2020年5月21日 星期四

B4U4 Reading & DIY

1. tempt [tEmpt] vt. to attract someone or make someone want to do or have something 引誘,誘惑
 ► Although Ray was on a diet, the smell of the pizza tempted him into eating a big piece of it.
     雖然雷在節食, 但他還是受到披薩香味的誘惑而吃下了一大塊。
 temptation [tEmp`teS1n] n. [U][C] 引誘,誘惑
  ► Lisa couldn’t resist the temptation to buy the new smartphone.
2. stuff [st^f] vt. to fill a space or container with something  填滿,塞滿
The student tried to stuff all of her books into her book bag.
3. dare [dEr] vi. to be brave enough to do something, even though it may be dangerous or cause trouble 敢,敢於
► Rebecca didn’t dare to tell her father the truth. She was afraid that he would be very angry with her.
Visitors to Scotland (n. 蘇格蘭) are often tempted to try a Scottish (adj. 蘇格蘭 () ) national dish called haggis(n. [U] 哈吉斯 (蘇格蘭肉餡羊肚)). Haggis is a boiled sheep’s stomach that is stuffed = filled with a sheep’s lungs,( n. [C] ) liver, and heart. Although it is thought of as a delicacy (n. [C] 佳餚) by the locals, some visitors are not so sure about this. If you go to Scotland, will you dare to eat this dish?
4. opportunity [&Ap2`tjun1tI] n. [C][U] a time or a situation in which it is easy for one to do something 機會  SYN chance
  ► Bruce took the opportunity of visiting his old friends when he came back to Taiwan.
5. frequently [`frikw1ntlI] adv. often, many times 頻繁地,經常地  ANT infrequently, rarely
 ► I go to the restaurant so frequently that the staff there all know me now.
frequent [`frikw1nt] adj. 頻繁的 ANT infrequent
 ► Mason is a frequent visitor to London. He often goes there on business.
frequency [`frikw1nsI] n. [U] 頻繁 ()
Because of the new traffic laws, the frequency of road accidents in the city has gradually decreased.
6. host [host] n. [C] someone who invites guests to a meal or a party, or to stay in his or her home 主人
 ► The host warmly welcomed us and introduced us to the other guests at the party.
host [host] vt. 主辦,主持
► Louis hosted a dinner party at his favorite restaurant and invited all of his friends to it.
7. essential [I`sEnS1l] adj. very important and completely necessary  必要的,不可或缺的 SYN vital
 ► A cup of black coffee is essential for Gary every morning. He can’t really wake up without it.
Food is an important part of any travel experience, and nothing helps develop friendships or business relationships like sharing a meal. As a matter of fact = In truth = Actually, if you are not willing to try the local food when you travel, you will miss the opportunity to know more about the culture there. Most people who travel frequently realize that trying the local food is not only a great way to show respect for the host, but also an essential part of experiencing a different culture.
8. weird [wIrd] adj. very strange or unusual 怪異的  SYN strange
  The man is very weird. He is wearing a heavy coat on such a hot day.
You may have difficulty eating exotic (adj. 異國的) cuisine (n. [U] 菜餚), but it is diplomatic (adj. 得體的,圓融的) to take a bite of everything that is being served to you in order not to offend the locals. As a frequent traveler, I never turn down any chance to experience a foreign culture through its food. During my travels, I have eaten a lot of weird food.
9. source [sors] n. [C] a person, place, or thing that provides what is needed or wanted 來源
The Internet is now a useful source of information.
10. otherwise [`^D2&waIz] adv. except for what has just been mentioned 除此之外
  ► I didn’t like the tomato soup, but otherwise the meal at the restaurant was excellent.
otherwise [`^D2&waIz] adv. if not 否則,不然
► We’d better leave now. Otherwise, we will miss the last bus home.
11. spicy [`spaIsI] adj. (of food) having a strong taste that can cause a burning feeling in the mouth 辣的  SYN hot
  The chicken was too spicy, so I reached for a glass of iced water.
12. stick [stIk] (stickstuckstuck) vi.; vt. to become attached to something, or to attach one to another (使) 黏住
  The weather was so hot that my shirt stuck to my body.
13. swallow [`swAlo] vt.; vi. to make food or drink go down one’s throat and into the stomach 吞,嚥
  It was too hard for me to swallow the hot coffee quickly.
14. contribute [k1n`trIbjut] vi.; vt. to improve something, or to help something by giving money, goods, time, or ideas 貢獻,捐助
  ► My teacher’s clear explanation contributed greatly to my understanding of the difficult math problem.
contribution [&kAntr1`bjuS1n] n. [C] 貢獻,捐款
  Roy made a contribution of ten thousand NT dollars to the library.
In Saudi Arabia (n. 沙烏地阿拉伯), I have tasted sheep’s eyeballs, which are served to the guest of honor. In Africa, I have tried caterpillars (n. [C] 毛蟲 (蝶、蛾的幼蟲)), which are important sources of protein (n. [U][C] 蛋白質) for millions of people there. In Indonesia, I have eaten fried frog legs, which are not as tasty as chicken, but otherwise pretty similar. In China, I have tried a kind of boiled fish. It was so spicy that I felt like it could burn a hole in my tongue (n. [C] 舌頭). In South Korea (n. 南韓), I have eaten live octopus (n. [U][C] 章魚)—the octopus almost stuck to my throat when I swallowed it. Eating these dishes has not always been easy for me, but it has contributed greatly to my travels and given me terrific stories to tell back home!
15. terrific [t1`rIfIk] adj. (informal) very good, excellent 極好的 SYN great
   ► Mandy’s ideas were terrific. They solved our problems in a smart way.
16. tip [tIp] n. [C] a useful piece of advice 訣竅  SYN hint
  Julian gave me some good tips on how to lose weight.
17. spoil [spOIl] vt. to damage or make something worse or less enjoyable 破壞,糟蹋  SYN ruin
  ► The heavy rain spoiled our plan for a picnic at the beach.
18. appetite [`8p1&taIt] n. [U][C] the physical desire to eat 食慾,胃口
  I lost my appetite when I saw a dead fly in my noodles.
19. amount [1`ma5nt] n. [C] a quantity of something 量,數量
Peter spent a large amount of money on his new house.
20. disguise [dIs`GaIz] vt. to hide or change something or someone so that the thing or the person won’t be noticed or known 掩蓋,偽裝
► The actor was very mad, but he tried to disguise his anger with a smile.
As for my advice for travelers who are unsure about eating strange food, the most important thing to remember is never to offend the hosts. èHere are a few tips for making it easier to try foreign food. First of all, don’t ask what the food is before you try it. Very often, the food you consider weird is probably delicious—it is the thought rather than the taste that spoils your appetite. Second, take small bites, or if you are serving yourself, just take a small helping. Trying a small amount of everything first is wiser than filling your plate with a lot of food. Finally, if you have trouble swallowing something, just take a sip of your drink. This can help disguise the unfamiliar taste.
When you travel overseas, remember that you are representing your country. If you try some of the local food, you’ll probably make friends for both yourself and your country.

──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________ 1. The w______d girl in our class doesn’t talk to anyone but her doll.
__________ 2. It is not easy to s______w a large pill (藥丸) without any water.
__________ 3. Fast food often contains a large a______t of fat, which is bad for people’s health.
__________ 4. Fish are the main s______e of food for the people who live near the sea.
__________ 5. It is e______l for me to start my day with a good breakfast.
__________ 6. The dish was so s______y that I had to drink a lot of water to ease the burning feeling in my throat.
__________ 7. This cookbook offers some useful t______ps on how to make cookies at home.
__________ 8. To get into the private party, the reporter d______ed himself as a waiter.
__________ 9. Julie is such a t______c cook that all the food she makes is always delicious.
__________ 10. The h______t of the party has prepared many snacks and drinks for his guests to enjoy.

1. weird    2. swallow    3. amount    4. source    5. essential
6. spicy     7. tips       8. disguised   9. terrific   10. host

II. Derivatives
__________ 1. Sarah resisted the ______ (tempt) to buy the dress, even though she really wanted it.
__________ 2. Everyone in this group made an important ______ (contribute) to the success of the project (企劃).
__________ 3. Victor is ______ (frequent) away on business trips, so we rarely see him in the office.

1. temptation   2. contribution   3. frequently

III. Cloze Test
During my travels over the years, I have been to many countries and eaten a lot of strange food. For example, when I traveled to Scotland, the local restaurant served me haggis  1  is a boiled sheep’s stomach stuffed with a sheep’s lungs, liver, and heart. It is thought of  2  a delicacy there, but I was not so sure about this dish when I first saw it. In order  3  the cook, though, I took a small bite of it. To my surprise, I actually liked its taste. After that experience, I realized it was the thought  4  the taste that stopped me from tasting strange food in the past. Trying the local food  5  a good way to experience a different culture. So, remember to take the opportunity to give the local food a try when you go abroad.
(   ) 1. (A) who            (B) what           (C) , which        (D) , that
(   ) 2. (A) to                 (B) by                (C) from            (D) as
(   ) 3. (A) not offending                               (B) not to offend
(C) offending not     
                          (D) to not offend
(   ) 4. (A) such as        (B) as well as    (C) rather than  (D) but also
(   ) 5. (A) is                  (B) are               (C) be                (D) ×
1. C  2. D  3. B  4. C  5. A

IV. Sentence-Writing
1. It was difficult for the student to pay attention in class. (have difficulty)
→ The student
2. The book is more interesting than the movie. (less)
→ The movie

1. had difficulty (in) paying attention in class
2. is less interesting than the book

V. Guided Translation
1. Ben不喜歡打籃球。事實上,他不喜歡任何運動
Ben doesn’t like to play basketball. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________, he doesn’t like to play any sports.
2. Thomas不敢約他喜歡的女孩去約會,因為他和女生說話有困難。
Thomas doesn’t _____________ to ask the girl he likes out on a date because he has t_____________ _____________ to girls.
3. 如果你想要改變你的人生,首先,你必須對新事物敞開心胸。
If you want to change your life, f_____________ _____________ _____________, you have to open your mind to new things.
4. 我跟我丈夫今晚會工作到很晚。至於我們的小孩,我已經請鄰居幫忙照顧了。My husband and I are going to work late tonight. _____________ _____________ our kids, I have asked our neighbor to help take care of them.
5. Elaine拒絕那份工作邀約,因為她認為那份工作不比她現在的好。
Elaine _____________ _____________ the job offer because she thought that job was _____________ _____________ good _____________ the one she has now.

1. As a matter of fact
2. dare... trouble talking/speaking
3. first of all
4. As for
5. turned down...not as...as

