by these earthquakes. The situation in Haiti was even worse. Much of its capital was  2 , and many government offices were turned  3  piles of broken bricks. Over 200,000 people died in the earthquake. Other survivors were left  4  food or homes.
In order to help the people in Haiti, a group of singers and musicians recorded a charity  5 . They made some changes to the song We Are the World. 6 , Michael Jackson’s part was left unchanged. The musicians thought that they were able to show their respect for him by  7  so.
We Are the World is a meaningful song. It tells people that the  8  world is like a big family. That is, everyone should help the people  9  are in need. This is why the singers and musicians used this song  10  the people in Haiti.
(   ) 1. (A) affected                            (B) affecting
       (C) were affected                   (D) were affecting
(   ) 2. (A) wiped out                         (B) gone on
       (C) gotten together                (D) meant to
(   ) 3. (A) away        (B) into            (C) from             (D) around
(   ) 4. (A) of             (B) at               (C) between        (D) without
(   ) 5. (A) single       (B) disease       (C) official      (D) government
(   ) 6. (A) Although  (B) However    (C) After all       (D) No wonder
(   ) 7. (A) do            (B) did             (C) doing            (D) to do
(   ) 8. (A) somehow (B) forever       (C) classic          (D) entire
(   ) 9. (A) who          (B) which         (C) what             (D) whose
(   ) 10. (A) help        (B) helps          (C) to help         (D) to helping

1. C  2. A  3. B  4. D  5. A
6. B  7. C  8. D  9. A  10. C

III. Sentence-Writing
1. Chris spent several months preparing for the important exam.
→ It took ________________________________________________.
2. Mia spends ten minutes eating her breakfast every morning.
→ It takes ________________________________________________.
3. I will spend half an hour finishing this report.
→ It will take _____________________________________________.
4. Lily was sick, so she didn’t join us on our trip.
→ If Lily hadn’t been sick, ___________________________________
_________________________________________________. (can)
5. Ian didn’t have an umbrella, so he got all wet in the rain.
→ If Ian had had an umbrella, _________________________________
________________________________________________. (may)
6. It rained heavily yesterday, so the baseball game was canceled (取消).
→ If it hadn’t rained heavily yesterday, __________________________
_________________________________________________. (will)

1. Chris several months to prepare for the important exam
2. Mia ten minutes to eat her breakfast every morning
3. me half an hour to finish this report
4. she could have joined us on our trip
5. he might not have gotten/got all wet in the rain
6. the baseball game would not/wouldn’t have been canceled

IV. Translation
1. If no one had come to the cat’s rescue at that time, it might have died.
2. 那名年輕女演員的死亡是個悲慘的損失。

1. 如果當時沒有人來救援,那隻貓可能會死掉。
2. The young actress’s death/death of the young actress was a tragic loss.

