2015年2月3日 星期二

句型重點解析 UNIT 5.3

1. Noun Clauses as Subjects or Objects
說明1. 名詞子句可在句子中當主詞或受詞,視為單數。可引導名詞子句的連接詞有thatifwhetherwh-疑問詞等。
2. that所引導的名詞子句作受詞時常省略that,作主詞時則必須保留。
1. The results showed (that) those participating in the experiment ate 73 percent more soup than normal.
2. That Ig Nobel research is fascinating should by now be clear.
3. What the murderer has done is unforgivable. (那個殺人犯的所作所為是不可原諒的。)

2. more A than B
1. Wansink stated that people eat more with their eyes than (with) their stomachs.
2. Susan is more diligent than intelligent. (與其說Susan聰明,不如說她努力。)
3. My father was more disappointed than angry about my grades.

3. (Being +) Adj/Vpp..., S + V....
1. Because people were unaware of what was going on, they kept eating from these “bottomless bowls.”
Unaware of what was going on, people kept eating from these “bottomless bowls.”
2. Since Jill is fond of sweets, she never finishes a meal without dessert.
Fond of sweets, Jill never finishes a meal without dessert.
3. Because Terry is interested in Chinese culture, he started to learn Chinese.
Interested in Chinese culture, Terry started to learn Chinese.

4. All (that)/What + S + have to do + is/was + (to) V....
說明1. 名詞子句All (that)/What + S + have to do為此句型的主詞,視為第三人稱單數。
2. 主詞補語為不定詞(to V),其to可省略。
3. 名詞子句中的All可換成What;而have to也可改用其他助動詞如mustshouldcan等代換。
1. The researchers proved that all these farmers have to do is name the cows.
2. The bus just left. All we can do is wait for the next one. (公車剛剛開走了。我們能做的就是等下一班。)
3. What the police had to do was find out where the bomb was. (警方必須做的是找出炸彈在哪裡。)

5. be (un)able to + V                    ()能夠……
1. A woman wearing the Emergency Bra will be able to not only survive a terrorist attack but also save someone beside her. (穿著救難胸罩的女性不只能從恐怖攻擊中存活下來,也可以拯救她旁邊的人。)
2. To get the job, you should be able to speak fluent English. (要得到這份工作,你應該要能說流利的英文。)
3. Tim hurt his legs, so he was unable to run the marathon. (Tim的雙腿受傷,所以他無法參加馬拉松比賽。)
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1. Karl looks like ________ a farmer than a scientist.
such                  (B) much                   (C) more                    (D) that
( ) 2. Rita is so kind that she is unable ________ down her friends’ requests.
(A) to turning         (B) to turn                 (C) of turning            (D) of turn
( ) 3. That John and Mark are bullies ________ known to everyone.
is                      (B) are                       (C) be                        (D) to be
( ) 4. ________ about the victory, we kept shouting and jumping.
(A) Be excited        (B) Be exciting          (C) Excited               (D) Exciting
( ) 5. I am very tired. All I want to do now ________ a rest.
(A) are taking         (B) are take               (C) is taking              (D) is take
( ) 6. The suspect claimed ________ he was innocent of the crime (犯罪).
to be                 (B) which                  (C) what                    (D) that
( ) 7. Jack spent ________ time on play than on study.
that                   (B) more                    (C) such                     (D) much
( ) 8. If I finish my homework by seven, I will be able ________ to the party.
to go                 (B) to going               (C) of go                   (D) of going
( ) 9. ________ with the city, we got lost.
(A) Familiar not
                                        (B) Not familiar
(C) Be not familiar                                   (D) Be familiar not
( ) 10. What you have to do ________ to your teacher for cheating in the exam.
(A) is apologizing                                  (B) is apologize
(C) are apologizing                                 (D) are apologize

II. 改寫句子:依據提示字將以下各句改寫。
1. Steve can’t read without his glasses. (unable...)
2. The patient has to do nothing but follow the doctor’s advice. (All....)
3. Because the river is filled with trash, it smells disgusting. (改成分詞構句)
 → ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. I was not so much angry as worried when my son came home late. (more...than...)
 → ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. It is a great discovery that animals help sick people get better. (That....)
 → ____________________________________________________________________________________

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 因為臥病在床,Tommy不能出去玩。
________________ ________________ in bed, Tommy couldn’t go out to play.
2. Bruce想做的是多花點時間陪家人。
________________ Bruce wants to do ________________ ________________ more time with his family.
3. Linda喜歡炫耀她的財富,這使她不受歡迎。
________________ Linda likes to brag about her wealth ________________ her unpopular.
4. 我的記性很差,所以我無法在短時間內記住大量的生字。
I have a poor memory, so I am ________________ ________________ m________________ a lot of new words in a short time.
5. Alan吸引女孩子的與其說是他的才華不如說是他俊俏的臉蛋。

It is ________________ Alan’s handsome face ________________ his talents that attracts girls.

