2015年2月14日 星期六

句型重點解析 UNIT 6.6

1. If + S + were/V1-ed/Aux + V1..., S + would/could/should/might + V2....
說明[1] 此為表示「與現在事實相反」的假設語氣句型。
[2] if所引導的條件子句中,動詞為一般動詞時,要使用過去簡單式;若為be動詞時,無論人稱主詞為何,都使用were。主要子句則用過去式助動詞後再接原形動詞。
1. If Miyazaki’s characters were just the same as the ones in most typical Hollywood animated movies, his movies would not be considered one of a kind.
2. If I had a son, I would teach him how to play baseball. (如果我有兒子的話,我會教他打棒球。)
3. If you could finish your work on time, we might be able to eat out.

2. If + S + had (not) Vpp..., S + would/could/should/might (not) + have Vpp....
說明[1] 此為表示「與過去事實相反」的假設語氣句型。
[2] if所引導的條件子句中,動詞用過去完成式,主要子句則需要用過去式助動詞後再接完成式。
1. If it had not been for his unusual childhood circumstances, Miyazaki might never have gone into the animation industry. (要不是他不平凡的童年境遇,宮崎駿也許就不會從事動畫產業了。)
2. If Marco had answered the last question faster, he could have won the prize.
3. If Larry had kept his promises, he might not have broken up with his girlfriend.

3. when it comes to + N/V-ing       談到……
說明[1] 此為表示「談到……」之意,於新段落中用來提及、討論某特定主題。
[2] 此片語的to為介系詞,後須接名詞或是動名詞。
1. When it comes to the elements found in Miyazaki’s movies, most of people probably don’t know that many of these elements can actually be traced back to his childhood.
2. When it comes to painting, Lisa is the best artist I have ever known.
3. When it comes to playing online games, the little boy is very happy.

4. either A or B      不是A就是B                    neither A nor B      既非A也非B
說明[1] 此為對等連接詞的用法,either A or B 表示「不是A就是B」;而neither A nor B 表示「既非A也非B」,帶有否定意思,不需要加否定詞。
[2] 這兩個句型中的AB必須詞性相同。 either A or B neither A nor B 放在句子主詞的位置並為直述句時,後面動詞單複數須與B一致。
1. The characters in Miyazaki’s animated movies are usually neither completely good nor completely wicked, which is very true to life.
2. Your EasyCard is lying either on the desk or on the sofa. (你的悠遊卡不是放在書桌上就是在沙發上。)
3. Global warming is a problem that is neither easy to understand nor easy to solve in a short time.
4. Neither my parents nor my sister is at home now. (我父母和我妹妹現在都不在家裡。)

5. as well as
說明[1] 此為對等連接詞的用法,用來表示「……也」之意。as well as前後的連接的詞性須一致。
[2] 意思近於not only A but also B,也可以用副詞片語as well來改寫。
1. As a story progresses, villains reveal their violence and evil as well as certain positive traits. (隨著故事發展,反派角色不僅顯露出他們的暴力與邪惡,而且也表現出某些正面的特徵。)
2. We got lost in the mountains as well as ran out of gasoline.
We got lost in the mountains and ran out of gasoline as well. (我們不只在山上迷路而且汽油也沒了。)
3. These handmade soaps are natural as well as eco-friendly. (這些手工肥皂不只天然而且對環境無害。)
These handmade soaps are not only natural but also eco-friendly.
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
(  ) 1.
If Judy ________ a dog, she ________ not be so lonely.

(A) had kept; might
(C) didn’t keep; may
(B) kept; may
(D) kept; might
(  ) 2.
If the boy ________ lost in the forest, he ________ attacked by the wolves.

(A) had got; might be
(C) had got; might have been
(B) got; might have been
(D) got; might be
(  ) 3.
Mark becomes very nervous when it comes to ________ in class.

(A) speak
(B) speaking
(C) speaks
(D) spoke
(  ) 4.
I had ________ a credit card ________ cash with me, so I couldn’t pay for this.

(A) either; or
(B) neither; or
(C) neither; nor
(D) either; nor
(  ) 5.
If we had the key, we ________ the box.

(A) open
(B) could open
(C) can open
(D) can have opened
(  ) 6.
If Lydia ________ so busy yesterday, we ________ on a picnic together.

(A) had not been; could have gone
(C) was; could have gone
(B) had not been; could go
(D) were; could have gone
(  ) 7.
________ tennis players, Rafael Nadal is my favorite one in the world.

(A) If it came to
(C) When it came to
(B) When it comes to
(D) If it comes to
(  ) 8.
When you visit the farm, you can ________ as well as ________.

(A) feed the goats; milking the cows
(C) fed the goats; milking the cows
(B) feed the goats; milk the cows
(D) fed the goats; milked the cows
(  ) 9.
________ Dan ________ you have a chance to win first prize in this contest.

(A) Either; and
(B) Neither; but
(C) Either; or
(D) Neither; or
(  ) 10.
Mr. King is my teacher ________ my good friend.

(A) as well
(B) either or
(C) neither nor
(D) as well as

II. 配合題:從下列中選出最適當的答案,以完成句子。
(A) ...as well as write.                             (B) ...she would not chat with him.
(C) ...Skype is one of the most popular software in the world.
(D) ...the 2010 version might never have been recorded.  (E) ...she is happy with her life.
_____1. Although Sandy is neither pretty nor smart, ...
_____2. To our surprise, the three-year-old girl can read...
_____3. If Wendy disliked the guy, ...
_____4. When it comes to online communication, ...
_____5. If Michael Jackson hadn’t written the song “We Are the World,”...

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 假如我的父母當時沒有持續地鼓勵我,我就無法克服這麼多的困難。
If my parents had ________________________ ________________________ encouraging me, I ________________________ ________________________ have overcome so many difficulties.
2. 在談到表達(express)自己的想法時,臺灣人比日本人更自由。
_____________________ _____________________ ______________________ ______________________ ________________________ themselves, the Taiwanese are much freer than the Japanese.
3. 假如地球上沒有水,沒有生物能夠存活下去。
________________________ there ________________________ no water on Earth, no living things ________________________ survive.
4. 騎腳踏車是一種交通方式也是一種運動。
Riding a bicycle is a means of transportation ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ exercise.
5. 你可以利用手機或是電子郵件傳遞訊息。

You can send the text message _____________________ by cell phone _____________________ by e-mail.

