2015年2月13日 星期五

句型重點解析 UNIT 6.5

1. ...N, who(m)/which/whose...,
說明[1] 此為關係子句「非限定用法」的句型,主要用於補充說明先行詞,或稱補述用法。
[2] 前方被修飾的先行詞(N)後必須加上逗號,who/whom/which/whose等關係代名詞不可用that來代替。
1. Look...look at my hands, which have been destroyed by working these years in the mines!
2. Helen Keller, who never gave up herself, finally became a great educator.
3. Rita greeted Doris, whom she came across in the MRT station this morning.

2. ...N, all/many/some/part(s)... + of + which/whom...,
說明[1] 此為一般非限定關係子句用法的延伸,主要用於補充說明先行詞中的一部分,表示「其中……的」之意。
[2] of置於關係代名詞前,並在of前放入修飾先行詞的不定代名詞allbotheachmanymostneithernoneseveral等,或是名詞part
1. The loser would work in the mines to earn money, all of which would be used to cover his brother’s studies.
2. The police have caught a gang of robbers, some of whom are just teenagers.
3. The old man has three sons and two daughters, none of whom is willing to live with him.

3. despite +  N/V-ing       儘管……,雖然……
           the fact that...
說明[1] 此為介系詞despite的用法,後面接名詞(N)、名詞子句或動名詞(V-ing)
[2] 若要加上子句時,可用despite the fact that引導子句。
[3] 類似用法:in spite of + N/V-ing = although/though + S + V...
1. Despite the difficult living conditions, two of the children in this family, Albrecht and Albert Dürer, had a dream of pursuing their love of art. (儘管家境窮困,杜勒家中的其中兩個小孩AlbrechtAlbert都有個夢想,那就是追求他們對藝術的熱愛。)
2. Despite/In spite of sending out hundreds of job applications, Tina is still out of work now.
3. Despite the high price, the tickets for the concert were sold out in 2 hours.
Despite the fact that/Although/Though the price was very high, the tickets for the concert were sold out in 2 hours.   (儘管演場會的票價很貴,兩個小時就賣完了。)

4. S1 + V1..., while + S2 + V2....
說明[1] 此為從屬連接詞while的用法,用以表示「對比」,為「然而、但是」之意。while所引導的從屬子句可以放在句首、句中及句末,與主要子句對比。
[2] 類似用法:whereas,但比while正式。
1. Albrecht went off to the art academy, while Albert went down into the dangerous mines.
2. Winners seize the chance, while/whereas losers miss the opportunities.
3. While most students go to school on time, some are late for school. (多數學生準時上學,有些則上學遲到。)

5. Next time S + V..., S + V....        下次……的時候
說明[1] 此為表示「下次……的時候」,用以引導表示「時間」的副詞子句。
[2] 類似用法:each/every time 「每次……的時候」、(the) last time 「上次……的時候」、this time 「這次……的時候」。
1. Next time you see a copy of this work, take a closer look at it.
2. Next time April is approaching, see if you can play a trick on your friends.
3. Next time you go out and get drunk, please leave your car behind and take a taxi home.
4. Each/Every time the old man sees the picture, he can’t help but cry aloud.
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
(  ) 1.
Some people are for this project, ________ others are against it.

(A) whom
(B) what
(C) while
(D) where
(  ) 2.
Next time Jack and Sam ________ a fight, try to stop them.

(A) had
(B) have
(C) having
(D) have had
(  ) 3.
Fred went jogging in the park ________ it was raining heavily.

(A) despite
(B) although
(C) in spite of
(D) despite the fact
(  ) 4.
Sammy loves the handsome actor ________ performance in the movie is very impressive.

(A) , which
(B) , who
(C) , whom
(D) , whose
(  ) 5.
Edison invented lot of things, ________ have changed our lives.

(A) which
(B) whom
(C) some of which
(D) some of whom
(  ) 6.
________ the rude customer shows up, just call me at once.

(A) Despite
(B) Instead
(C) Upon
(D) Next time
(  ) 7.
Matthew loves playing poker ________ his sister loves reading.

(A) , which
(B) which
(C) while
(D) , while
(  ) 8.
Elisa ________ we talked to last night, plans to travel in Turkey this summer.

(A) , who
(B) who
(C) , whom
(D) whom
(  ) 9.
Dr. Winston’s new book attracts many readers, ________ are teenage girls.

(A) most of whom
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) most of which
(  ) 10.
The professional singer gave an excellent performance ________ her sore throat.

(A) although
(B) in spite of
(C) despite the fact that
(D) though

II. 配合題:從以下框中選出最適合的答案,以完成句子。
(A) ...you should go to hot springs.
(B) ...they went on their trip as planned.
(C) ...while the Ghost Festival is still a serious occasion.
(D) ...many of which are available in night markets.
(E) ...which she dropped into the river carelessly.
_____1. Halloween has become a time of fun, ...
_____2. We helped the girl get back her doll, ...
_____3. Next time you visit Japan, ...
_____4. Taiwan is famous for its various snacks, ...
_____5. Despite the bad weather, ...

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 看看那些粉絲,在他們的偶像抵達機場時,全部都奔向他去。
Look at those fans, __________________ __________________ __________________ are running to their idol while he arrived at the airport.
2. 送酒作為禮物對於回教徒是冒犯的,他們是不能喝酒。
Giving wine as a gift is offensive to Muslims, __________________ don’t drink alcohol.
3. Amy放學後直接回家,然而Ivy去圖書館。
__________________ Amy went home directly after school, Ivy __________________ to the library.
4. 下次你來臺灣時,別忘了要在夜市試試臭豆腐。
Don’t forget to try stinky tofu in night markets __________________ __________________ you come to visit Taiwan.
5. 無視於警告標示,那些小孩子們仍到河裡去游泳。
__________________ the warning sign, those children still swam in the river.

