2015年2月4日 星期三

句型重點解析 UNIT 5.4

1. S + wish (+ that) + S +
were/V-ed/Aux + V....
had + Vpp....
說明1. 在此句型中,wish後的that子句表示「與事實相反」的假設語氣。
2. 表達「與現在事實相反」時,that子句中的動詞要用「過去式」,be動詞則用were;而表達「與過去事實相反」時,that子句中的動詞則要用「過去完成式」。
1. I always wished (that) he had just given me the money. (我總是希望他把錢給我就好。)
2. Nicole wishes (that) she were accepted by the big company. (Nicole真希望她能被那間大公司錄用。)
3. Michael wishes (that) he had followed his teacher’s advice three years ago.

2. S + should/shouldn’t + have Vpp....
說明:在此句型中,助動詞should/shouldn’t用於強調「應該做卻沒做/不應該做卻做了」的事,後接完成式(have Vpp)should亦可用ought to代替。
1. I realize I shouldn’t have been so hard on my parents. (我領悟到我不應該對我父母如此嚴苛。)
2. Helen feels that she should have spent more time with her children.(Helen覺得她當初應該多花點時間陪孩子。)
3. Alan regrets that he shouldn’t have cheated in the exam. (Alan後悔他當初不應該考試作弊。)

3. get/grow/become/turn + Adj
1. I would leave with disappointment, getting annoyed with him. (我會失望地離開,並對他感到惱怒。)
2. Space travel becomes possible because of advanced technology. (有了先進的科技,太空旅行變得可行。
3. My father’s hair turns gray as he grows older. (隨著年紀增長,我爸爸的頭髮變白了。)

4. with + N                     隨著……;由於……
1. With the approach of summer vacation, my parents announced it was time for me to start earning my own money.(隨著暑假來臨,我父母告知我應該是自己開始賺錢的時候了。)
2. With continuous practice, I am less nervous about my speech tomorrow.
3. With a bad cold, Claire has been in bed for two days. (由於嚴重的感冒,Claire已經在床上躺了兩天。)

5. far/much/a lot/even/a little (bit) + 比較級
說明:以上程度副詞可用來修飾形容詞或副詞的比較級,以區別比較的等級。farmucha lot表示「非常」;even表示「更加」;a little (bit)表示「稍微」。
1. I was even more shocked when I got the job!(當我得到這份工作時,我甚至更驚訝!)
2. The author’s new book is far more interesting than the last one.(這位作者的新書比上一本有趣得多。)
3. Martha is a little taller than her twin sister. (Martha比她的雙胞胎姊姊高一點。)
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1. Joe stopped playing football ________ his knee injuries ().
by                     (B) from                    (C) with                     (D) under
( ) 2. I shouldn’t ________ fun of Alice. She hasn’t talked to me since then.
(A) be making        (B) be made              (C) had made            (D) have made
( ) 3. Jessica felt ________ better after taking the medicine.
a few                (B) a little                  (C) less                      (D) more
( ) 4. Peter wishes he ________ harder when he was young.
had worked      (B) has worked         (C) worked                (D) works
( ) 5. After hearing the news, Betty became ________.
(A) anger
                (B) angry                   (C) angrily                 (D) more angrily
( ) 6. The little boy ________ excited when he opened the present.
(A) showed
            (B) had                      (C) took                     (D) got
( ) 7. Sometimes I wish that I ________ a bird.
am                    (B) was                      (C) were                    (D) had been
( ) 8. It will take us far ________ time if we go there by plane.
(A) l
ess                   (B) little                     (C) more less             (D) more little
( ) 9. Carol thinks that she should ________ more about her son so that he wouldn’t have committed suicide.
care                  (B) be cared              (C) have cared           (D) have been cared
( ) 10. ________ Keith’s help, David found his missing cat.
(A) In                   (B) Like                     (C) At                        (D) With

II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。
( ) ____________ 1. Bruce wished that he has taken the opportunity to study abroad.
                                                           (A)   (B)  (C)                 (D)
( ) ____________ 2. After practicing for several months, Ron could swim much fast than he used to.
                         (A)                                  (B)  (C)         (D)
( ) ____________ 3. I’m terribly sorry. I shouldn’t be forgotten to go to your birthday party.
                       (A)                (B)   (C)   (D)
( ) ____________ 4. Jason got bore with the movie, so he left.
                       (A) (B)  (C)              (D)
( ) ____________ 5. By the coming of winter, many people began to wear sweaters and heavy jackets.
                  (A)     (B)           (C)               (D)

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 我妹妹減肥之後變得很漂亮。
My sister b________________ ________________ after she has lost lots of weight.
2. 均衡的飲食比昂貴的藥物對你更加有幫助。
A balanced diet can be e________________ ________________ helpful for you than expensive medicine.
3. 由於朋友們的鼓勵,Debbie對自己更有信心。
________________ her friends’ encouragement, Debbie has more confidence in herself.
4. 我的鑽石戒指不見了。我真希望當初有把它放在保險箱裡。
My diamond ring is gone. I wish I ________________ ________________ it in the safe.

5. 你不應該像那樣對你媽媽大呼小叫。去向她道歉。
You ______________ ______________ ______________ at your mother like that. Go and apologize to her.

