2020年5月19日 星期二

B2U3 Reading & Answers

I. Words for Production
1. rural [`r5r1l] adj. 農村的,鄉村的  SYN country  ANT urban
(relating to the countryside)
► A farmer is riding his motorcycle on a rural road.
2. plastic [`pl8stIk] adj. 塑膠的 (made of plastic)
► Leo likes to use plastic water bottles because they are light and easy to carry.
3. discover [dI`sk^v2] vt. 發現,注意到 (to notice something)
► I discovered that there was a hole in Nancy’s sock.
discovery [dI`sk^v1rI] n. [C][U] 發現sur    vive   pris    on
The discovery of Ray’s music talent surprised everyone.

Word Smart
dis + cover → discover 發現
dis + agree → disagree 不同意
dis + believe → disbelieve 懷疑
dis + appear → disappear 消失
like → ____________ 不喜歡unlike
connect → ____________ 切斷

4. stage [stedZ] n. [C] 舞臺 (a raised area where people perform)
Look! Lala Hsu is singing on the stage!
5. outdoor [`a5t&dor] adj. 戶外的  ANT indoor
(located outside)
► Emily enjoys many outdoor activities, such as hiking and biking.
outdoors [`a5t`dorz] adv. 在戶外  ANT indoors
► It is warm today. Let’s have lunch outdoors in the park.
6. chop [tSAp] (chopchoppedchopped) vt. 切,剁  SYN cut
(to cut something into pieces)chop sticks
Terry is chopping meat and vegetables into pieces to make fried rice.
7. ingredient [In`GridI1nt] n. [C] 食材,材料grade graduate
(the food that people use to make a dish)
The main ingredients for making French toast are bread, eggs and milk.
1. a number of 一些 (several)
A number of shoes are outside my house. There must be some guests inside.
S + + that子句
1 Tina said that she would come to my house today.
2 We know that Ryan Gosling is an actor.
3 Jack finally realized that knowledge is power.
1. she would come to my house today
2. Ryan Gosling is an actor
3. knowledge is power
1. 有些及物動詞像sayknowhope等,後面常接that子句作受詞,用來描述想要表達的「事實」或「想法」。
¿ I hope that Nancy will like me.
2. that子句作受詞時,that通常可以省略。
¿ I hope (that) Nancy will like me.
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
1. He said that Neimen is the home of bando.
2. Yu-kai explained that guests can take food home from bandos.
Let’s Try!
Last week, Jerry taught me how to make cookies. 1He said that it was easy (He / it was easy / said / that). However, I was not sure about this. To start with, 2                        (explained / he / were eggs, sugar, flour and butter / that / the ingredients). We made the dough and then made it into small pieces. Later, we put them on a baking sheet and started to bake them. 3                        (I / they would / knew / come out well), but I was still a little nervous. After 20 minutes, the cookies were done. At that moment, 4                        (making cookies / that / I / was a lot of fun / realized). Now, 5                     (be able to / I hope / again soon / make cookies / I will)!
2. he explained that the ingred ients were eggs, sugar, flour, and butter
3. I knew they would come out well
4. I realized that making cookies was a lot of fun
5. I hope I will be able to make cookies again soon
Today, my Taiwanese friend, Yu­kai, invited me to a Taiwanese banquet*(n. [C] 宴會). He called it “bando.” It was actually his brother’s wedding banquet in Neimen, a rural area of Kaohsiung. He said that Neimen is the home of bando, and I was happy to have my first bando experience!
When we arrived, a plastic tent*(n. [C] 帳篷) on the roadside caught my attention. A number of round tables and iron*(n. [U] ) chairs were under the tent. I saw the color red everywhere. When I looked around the tent, I discovered a bright stage at one end. I also noticed a very interesting thing—there was an outdoor kitchen! The cooks were busy preparing the meal. I heard them chopping ingredients, and the air was filled with delicious smells.
  +O. +
1. Nancy watched the cat jumping down from the wall.
2. I saw Stanley pick his nose.
3. Ben heard his father leaving the house in the morning.
4. I am listening to my friends talk and laugh.
1. jumping   2. pick   3. leaving   4. talk, laugh
¿ Tim saw his grandma sit on the sofa.  ¿ Tim’s grandma heard the phone ringing.
1. 感官動詞後面接受詞(O)時,如果受詞是主動動作者,則後面可以接原形動詞(V)或現在分詞(V­ing),補充說明受詞的狀態。
2. 接原形動詞時通常表示「事實」或「狀態」;接現在分詞則為了強調受詞的動作「正在進行」。
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
1. I heard them chopping ingredients.
2. During the meal, we watched the singers perform on the stage.
Let’s Try!
Kate! 1                         (I / just see / a UFO / fly in the sky)!
Oh, don’t be silly.
I did. 2                         (I / even watch / it / land on a farm)!
Well, 3                          (I / just hear / the TV news / say that it was only a toy).
Yeah..., 4                         (I / listen to / my parents / talk about this now).
1. I just saw a UFO flying / fly in the sky
2. I even watched it land / landing on a farm
3. I just heard the TV news say / saying that it was only a toy
4. I am listening to my parents talk / talking about this now
8. deliver [dI`lIv2] vt.; vi. 遞送,運送
Around the World
(to take something to someone or somewhere)
The mail carrier is delivering letters to the mailboxes in this area.
delivery [dI`lIv1rI] n. [U][C] 遞送,運送
► This bento shop offers free delivery for any order over NT$800.
9. meaning [`minI9] n. [C][U] 含意
(the idea that something represents or expresses)
► When you type “XD,” it has the meaning of laughing out loud.
2. set off 施放,引爆 (to make something explode)
► Some people are setting off firecrackers in front of the temple to celebrate the god’s birthday.
3. in total 總共 (including all the smaller amounts together)
The movie’s box office reached ten million US dollars in total last week.
 “Pop! Pop! Pop!” People set off some firecrackers*(n. [C] 鞭炮), and the bando began. There were twelve dishes in total, and they were delivered to the tables one by one. These dishes were all decorated like beautiful works of art. Yu­kai told me that each dish usually has a special meaning. For example, the seafood platter*(n. [C] 拼盤) means “being together,” and the chicken soup means “starting a family.” All of these dishes serve as a blessing*(n. [C] 祝福) to the newly married couple.
10. perform [p2`fOrm] vi.; vt. 表演 (to entertain people)
► My little sister performed in a play yesterday. She looked so charming on the stage! drama
performance [p2`fOrm1ns] n. [C] 表演
► Many people are watching a performance of popping dance on the street right now.
11. guest [GEst] n. [C] 賓客 (someone who is invited)
► The guests had dinner with us in our house last night.
12. encourage [In`k3IdZ] vt. 勸進;鼓勵  SYN persuade  ANT discourage
(to persuade or support someone to do something)
► Judy encouraged me to start my own hair salon business.
13. grab [Gr8b] vt. 抓取 (grabgrabbedgrabbed)  SYN seize
(to take something suddenly) cram
► Tom grabbed a sandwich from the table and ran to catch the school bus.
4. all of a sudden 突然地 (very quickly) suddenly
All of a sudden, everyone stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom.
During the meal, we watched the singers perform on the stage. Then, all of a sudden, a woman put some plastic bags on our table. The guests started to pack all of the leftovers*(n. [pl.] 剩菜) into the bags.==> I was surprised. Yu­kai explained that guests can take food home from bandos. He also encouraged me to grab some of my favorite fried taro*(n. [C][U] 芋頭) balls.
14. impress [Im`prEs] vt.; vi. 使留下深刻印象
(to make someone feel admiration)
► We were impressed by Katherine’s great knowledge of math and science.
impression [Im`prES1n] n. [C][U] 印象
► The amazing performance by the Cloud Gate Dance Theater left a
strong impression on me.
15. comment [`kAmEnt] n. [C][U] 留言,評論   SYN remark
(an opinion that a person gives about someone or something)
After Keith read his friend’s Facebook post, he left a comment below it.
In the United States, wedding banquets are usually buffets*(n. [C] 自助餐). People also don’t take the food home from weddings. Because of this bando experience, I am so impressed by the hospitality*(n. [U] 好客) of Taiwanese people. Now, I am enjoying my taro balls and watching my new bando video on YouTube. Oh, a new comment is coming in, and it is from the chef*(n. [C] 主廚) of today’s bando! He really loves my video, and he is inviting me to another one next time!

Cultural Note

Do It Yourself
I. Vocabulary
文字方塊: 5. My job is to __________ flowers to customers.文字方塊: 4. We need several __________ to make a pizza.文字方塊: 3. The kids are dancing on the __________.文字方塊: 2. There are __________ bottles all over the beach.文字方塊: 1. Amber is __________ the vegetables.根據圖片與提示,填入正確的單字。





II. Multiple Choice
(   ) 1. On my way home, I saw two men ____ in the street.
(A) to fight       (B) fought       (C) fights       (D) fighting
(   ) 2. After the car accident, I realized ____ I should be more careful when I drive.
(A) where         (B) which       (C) that          (D) how
(   ) 3. The fans were listening to the singer ____ her famous songs.
(A) sings          (B) sing          (C) to sing     (D) is singing
(   ) 4. Frank’s new white shoes ____ my attention.
(A) caught        (B) packed      (C) took        (D) cut
(   ) 5. I was ____ by Tom’s positive attitude to life.
(A) impress                             (B) impressed
(C) impressing                        (D) to impress

III. Cloze Test
  Hi, I am the chef A­yi. Today, when I was busy   1   the bando, Yu­kai came with his American friend, Vera. She seemed to be interested in everything around her. Later, I saw them   2   down at a table, and the bando began. During the bando, I   3   Vera   3   try different dishes. What’s more, I told Yu­kai to introduce the   4   of each dish to her.   5  , the chicken soup means “starting a family,” and it is a blessing to the couple. Today’s bando was successful, and Yu­kai shared Vera’s video with me. Let’s watch it!
(   ) 1. (A) prepare      (B) prepared     (C) preparing     (D) to prepare
(   ) 2. (A) sit              (B) sat               (C) to sit            (D) is sitting
(   ) 3. (A) filled...with                         (B) encouraged...to
(C) decorated...with                   (D) arrived...at
(   ) 4. (A) impression                          (B) discovery
(C) comment                             (D) meaning
(   ) 5. (A) As a result                          (B) For example
(C) However                              (D) Thus

IV. Guided Translation
1. 廟宇前方有歌仔戲的表演,而一些人正在觀看。
There is a p          of Taiwanese opera in front of the temple now, and a n          o          people are watching it.
2. 我的智慧型手機裡總共110個應用程式。
There are 110 apps i          t          on my smartphone.
3. 別動,不然我們會引爆炸彈。
Freeze, or we will s          o          the bomb.
4. 突然間,燈光熄滅,而一個奇怪的聲音從我們後方傳來。
All o          a s         , the lights went off, and a strange sound came from behind us.
5. Mary希望有一天她可以見到她最喜歡的偶像。
Mary h          t          she will meet her favorite idol someday.

1. chopping   2. plastic   3. stage   4. ingredients   5. deliver
1. D   2. C   3. B   4. A   5. B
1. C   2. A   3. B   4. D   5. B
1. performance, number, of   2. in, total   3. set, off   4. of, sudden
5. hopes, that

