2015年2月6日 星期五

句型重點解析 UNIT 5.6

1. S + V + 疑問詞 + S (+Aux) + V....
說明:此句型為間接問句,其中以疑問詞引導之名詞子句(S (+Aux) + V...)在整個句子當中做為動詞或介系詞之受詞。特別注意名詞子句應以直述句語序陳述,不需倒裝。
1. A statement of purpose (SOP) is a short essay about yourself that explains why you want to study a subject at a college or university. (讀書計畫(SOP)是一篇關於你自己的短文,其中解釋你為何想要就讀某大學系所的原因。)
2. Peter is too young to know what he really wants to do in the future.
3. Cindy is always careless about her study. She even doesn’t know when the entrance exam would be held.

2. Subordinating Conjunctions: after, before, when, while, because, since, although, if, etc.
說明:這些詞統稱為從屬連接詞(subordinating conjunctions),用來引導副詞子句,若副詞子句置於句首時記得加上逗號與主要子句分開。
1. Since an SOP is required in applications to many colleges and universities, it’s better to prepare one early on. (由於許多大專院校都要求在申請入學時須附上讀書計畫,所以最好儘早準備。)
2. The goods had already been sold out when I arrived at the department store.
3. Although it is raining outside, Henry still goes jogging as usual.

It’s better to + V….
It’s better +if + S + V….
說明:此句型用來提供建議,better後可接不定詞(to V)或由if引導的子句。若想要加強語氣,則可把better改為best
1. Since an SOP is required in applications to many colleges and universities, it’s better to prepare one early on.
Since an SOP is required in applications to many colleges and universities, it’sbetter if you prepare one early on.   (由於許多大專院校都要求在申請入學時須附上讀書計畫,所以最好儘早準備。)
2. A typhoon is coming. It’s better to stay home.
A typhoon is coming. It’s better if we stay home.   (颱風快來了。最好待在家裡。)
3. Mom is coming back. It’s best to clean up your messy room.
Mom is coming back. It’s best if you clean up your messy room.

4. allow sb to V
說明:此句型表「使某人得以做某事」或「允許某人做某事」,受詞「人」之後接不定詞(to V)當受詞補語,表示「可以做的事情或動作」。
1. I believe your program will allow me to develop my skills and help me prepare for both further study and my future career.
2. My father doesn’t allow me to go to nightclubs. He considers those places to be dangerous.
3. No one is allowed to eat or drink in the MRT station.

5. not only...but (also)...                 不僅……而且……
說明1. not only...but (also)...是一個對等連接詞片語,前後所連接的單字、片語、子句等的詞性及時態都必須相同。
2. 此片語前後連接不同主詞時,動詞隨著最接近者變化。
3. not only置於句首時,會形成倒裝句型“Not only + Aux/be + S + V..., but + S + (also) +V....”
1. My project had to do with helping my school set up a recycling program that not only was environmentally friendly, but also raised money for the school’s sports teams. (我的企劃和協助學校設立回收計畫有關,這項計畫不僅有助環保,而且還能幫助學校的運動校隊募款。)
2. Not only I but also Lisa is going to attend your wedding next Saturday.
3. Not only does the house provide a fine view, but its price is also low.
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1. Our teacher doesn’t allow us ________ cell phones in class.
use                    (B) to use                  (C) used                    (D) using
( ) 2. After reading the map, Joseph finally figured out ________.
(A) where was Taipei 101 located
           (B) where Taipei 101 located was
(C) where was located Taipei 101            (D) where Taipei 101 was located
( ) 3. Ben was sleepy all day long ________ he stayed up late yesterday.
so                     (B) if                         (C) because               (D) whether
( ) 4. The movie is not only exciting ________ touching (感人的).
but                    (B) or                         (C) and                      (D) so
( ) 5. It is becoming cloudy. It’s better ________ indoors.
staying             (B) to stay                 (C) stayed                 (D) had stayed
( ) 6. The lost child cannot remember ________.
(A) where does she live
                            (B) where lives she
(C) where she lives
                                  (D) she lives where
( ) 7. Being a student, May is not allowed ________ a boyfriend.
to have             (B) have                    (C) has                       (D) that has
( ) 8. Not only you but also I ________ going to the party tonight.
are                    (B) were                    (C) is                         (D) am
( ) 9. The meeting will be held next morning. It’s better ________ the report before you leave this evening.
if finish            (B) if you finish        (C) finish                   (D) that finish
( ) 10. ________ Mary fell asleep during the test ________ she got an awful grade.
(A) Because; so    (B) Because; ×          (C) Because; of         (D) Because; ,

II. 判讀題:依各題句意選出適當的從屬連接詞。
A. because
B. when
C. although
D. before
E. if
( ) 1. Harry always finishes his breakfast ________________ he goes to school.
( ) 2. Linda won first prize in the competition ________________ she had worked very hard.
( ) 3. Leo is not happy ________________ he is handsome and rich.
( ) 4. You can learn English well ________________ you practice it everyday.
( ) 5. I was taking a bath ________________ you called me last night.

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 一次只允許十個人過這座木橋。
Only ten people ________________ ________________ ________________ cross the wooden bridge at a time.
2. 這個城市幾年內就要消失了。最好盡快去拜訪這個地方。
The city is going to disappear in a few years. It’s ________________ ________________ ________________ the place as soon as possible.
3. Tanya不僅是個歌手,還是個作曲家。
________________ ________________ ________________ Tanya a singer, but she is also a composer.
4. 我不知道午餐該吃什麼。
I don’t know ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ for lunch.

5. 身為大一新生,Frank不知道圖書館在哪裡。
As a freshman in the university, Frank doesn’t know ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________.

