2015年2月9日 星期一

句型重點解析 UNIT 6.1

1. ...as + Adj/Adv + as...        和……一樣,如同……
說明1. 此為形容詞(Adj)與副詞(Adv)原級比較的句型,用來表示兩者在程度上相同或相當,為「和……一樣,如同……」之意。
2. 主要子句的動詞為be動詞、連綴動詞或不完全及物動詞時,須接形容詞,而為一般動詞時,則多接副詞。
3. 若比較的對象為代名詞,則第二個as之後通常接代名詞主格加助動詞或be動詞。在口語中,as之後也可以直接接代名詞受格。
1. Many people believe that laboratory-developed GM fruits are every bit as tasty as the fruits that Mother Nature produces.  (許多人相信實驗室研發出的基因改造水果吃起來和大自然栽種的一樣美味。)
2. The boy plays golf as well as a professional player.  (那個男孩高爾夫球打得跟職業選手一樣好。)
3. My father is as busy as I am/me.  ( 我爸爸像我一樣忙。)
2. A + be + Adj-er/more Adj + than + B B + be + less Adj + than + A B + be + not + as Adj as + A
1.The super fruit is even sweeter than either one of its already sweet “parents.”
  Either one of the super fruit’s already sweet “parents” is less sweet than/is not as  
   sweet as the super fruit.     (
2. For Meg, English is easier than math.  (Meg來說,英文比數學更簡單。)
  For Meg, math is less easy than/is not as easy as English.     (Meg來說,數學不比英文來得簡單。)
3. Praise is more inspiring than criticism.  (讚美比批評更能鼓舞人心。)
  Criticism is less inspiring than/is not as inspiring as praise.     (批評不比讚美更能鼓舞人心。)
3. S + consider/find/make/think+ it + Adj (+ for sb) + to V....
說明1. 不完全及物動詞considerfindmakethink加上受詞之後,必須再加上形容詞作為補語,使句義更為完整。
2. 此句型中it為虛受詞,真受詞為後面的不定詞片語(to V)
1. Have you ever found it difficult to slice a watermelon or inconvenient to store one in your refrigerator because of its large size and round shape?
2. We think it important for children to form a good reading habit.(我們認為孩子養成良好的閱讀習慣很重要。)
3. Nick’s busy job made it difficult for him to visit his parents regularly. (Nick繁忙的工作使他很難常常去探望父母。)
4. A + be + referred to + as B
說明1. 此句型為被動語態的用法,表示「A被稱為B」之意,也可以改寫成主動語態“sbrefer to/regard/see/think of/view Aas B”
2. 類似的被動用法有“A + be + regarded/thought of/seen/viewed + as B”,表示「A被視為B」之意,也可以使用動詞consider,以句型“A + be + considered + (to be) B”來表示。
1. These scientific ways are often referred to as genetic modification.  (這些科學方法通常被稱為基因改造。)
  We often refer to these scientific ways as genetic modification. (我們經常稱這些科學方法為基因改造。)
2. Dogs are thought of as humans’ best friends.
  Dogs are considered (to be) humans’ best friends. (狗被視為人類最好的朋友。)
3. Willa is regarded as the best singer in our glee club. (Willa 被認為是我們合唱團中最好的演唱者。)
  Willa is considered (to be) the best singer in our glee club.
5. S + Vi (feel/look/smell/sound/taste) +   Adj
                                    like + N
說明1. 此為感官動詞的用法。此類動詞為不完全不及物動詞,後面不接受詞,須有主詞補語(SC)來修飾主詞。主詞補語可以是形容詞(Adj) 或介系詞片語(like +名詞)
2. 常見感官動詞有:feel「感覺起來」、look「看起來」、smell「聞起來」、sound「聽起來」及taste「嚐起來」。
1. If you’re thinking this all sounds crazy, you might be relieved to hear that not all the results from these experiments are this extreme.
2. The cloth feels smooth. It feels like silk.  (這布料摸起來很光滑。感覺像是絲綢一般。)
3. How does the chocolate cake taste? It looks delicious.  (這巧克力蛋糕嚐起來如何?它看起來很可口。)
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1. I ________ it dangerous to speak on the cell phone while driving.
         (A) find                           (B) feel                (C) view                    (D) refer
( ) 2. A pair of jeans is ________ formal ________ a dress, so it is safer for you to wear a dress to a job interview.
(A) more; than           (B) less; as           (C) not as; as             (D) as; as
( ) 3. To many food lovers, this new burger ________ delicious.
(A) feels                    (B) tastes             (C) makes                  (D) considers
( ) 4. In Greek and Roman culture, the human body ________ a work of art.
          (A) thinks of as               (B) considers       (C) is referred            (D) is viewed as
( ) 5.My brother runs as slowly as I ________.
          (A) does                    (B) are                       (C) do                        (D) am
( ) 6. I love comic books. To me, reading a comic book is ________ reading a textbook.
           (A) less interesting than (B) as interesting as (C) not as interesting as     (D) more interesting than
( ) 7. Tiffany studies as ________ as her elder sister.
          (A) diligent               (B) diligently             (C) being diligent      (D) so diligent
( ) 8. Many Chinese people think ________ to give others a clock as a gift.
          (A) rude                    (B) it rude                 (C) them rude            (D) is rude
( ) 9. The writer’s new novel is seen ________ the best book he was ever written.
          (A) from                    (B) to                         (C) as                         (D) of
( ) 10. I think Gina’s idea sounds ________. I won’t support it.
          (A) ridiculous            (B) ridiculously         (C) to be ridiculous   (D) being ridiculous

(A) ....referred to as Venice of the East.   (B) ...more convenient than using cash.
(C) ...taste delicious.      (D) ...as beautiful as a painting.   (E) ...it noisy to live near a market.
_____ 1. The beach at sunset is...
_____ 2. Most people think...
_____ 3. Using a credit card is...
_____ 4. In the past, Bangkok was...
_____ 5. The hamburgers in that restaurant...

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
  Driftwood is ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ priceless treasure by many artists.
  The pie ________________________ ________________________ a ________________________. Everyone loves it.
  Filling your plate up with a lot of food is ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ trying a small amount of everything first.
  The little girl is asked to behave as ________________________ as other kids.
  Facebook ________________________ ________________________ p________________________ for us to find friends that we haven’t seen for a long time.

