2020年5月21日 星期四

B4U4 習作簿

 The World on a Plate

    dare     1. Denise didn’t d________e to kill the spider because she was very afraid of it.
   amount   2. The scientist spent a large a________t of time on the experiment to test the new medicine.
 contributed  3. The volunteers c________ed their time to helping the elderly in the neighborhood.
    tempt    4. Advertisements are usually used to t________t people into buying a certain product.
   essential   5. It is e________l that the employees are fully trained before they use these machines.
( A ) 6. Kelly was lucky to be given an opportunity to prove her musical ability to the world.
(A) chance                (B) charity                   (C) standard             (D) incident
( B ) 7. Some fish in the deep sea look very weird.
(A) pleasant              (B) strange                  (C) appealing            (D) tragic
( B ) 8. The food was so spicy that Frank didn’t want to take another bite.
(A) odd                    (B) hot                         (C) tasty                   (D) cold
( C ) 9. Colin’s terrific performance in the movie has won him many prizes.
(A) brave                  (B) humorous              (C) great                   (D) interesting
( D ) 10. The bad weather spoiled our camping trip.
(A) confused         (B) expected              (C) pretended          (D) ruined

Multiple Choice
( D ) 1. Terry had difficulty ________ how to swim.
(A) learn                   (B) learned                  (C) learns                  (D) learning
( A ) 2. Because of the serious water pollution, the river is ________ it was before.
(A) not as clean as                                        (B) not as clean than
(C) less clean as                                            (D) less cleaner than
( C ) 3. ________ fail the math test again, Rick studies very hard.
(A) In not order to                                       (B) In order to don’t
(C) In order not to                                       (D) Don’t in order to
( C ) 4. Abby likes to listen to rock music rather ________ country music.
(A) as                       (B) to                           (C) than                    (D) for
( B ) 5. Ellen has always wanted to visit Venice ________ is a beautiful city in Italy.
(A) , that                  (B) , which                  (C) what                   (D) whose

Cloze Test
Food always plays an important part in any travel experience. Trying the local food can not only allow people to show their respect  1  the host, but also let them have a chance to experience the local culture. It is advised that people should at least take a bite of the food  2  to them so that the host will not feel offended. However, many people have trouble  3  exotic food. Here are some suggestions for making it easier to try foreign cuisine. First, you’d better not ask  4  before you try it because it is often the thought that stops you from eating the food. Second, try to take only a small helping of the food, which is wiser than filling your plate  5  a lot of food. Last but not least, you can take a sip of tea to get rid of the strange taste.
( C ) 1. (A) at                       (B) in                           (C) for                      (D) with
( B ) 2. (A) serving               (B) served                   (C) being serving      (D) that served
( A ) 3. (A) eating                 (B) eaten                     (C) eat                      (D) to eating
( C ) 4. (A) what is the food                                                                     (B) is what the food
(C) what the food is                                                                     (D) the food what is
( D ) 5. (A) to                       (B) of                          (C) upon                   (D) with

( A ) 1. Cindy: Since you are now in Sri Lanka, you should try the famous spicy pineapple curry.
Raphael: ________
Cindy: Great. You’ll love it.
(A) Sure. Why not?                                     (B) Right. You might like it.
(C) Come on! Just try some.                       (D) Help yourself to some more.
( D ) 2. Jerald: ________
Britney: Thank you, but I don’t eat beef.
(A) May I take your order?
(B) Can I get you anything to eat?
(C) Would you like some cola?
(D) Why don’t you try some steak?
( C ) 3. Adam: How about having some more sweet and sour fish?
Joe: No, thanks. ________
Adam: Really? Then how about some coffee?
Joe: That would be great.
(A) I’ll have some more.
(B) I’d rather have some fish.
(C) I can’t eat another bite.
(D) I really want to have some coffee now.
( B ) 4. Calvin: The stinky tofu is really good. You should try some.
Lily: Gosh! ________ Take it away now, please.
(A) It’s very kind of you!                                   (B) What a terrible smell!
(C) It smells good.                                              (D) You won’t regret it.

Reading Comprehension
Each culture has their own special food that can help people stay young and healthy. Mediterranean people, for example, eat a lot of citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, to slow down aging and reduce heart problems. Greeks and the Spanish also like to use a lot of olive (橄欖) oil on their skin because it keeps skin smooth and healthy. In addition, South Americans believe that the juice of aloe vera (蘆薈) can help prevent skin dryness and wrinkles (皺紋). As for the Chinese, they believe that tofu and green tea can help improve people’s looks. Tofu makes skin smooth and prevents cancer, while green tea can prevent certain diseases, lower blood sugar, and help control weight. Moreover, the Chinese use many herbs (藥草) to make medicine or cook with food, because most of the herbs are considered good for people’s health.
In order to stay young, we must eat wisely because how we grow old is mostly affected by our lifestyles. The key to looking good is not using a lot of cosmetics but developing healthy eating habits which will improve our lifestyles as well as our looks.
( B ) 1. The passage is mainly about ________.
(A) the right lifestyles that control people’s weight
(B) the right food that keeps people healthy and young
(C) the right skin products that make people’s skin smooth
(D) the right eating habits that help people reduce heart problems
( C ) 2. The word aging in the first paragraph probably means ________.
(A) the sign of getting healthy
(B) the sign of having smooth skin
(C) the process of getting old
(D) the process of becoming beautiful
( C ) 3. According to the passage, the writer does NOT suggest people ________.
(A) eat healthy food                                   (B) eat wisely to stay young
(C) use lots of cosmetics                             (D) develop healthy eating habits
( A ) 4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) South Americans drink orange juice to prevent skin dryness.
(B) Greeks use olive oil on their skin to keep it healthy.
(C) The Chinese eat tofu to keep skin smooth.
(D) Mediterranean people eat lemons and oranges to reduce heart problems.

1. It was difficult for Peggy to concentrate in math class.
Peggy had difficulty (in) concentrating in math class                         .
2. It was hard for me to understand what the Japanese girl said.
I had trouble (in) understanding what the Japanese girl said                      .
3. The computer is more expensive than the smartphone.
The smartphone is less expensive than the computer                            .
4. My working hours is more flexible than my sister’s working hours.
My sister’s working hours is not as flexible as mine/my working hours               .

1. Irene 拒絕了這間公司給她的工作,因為薪水比她現有的還要低。
Irene has     turned         down     the job offer from the company because the pay is     lower         than     that she earns now.
2. Helen不是第一個抵達的。事實上,她五分鐘前才抵達。
Helen is not the first one to arrive.     As         a         matter         of         fact    , she arrived just five minutes ago.
3. 要使這個機器運作有幾個步驟。首先,你需要按下電源鍵。

There are a few steps to make this machine work.     First         of         all    , you need to press the power button.

The World on a Plate

1. Vicky給了我一些關於如何增進我小女兒食慾的極好訣竅。
Vicky gave me some t    terrific     t    tips     on how to increase my little daughter’s     appetite    .
2. 這位富有的企業家捐助大量的金錢給慈善機構。
The rich businessman has c    contributed     a great     amount     of money to charity.
3. NicoleDavid將在萬聖夜設宴招待客人。因此,對他們而言,事先準備大量糖果是必要的。
Nicole and David will     host/hold     a big party on Halloween, and it is e    essential     for them to prepare a lot of candy in advance.
4. 提到美式食物,我很難抗拒水牛城辣雞翅的誘惑。事實上,那是我最愛的一道菜。
When it comes to American food, I find it hard to resist the     temptation     of     spicy     Buffalo wings.     As         a         matter         of         fact    , it is my favorite dish.
5. Jenny拒絕了Jack的晚餐邀請,因為她已經有其他計畫了。
Jenny     turned         down     Jack’s dinner invitation because she already had other plans.

1. had/a hard time/My brother/finding/a job/in (重組句子)
My brother had a hard time in finding a job.                                    
2. have/The blind/difficulty/taking part in/may/social activities (重組句子)
The blind may have difficulty taking part in social activities.                       

3.   Reading newspapers is interesting. 
Reading comic books is more interesting. (less...than...合併句子) 
Reading newspapers is less interesting than reading comic books.              
4.   Rita is tall.
Kevin is taller. (not as...as...合併句子) 
Rita is not as tall as Kevin.                                           
5.   Passing the speaking test is challenging. 
Passing the writing test is less challenging. (more...than...合併句子) 
Passing the speaking test is more challenging than passing the writing test.        

將以下英 () 文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的中 () 文。
1. Love and nature is the poet’s main source of inspiration.
2. Emily turned down the job offer because she didn’t want to go on business trips frequently.
3. Martha stuffed the fruit pie with apples and strawberries.
4. Nancy將郵票黏到信封上。
Nancy stuck the stamp on the envelope.                                       
5. 很少有人敢跟Brooks先生說話,因為他看起來很嚴肅。
Few/Not many people dare to talk to Mr. Brooks because he looks serious.               

Unsavory Flavors of the Mediterranean

    Like most cultures, food is very important to the Mediterranean culture. There are three areas—North Africa, Southern Europe, and the Middle Eastsurrounding the Mediterranean. Each of them has their own essential food used to welcome guests and relatives. However, it might be hard for people from other cultures to accept the food there.
Since there is not much beef in the Mediterranean, sheep and fish are very popular there. However, eating some of the popular dishes there may be a challenge for foreign guests. For example, a sheep’s head is a favorite dish in the Middle East, and the eyes are usually saved for significant guests. People in the Middle East like their sheep to be overweight so the mutton there often contains a lot of fat. Raw fish is another delicacy in the Mediterranean. Sometimes, the fish is served and eaten while it is still moving on the plate.
It is important not to offend the host by refusing to eat or showing dislike for the food. It would be better to try some of the food and express thanks to the host for sharing it with you. By doing so, you can not only show your respect for the host’s culture, but also obtain an amazing experience of trying something that is actually more exotic than unsavory.


1. unsavory [^n`sev1rI] adj. 難吃的
2. Mediterranean [&mEd1t1`renI1n] n. (the) 地中海
3. Middle East [&mIdL `ist] n. (the )
4. surround [s1`ra5nd] vt. 圍繞,環繞
5. significant [sIG`nIf1k1nt] adj. 重要的
6. mutton [`m^tN] n. [U] 羊肉
7. raw [rO] adj. 生的
8. refuse [rI`fjuz] vi. 拒絕

Reading Comprehension
( C ) 1. The passage is mainly about _____.
(A) natural resources                         (B) travel plans
(C) the Mediterranean food culture    (D) the animals in North Africa
( D ) 2. Which of the following about people in the Middle East is NOT true?
(A) They like to eat mutton.
(B) They enjoy eating sheep’s heads.
(C) They sometimes eat fish while it is still alive.
(D) They usually save the eyes of fish for special guests.
( A ) 3. The word obtain in the last paragraph most likely means _____.
(A) get                   (B) forgot             (C) offer                   (D) lose
( C ) 4. The writer suggests that travelers _____.
(A) say “no” when they don’t dare to eat something
(B) tell the local people what their favorite food is in advance
(C) try some exotic food and appreciate it
(D) go to the Mediterranean if they like beef
( B ) 5. According to the passage, we may infer that _____.
(A) the food in the Mediterranean all tastes strange
(B) cows are not as many as sheep in the Mediterranean
(C) most residents in the Mediterranean are overweight
(D) people in the Mediterranean only eat raw food


