2020年5月21日 星期四

B4U3 習作簿

A Song to Help the World

    charity     1. The rich businessman donated more than one million dollars to c________y, hoping to help the poor children in the country.
     struck     2. The typhoon that s________k Japan last month might be one of the worst disasters in the past three decades.
     version    3. The Chinese v________n of this book will come out next month.
    capital    4. Linda has planned to travel to Rome, the c________l of Italy, this summer.
   pretended    5. Although Betty’s words wounded Steve badly, he still p________ded that he was fine.
    rescued    6. The firefighters rushed into the burning building and r________ed the little girl.
    records    7. According to Mr. Garcia’s medical r________ds, he suffered from liver cancer two years ago.
   threatened   8. The man ________ (threat) to kill the woman if she screamed.
    singles     9. The band has put out five ________ (single), and all of them are popular.
    tragedy    10. The war was a ________ (tragic), killing thousands of people.

Multiple Choice
( B ) 1. ________ twenty people will attend the meeting this afternoon.
(A) Much than         (B) More than             (C) Much                  (D) Many
( C ) 2. Molly told me ________ she was talking with a client when I called.
(A) which                 (B) , which                  (C) that                     (D) , that
( A ) 3. It will only take three minutes ________ this letter.
(A) to read               (B) reading                  (C) reads                  (D) read
( D ) 4. This white shirt has to ________ separately from the colored clothes.
(A) wash                  (B) washing                 (C) been washed      (D) be washed
( C ) 5. If I ________ the exam, I might have entered my favorite college.
(A) passed                (B) will pass                (C) had passed         (D) have passed

Cloze Test
I’ve always been a huge fan of Michael Jackson. It has taken me many years  1  all of his albums. One of my favorite songs is We Are the World. I like it not only because it was written by Jackson, but also because it is a meaningful song.  2 , this song had raised more than 60 million dollars to help the poor in Africa. There are other great songs that I love.  3 , I never had a chance to go to Michael Jackson’s concert (演唱會). In 2009, I was very upset when I learned that he had passed away. If it  4  for him, I might not have loved English songs so much. I will still  5  loving him and listening to his songs.
( B ) 1. (A) to collecting       (B) to collect               (C) collected            (D) collect
( B ) 2. (A) As usual             (B) After all                 (C) Since then          (D) At first
( D ) 3. (A) Besides              (B) Generally              (C) Therefore           (D) Nevertheless
( A ) 4. (A) had not been      (B) had been               (C) has not been       (D) has been
( D ) 5. (A) act on                (B) try on                    (C) put on                 (D) go on

( B ) 1. Clerk: Here’s the book you want. ________
Oscar: Yes. Can you tell me where birthday cards are?
(A) How would you like to pay?
(B) Is there anything else you need?
(C) I don’t need it anymore.
(D) I couldn’t agree with you more.
( A ) 2. Ellen: I’ve bought you pizza for lunch.
Carl: Really? ________
Ellen: You’re welcome.
(A) I appreciate that.
(B) Have you had your lunch?
(C) I actually don’t like pizza.
(D) Why don’t you buy me coffee?
( B ) 3. Anne: Thanks for letting me stay in your house from the rain.
Zack: Don’t mention it. ________
Anne: That would be great, thanks.
(A) How can I be of help?
(B) Should I get you some dry towels?
(C) Are you happy now?
(D) What do you need?
( A ) 4. Ken: You don’t seem well. What happened?
Jay: I broke my leg, and I can’t walk on my own. ________
Ken: No problem. I’ll drive you there right away.
(A) Can you take me to the hospital?
(B) Can you bring me some food?
(C) Would you let me drive your car?
(D) Would you leave me alone, please?

Reading Comprehension
In the 1990s, Michael Jackson was famous for his music all over the world, and he was one of the richest people on the planet. However, he was not satisfied with simply entertaining (娛樂) his fans. He wanted to do more things and help more people.
Jackson especially expressed his concern about the suffering of children. As a result, he wrote a song called “Heal the World” in 1991 to increase public awareness of the problem. The song has a special music video in which Michael Jackson didn’t show. Instead, it shows children suffering from wars in different countries. People see these scenes while listening to the lyrics (歌詞):
There are people dying,
If you care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For you and for me
Jackson wanted the video and the song to attract attention to those poor children. He succeeded, and the song had sold millions of copies around the world. Jackson said that he was proud of this song because it had made more people aware of the suffering of those children. Although Jackson died in 2009, his song “Heal the World” and his message will live on.
( A ) 1. The passage mainly talks about ________.
(A) Michael Jackson and the song “Heal the World”
(B) Michael Jackson and his tragic death in 2009
(C) how the music video of “Heal the World” was made
(D) how Michael Jackson became one of the richest people on the planet
( D ) 2. Michael Jackson wrote the song “Heal the World” because he wanted to ________.
(A) make more money
(B) write a song for his children
(C) entertain the poor children all over the world
(D) raise people’s awareness of children suffering around the world
( D ) 3. According to the passage, the music video of “Heal the World” ________.
(A) was made in 2009
(B) attracted many children to buy Michael Jackson’s CDs
(C) does not have any children in it
(D) does not have Michael Jackson in it
( C ) 4. The word “succeeded” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “________.”
(A) failed    (B) stopped     (C) made it      (D) went back

1. It only took Peter  ten minutes to take a shower  (ten minutes/take/a shower).
2. If David  hadn’t checked  (not check) his phone constantly during the date, Leslie  wouldn’t have gotten  (will not get) angry.
3. If Rachel  had studied  (study) harder, she  could have passed  (can pass) the test.
4. If I  had known  (know) that Ryan was lying, I  shouldn’t have believed  (shall not believe) him.

1. 整個城市被強烈的地震所摧毀。
The e    entire     city was     wiped         out     by the great     earthquake    .
2. Rick為了他的女朋友花了大量的時間錄製影片。
Rick spent     a         great         deal         of     time     recording     a video for his girlfriend.
3. 我的父親從醫院回家之後,他的健康ㄧ天天改善。
After my father came home from the hospital, his health has been improving     day         by         day    .

A Song to Help the World

1. 這個國家的首都現在正面臨內戰的威脅。
The     capital     of this country is now facing the     threat     of civil war.
2. 悲劇發生在上週,這個城鎮被一場龍捲風襲擊並徹底摧毀。
A     tragedy     happened last week when the town was s    struck     and     wiped         out     by a tornado.
3. 這個慈善機構提供實際的支持及給罹患此罕見疾病的病患。
The     charity     provides practical support for patients who suffer from this rare d    disease    .
4. 地方官員通知船難者家屬搜救隊已展開搜尋生還者行動的消息。
The local o    officials     informed the family of the shipwreck victims that the r    rescue     team had carried out the search for     survivors    .
5. 雖然這支手機很吸引人,Ryan還是把他撿到的智慧型手機交給警方。畢竟他不是手機的主人。
Ryan still gave the smartphone he found to the police even though it was so appealing.     After         all    , he wasn’t the owner of the smartphone.

1. Adele spent one year writing her new book. (it為首改寫句子)
It took Adele one year to write her new book.                                 
2. The Smiths will spend three months traveling around China this year. 
It will take the Smiths three months to travel around China this year.                 

3. My mother spends thirty minutes cooking dinner every day. 
It takes my mother thirty minutes to cook dinner every day.                       
4. If Julia     had participated     (participate) in the singing competition, she  would/could/might have won     (win) a prize. 
5. If the new product     hadn’t sold     (not/sell) well, the boss     would/might not have praised     (not/praise) the salesperson for his effort. 

將以下英 () 文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的中 () 文。
1. A survivor of the earthquake was found under a pile of bricks.
2. The police tried to catch the thief, but their effort was in vain.
3. Although Daniel felt a lot of pain in his wound, he still pretended that he’s OK.
4. George參觀了他最喜歡的藝人的官方網站來聽她最新的單曲。
George visited his favorite artist’s official website to listen to/for her latest         
5. 如果Andy昨晚早點睡,今天早上他就不會感到疲倦。
If Andy had slept/gone to bed early last night, he wouldn’t have felt/been tired this 

Waves of Death

An earthquake usually kills people near its center by destroying buildings on land. However, the Indian Ocean earthquake in 2004 was different. It caused huge waves, which killed over 200,000 people in fourteen countries.
Under the sea west of Indonesia, two layers of the seabed which are thousands of kilometers long, known as “plates,” meet. The western plate is under the other. The plates have stuck together for long periods. When they suddenly move quickly, an earthquake happens. In 2004, the western one pushed the other one roughly, causing a powerful earthquake under the sea. The water then split into huge waves, which were known as tsunamis.
The tsunamis traveled in opposite directions from the earthquake’s center and increased in height as they moved. To the east, a tsunami hit the coast of Indonesia a few minutes later, and in two hours some struck the beaches of Malaysia, Thailand, and other countries. To the west, a tsunami traveled in a few hours across the Indian Ocean to India and Sri Lanka, and later some even reached some African countries.
These waves of death caused one of the worst natural disasters in human history. Thousands of people died because they didn’t receive any warning of the tsunamis. Nowadays, many countries understand it is essential to warn their people about tsunamis when there is a major earthquake under the ocean. The government has to take the responsibility and protect its people.


1. layer [`le2] n. [C]
2. seabed [`si&bEd] n. 海底
3. plate [plet] n. [C] 地殼板塊
4. stick [stIk] vi. 卡住
5. period [`pIrI1d] n. [C] 時期
6. split [splIt] vi. 分開

7. tsunami [tsu`nAmI] n. [C] 海嘯
8. opposite [`Ap1zIt] adj. 相反的
9. height [haIt] n. [U] 高度
10. Malaysia [m1`leZ1] n. 馬來西亞
11. Thailand [`taIl1nd] n. 泰國
12. Sri Lanka [&sri `l89k1] n.

Reading Comprehension
( B ) 1. The title of the passage, Waves of Death, refers to _____.
(A) earthquakes                                  (B) tsunamis
(C) the Indian Ocean                          (D) plates
( D ) 2. According to the passage, when two plates suddenly move more quickly, _____.
(A) they stick together                       (B) people receive warning
(C) they sink to the bottom                (D) an earthquake happens
( B ) 3. When the Indian Ocean earthquake in 2004 happened, _____.
(A) the eastern plate started to sink
(B) more than 200,000 people died
(C) only the people in Indonesia were affected
(D) the Indonesian government warned its people right away
( A ) 4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) Earthquakes only happen on the land surface.
(B) Earthquakes often destroy buildings on land.
(C) Tsunamis may travel a very long distance.
(D) Tsunamis are one of the worst natural disasters.
( C ) 5. According to the passage, what should a government do if there is a major earthquake under the ocean?
(A) It should ask its people to stay at home.
(B) It should ask its people to go to the beaches.
(C) It should warn its people about possible tsunamis.
(D) It should let its people travel to other foreign countries.


